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"for the night is dark and full of terrors,
but the fire burns them all away."

fire (n.) \ FaƏ.Ər\ — the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light,
and various reaction products.
"ASHES denote that fire was;
Respect the grayest pile"

"you shall be witch queen one day, little sunflower."

it echoed within the small confinements of the witchling's young, innocent mind over and over again — queen, oh how beautiful it sounded. she watched with hopeful eyes as her mother combed through her sister's blonde hair, watched as she told her eldest of the future she would seek after. 
"not a wing leader, not a matron — a queen. sooyeon vlatka, first witch queen in history."

anais vlatka, a fire-blessed vlatkan wing leader and mother to two beautiful witchlings, loved both of her two daughters as much as she did her coven and her nation. every day she'd sit them down and comb their hair, telling them of great legends that she believed they'd both live to rewrite with even greater tales. she'd just about finished combing her beaming daughter's hair before she turned her attention to her youngest, eyes wide and anticipating her next words. with a chuckle, she sent sooyeon off and called soojung over.

"and you, dearest firefly,"

the wing leader held her witchling's hair in her hands and carded through the gossamer threads with iron fingertips. sooyeon's hair was a dulled blonde, but her sister's, soojungs, was red: rare, lucky, and blessed. her daughter hummed and urged her mother on; anais couldn't help but laugh — the youngest has always been the inquisitive one, the chaos and smarts to her sister's flashing ambition.

"you will be a conqueress; one far greater and more powerful than laenin herself. soojung vlatka, beloved conqueress. i'd love to see you rule beside your sister someday."

conqueress. somehow, soojung liked that far better than any other title — better than wing leader, matron, or queen. she wanted them all, that is true, but she'd never wanted to become anything more than she did a conqueress. the word rang through her and made her shiver, that same energy bringing about a wide smile to the girl's face as she looked back at her mother.

"For the departed creature’s sake
That hovered there awhile."

the warm smile of the witch slowly blurred out, almost distant, as if it were a memory fading away. 

she blinked – once, twice, thrice – but the more she did so, the more clouded her vision became. soojung had no clue of how it happened, but next thing she knew she was on her mother's wyvern, faedoria, with her sister and her mother behind her tiny self. their warmth was a comfort to her shivering body in the harsh, raging winds. she could hear them cackling, and even she did so as sooyeon pointed to the blood-dotted lake.

"how about that, mother? will i rule that too?"

sooyeon vlatka's thin, pitchy voice was blessed with just as much light and enthusiasm as the sun that shone above them. the witchling was barely 10 years of age, but the wildfire that rushed through her veins rivalled those of with decades of experience.

"of course, darling one. you and your sister will rule and conquer both of the witch nations, sooyeon. you will be queen and she will be conqueress. i promise."

soojung looked behind her and watched as her sister's grin grew and grew — the satisfied, anticipating grin of a witch queen-to-be. sooyeon noticed her gaze and trained her own upon the younger's ebony orbs, leaning in casually against the pulsating winds to whisper to her sister.

"we'll rule together, firefly. don't fail me, don't fail your sister."

"Fire exists the first in light,
And then consolidates,—

the blonde pulled back but it wasn't exactly her face at all that stared upon soojung now – it's as if the very same veil that was placed between her and her mother now held them apart, too.

with a shrill scream the scene changed; and suddenly, she was facing her sister sooyeon again. but this sooyeon was different – older, angrier, not at all the sooyeon she'd come to love.

"you !"

the blone lunged at her, honey and amber flames adorning either hand. soojung couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't—

"you said we would rule together! you said i was your queen!"

the bright flames nipped at her exposed torso and traveled up to shoot at her chest — , she was utterly . she couldn't do anything against the iron table she was bounded to. she'd tried screaming, tried begging for help, but no sound seemed to come out of her; instead, she was met with only an eerie drowned noise whenever she opened .

"i hate you! i ing hate you! you ruined everything!"

she couldn't stop the tears that streamed through her face, though they only became steam as they met with her sister's fire. goddess, she was burning

the flames vanished into nothingness with only red marks in it's wake, extinguished within a heartbeat as was the ringing in her ears. blood replaced where fire had been — a great pooling of blood by her thighs, but the blood wasnt her's.

soojung opened her eyes to see her sister standing in front of her, a look of shock having overcome her as the crimson patch in her shirt grew larger and larger. the matron had managed to stab her, or at least what remained of the witch leader from sooyeon's prior dealings with her.

her sister looked back at her, and there was no love lingering beneath those eyes.

she would never forget her sister's face as she utters her final words.

"you're a failure, soojung vlatka."

"Only the chemist can disclose
Into what carbonates."

soojung woke up in a sudden jolt, two hands around and gasping for air. a dream, it'd all been just a terrible dream.

but still, she couldn't help but lift up her shirt and run her hands through the skin underneath. a reminder, it seems, of the people she'd failed.

"not a failure, not a failure, not a failure..."

she let the words repeat again and again — a prayer, almost. as if she was begging the mother creator of it to be true. 

she's a matron now. she cannot be weak, she cannot be a failure.

anais vlatka had promised her two daughters they would rule; one a queen, one a conqueress.

but now, soojung had to be both. a queen and a conqueress for her land and for her people, for the witches whose lives depend on her.

soojung vlatka cannot be a failure. she will not be a failure, and nothing will ever be able to tear her down.

"i am not a failure. i am a matron, and i will lead. i am a conqueress, and i will conquer."

past teasers: one. two. three. four. five.


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bd24cd8d46d59cc04f4b 4 years ago
9483309dbb01ea91e2f9 4 years ago
me: can i cry
also me: proceeds to cry anyway
erigom 4 years ago
that photo of krys is iconic
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