Breaking slowly... ;_;


So when my friend first told me about roleplay republic i thought that it was a little silly acting as idols. But then when she finally talked me into getting one my perception changed and i was really into it. Plus the people were nice to me and they were really easy to talk to.

But now things have changed... DRASTICALLY. Now theres so much drama going on that it's making my head hurt so much! I'm even too scared to go on sometimes because of the drama that awaits me. And well... i guess everything changes when you're in so deep. I've been so down these few days and my heart, OH MY PRECIOUS HEART! It feels so heavy...

Like, am i supposed to feel this way? Because as you rp as a character you kinda form a special bond, and you have this connection where whatever happens to that character it affects you as well yah know? And it can get kinda heavy at times, especially breakups... oh le breakups... tsk tsk

But anyway writing this is really helping me let out my emotions. At first i was just thinking of deletin my account in total but then i realized that I've made so many friends on here and i wouldn't leave them for the world. So im here to stay, but i might need a few more hiatuses to get my stuff together.

If you read this thank you for letting me use up your time ^^



P.S. hugs wouldnt hurt :3



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jaehyvnz 10 years ago
I felt the same wayy before. *hugs you* Don't ya dare to leave meh *pouts* or else mehh gonna hunt ya down and kidnap you back
LuQiTrashHeap 10 years ago
I know what you mean!!!
I've felt the same way before
Sometimes you just gotta leave some of those characters
MajoraTwilight 10 years ago
Aw please don't leave :( The best thing for you probably is to ignore anyone who is causing drama. Those people, just go on sites like this to stir up trouble probably and not caring how anyone else might feel about their drama -__-

I'm sure things will get better for you ^^ Just try and be positive alright?
-silHOEette 10 years ago
/hugs you almost a little violently/
; n ; who is causing troubles for you?
let me at em.
and don't you leave me.
because i will hung you down
and keep you in my pocket
; . ; and my pocket probably isn't very comfortable orz
-dulcet 10 years ago
/virtual tight hug/
Baby don't go~~~~
Promise you'll never leave me? ;~;
621bc82b6c58cbea24eb 10 years ago
the best thing to do is stop talking to the people who cause the drama. i was in the same situation in an rp, and a friend of my character's friend me, so the friend did as well. i was dreading coming on and seeing them reply to me, so i finally stopped replying to them and things finally got better. that's all you have to do, no matter how hard it may hurt to do that. if you do that, things will get better, i promise
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