what is rpr to you?


i'm not a fan of grammar

there are a lot of reasons as to why people like being here and i've been asked: "what do i like about rpr and what is my point being here?"

rpr is a website i use for inspiration to become a better writer, i write for a living and i've become very successful

i have found my writing style here and i've been able to be flexible with it, but this site is also used as an escape for me too

but not every escape is good, this site has become a haven for a lot of toxic users.

just yesterday, that little poetic rant "i am what i am" but i think someone has more growing up to do.

yes, there are people who are good here but in general, we see the bad

i know some people think this account is handing blame to people and pointing fingers, but god knows who because these are not all my experiences as i said in my last post

i only justify the feelings of people who are going through a dramatic phase right now

i know a few people who take rpr as a site to take control over people because they can't in the real world

i know a few people who like to come here for good friendships and to have fun

do i like anything in particular about this site?

yes, you can find yourself here and you meet so many people from all over going through different struggles and this is a release for them

so, what is rpr to you?





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Nyx_Dragneel 4 years ago
It was my safe place. I dont know really anymore.
cancel 4 years ago
criticizing others? that’s fine. but if you truly want to see a plausible change in certain people, talk to them directly. being angry at people just hurts you more than it hurts others.

ofc you can argue that i’m ‘trying to correct you too’ but I get that you want this to be a ranting blog, but it really just spews a lot of negativity that doesn’t cause your target to change.
cancel 4 years ago
honestly man, it only starts becoming negative when you focus on the negative and when you join places with people you don’t like. I stopped joining places with people I feel uncomfortable interacting with. life’s been great after i’ve decided to narrow it down on the friends I trust.

but hey, it’s also not your job to correct others. there’s people who are young as 13 (maybe even younger) on this site and creating . why not focus on the good for the better?
attitude 4 years ago
a place to make friends and be the wild me I can't be irl, I've changed a lot thanks and sometimes not so thankfully to rpr but overall I like this place and the friends I've made.
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