I have a genuine question


For all my Asian only rps. When y'all say Asian only, do you just mean Korea,Japan, And China? Maybe south east Asia ? So it's cool to pick and chose which countries are Asian? Das cool I guess ( tf wrong with y'all) or do y'all ACTUALLY mean ALL Asian countries? No shade towards anyone just a genuine question that needs a answer 


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rennuelaw 3 years ago
Honestly, i highkey always hated that rule
JiwoosGxnshot 3 years ago
Every Asian. Whatever countries are part of Asia is welcome in my rps.
ef705c338d8be6580c3a 3 years ago
I only have one RP and it's all nationalities but if I have an only Asian rule, this includes anybody from an Asian country as well as those who are ethnically Asian.
hologram 3 years ago
don't a lot of them say that but really only mean ones involved in kpop
Crazy_Ex_girlfriend 3 years ago
I used to be in an rp you had to and I quote "look asian" for the fc to get in ouo
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