Upcoming Shiz..

Tags stuff 

Mmkay, just to let everyone know, I may not be on much, mianhe ;;

But, the reason why is because school starts for me soon and depending if i go to this alternative school or not, i may not be able to rp while at school and its gonna be a while before i can get back home and get online

+ i have karate lessons coming up next month so im gonna be busy in the afternoon which means that with all this shiz coming up, replies are gonna be damn slow ><

i know i know, sorry about all this but, hey, some of you know how it feels like to not be able to get online much to rp.. 

So yeah, just an fyi for you all orz


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farrasharra 10 years ago
it's okay, just don't overwork your body... we still loves you no matter what
gareki 10 years ago
Is okay bae <3 I'll wait~
jaehyvnz 10 years ago
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