

general trigger warning

experienced a few deaths and my sister just came out to my mom but it ended poorly

sorry i don't know when i'll be back or rping properly because it's difficult to think

not putting on friends only because i don't want to mislead any of my rping partners i'm not friends with


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espiaI 3 years ago
i love you bb. if you ever need anything, even just a little distraction or a vent i'm here for you
i hope you can take some time off to relax and get things more realigned again ;;
and take as much time as you need, you and your sister/family are most important
fd51d7c7263f9a01e95b 3 years ago
i'm so sorry to hear that, love : (
i hope your sister is doing okay as well ;; coming out is honestly so terrifying so i hope things get resolved and forgiven
please take all the time that you need and remember to take care of yourself even when it's hard
-baekby 3 years ago
my condolences, babe. take all the time you need and remember you have a group of people here who love and care for you! <3
narcotic 3 years ago
i love you always bb
please take your time and i hope things work out for you
my condolences to you and the families :<
Crixus 3 years ago
If you ever need to talk I’m here for you!
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