how in tf is this a thing professors actually DO?


so i have three midterms right. three different courses. one is a ridiculous amount of simulations plus 100 multiple choice questions, and the site that my college uses for this particular online class had some issues (as in 90% of the class had multiple sims that showed as not having been done AT ALL even though we did them multiple times) so the professor gave an extension. until 11:59 pm on october 28th. like okay thats nice right? well on top of having to do all of those sims again three times each we also have 30+ sims to do by november 1st. from one midterm full of extra stressors to having to do 30+ sims AND all of the other courses class work too. like???? this professor in particular has been so horrendous all semester. she has zero empathy for us. zero. i have three midterms done and then right back into class work with no chance to say the least im taking a few hours tonight to unwind. i need tf out of it lmao 


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kumiho 3 years ago
That sounds very unfair. I feel like that's definitely something you could raise as a concern with someone higher in the chain (head of the department at least). If it was a technical difficulty that was affecting most students there should be someone who can see that the work gets mitigated, or that times get extended a more reasonable amount on all assignments affected (including the upcoming ones).

Just make sure to take care of yourself, hon.
ohwoahlotto 3 years ago
Can you file for grievance? Like if everyone else is going through the same thing uou could raise it up to the vice dean or the dean
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