is anyone else having this issue?


I'm in two roleplays. 

And  in one of them, the chat is not working for me. It shows this

Here now (0)   Connecting...

and everytime I post something, it refreshes the page.

So I can only do one post as an Alt, then it refreshes and it goes back to my main chara. 

It's like I've disable the Live chat option (because I need to refresh the page every time I do a post, to see everyone's posts)

The thing is, in the other chat, of the other roleplay. This does not happen??? it shows how many people are connected and live chat works fine.

so?? idk if there's an issue with the rp? with my charas? or maybe just a glitch? it's been like this for a week I think? or a few days...


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astraltia 4 years ago
It's the name.
I accidentally broke my own chat yesterday in Celestial by having my name way too long plus dashes and it took me a bit to work out why cause the live was fine in another roleplay.
If you haven't already, get the name changed and application reaccepted for the name to actually stick.
hobiebrown 4 years ago
It did that to me when my name was too long, so maybe it's that?
healys 4 years ago
Do your characters names have any fancy characters on them? I once had the same issue awhile back and had no clue what was causing it until I eventually figured out that it was the o' in my chara's name. Once I removed that, the live chat worked perfectly fine again!
chrysalism 4 years ago
it happened to me too a few times. it did in callisto and after some time started working. in another rp, it never worked again and in another one, I got rid of my main and it worked again
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