midterms T T


so im now in the midst of midterm season. i was studying for the past week or so while i was ill but now im doing the actual exams and they are.....so bad, so much worse than i thought they would be. so i will be dropping a few characters and putting my upcoming roleplays on hold just until i finish the exams! ive also decided to go through my friends list and do a little cleaning because i noticed a lot of people had deactivated their accounts T T 

that being said my replies for the next week or two depending, should be on the slower side.


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jared19 3 years ago
Good luck! You got this uwu
0145774f5788b1bbba69 3 years ago
Goodluck with exams baby Tyt and i always say focus on you first ლ(^o^ლ)( ˘ ³˘)♥
megaverse 3 years ago
e w
t e s t s
i give you all the prayers and luck bby but you got this i know you do ♥
KingNavi 3 years ago
Good Luck! You can do it!
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