trying something different


i'm not a fan of grammar

note: these stories are not mine, i give the people who submitted these stories or opinions a voice they want to project themselves in.

i'm not a fan of your blog at all i think many of the opinions you post are in a negative light even though they're not your opinions i think your blogs attracts mostly negative stories and opinions of this site as a whole because people can make themselves anonymous. the whole "i wouldn't date someone from this site because everyone on here is mentally challenged" was disgusting and you did not have to post about that also the racism of the person who did not get why black characters are treated differently just made a mess. not only are you just putting a target on someone's back but you are making people look for the person responsible in the stories and your process of submission is a joke. who wants to go back and forth about a problem someone wants to simply get off their chest??? this whole blog you run is a complete joke and that's why you never get any comments


so, if anyone read the very first blog post of this blog, yes, it was very negative and ballsy. but that's how the person wanted their experience or problem to sound like. the only thing i am in charge of when it comes to this blog is posting, deciding which story will get posted or not, and taking in account the person's feelings who submitted their story. i do not like my blog sometimes, i am aware i get sent many negative stories that do not make this site and the people here look good, but is that my job? no, not at all, that is for the users on here to do. i am not in control of making sure someone gets their punishment for something they did a year or two ago, people grow from the things they do, and if their victim does not feel the same way, me posting what happened in anonymous form as a reminder of what that person did does nothing. i have made this blog a no judgement zone for everyone to come to, and because of that, i get more negative stories than positive ones. i have made sure the usernames of these people have not been revealed in the blog posts, but in the pm's, the person has the choice to reveal a name to me and to give me permission to tell others who ask who was the person who submitted the story. have i revealed a name with permission in the privacy of my pm's? yes, i have. the only target that is put on someone is the ghost in the corner of your room, they have no name unless they are given one, and if you decide to seek them out, that is entirely on you. i have recieved a comment like this one, much less crass, and overall just trying to be a smart to get the last word, saying this blog is like on calling out people. these stories are submitted with the thought  of 'hey, this has been bothering me, is there any way i can get it off my chest and go?' or 'i have an opinion or a response not many would agree with, i can leave it there and go.' even though they are negative, no one is being called out with intentions of doing so unless they decide to make themselves known they were the ones in the said story. i have to admit, the process of submission is a joke, no one wants me to know their usernames. i always say their trust can be stuck with me but who can truly believe that? so, i made a padlet for anyone who is uncomfortable with their usernames being shown to me, i won't be able to comment on them but the padlet will be a holding place for stories and opinions to be posted on my blog. 


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yuckie 4 years ago
ryumri 26 minutes ago Reply Replies
i can't say this blog of yours isn't helping anything...but at the same time the stuff you post does bring light to the crap everyone kind of ignores. i don't mind reading about the crazy situations everyone goes through on here, good or bad, but i think the idea of asking for a name is questionable. we all do it when we're sharing the tea with another person close to us .but cross out the idea of asking for a name, that's a no no.

also the stories you chose to put in your blog :/
i don't mind the idea of getting a situation off your chest but if that's the case become more of an advice blog instead
ryumri 4 years ago
i can't say this blog of yours isn't helping anything...but at the same time the stuff you post does bring light to the crap everyone kind of ignores. i don't mind reading about the crazy situations everyone goes through on here, good or bad, but i think the idea of asking for a name is questionable. we all do it when we're sharing the tea with another person close to us .but cross out the idea of asking for a name, that's a no no.
sparklygayassglitter 4 years ago
I really don't see a point in why you're doing this.
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