Hiatus for idk how long...

Status [M]

So as you've read from the title I'll be on a hiatus....

um... well today was kinda an iffy day 

i've been experiencing excrucuating stomach pains

and ive been puking alot and ive just been feeling ty over all

i did some research and found out that i was showing all the symptoms

for a stomach ulcer... 


so this morning i woke up to a really bad head ache and i ended up puking blood

so then i was rushed to the hospital where the doctors ran tests and told me that i

did infact have a stomach ulcer....


so i wont be able to rp for awhile because of this and i hope that y'all will wait until i return..


well.. thanks for taking time to read this :/


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Seoppiebutt 9 years ago
Oh Bae take cae ara?

jaehyvnz 9 years ago
Get well soon bae. Take care and don't worry about rp as for the moment.
byunkyungie 9 years ago
I hope you get better baby. I miss you so much already <3 Just know that you'll get better and things will be okay. *hugs you tight* Feel better, okay?
-silHOEette 9 years ago
i really hope that you get better soon, love <3
-dulcet 9 years ago
holy- I will definitely pray for your recovery. This seems like something serious so I'll be sure to put your characters on hiatus as well. Get well soon dearie <3
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