I Actually Miss You

...In that dutifully suspended moment when light fractures across the blinds, spilling leaflets emboldened in splendor over cutlery carved cheeks.
...When dawn's tawny fingers cross the skies to interlace the moon's gossamer veils in pardon. A chase that spares little else than Fate's sadistic amusement.
...When the sheets tangle at the furl of my toes and time suspends itself in pause amid this tapered silence in hopes for but a single smear of gossip.
Because you've conquered everything.
Or rather, all the things that matter enough to make up my proverbial "everything".
You exist in the backdrop of my lids, splattered as paint to a kaleidoscopic mural til the phosphenes bleed out of hues.
Every stolen breath by you--- returned--- bated and tainted in chilled apologies. Things that can't afford to matter.
And when these subtle arts emerge, the stage opens up to unveil a playback of memories this toiling brain could do without.
Silly, little things--- listless and idle in hopes of the callbacks.
But the curtains swept to a closing embrace so long ago, the spotlight barely filtering through resolve's jagged crevices.
And if I could hold you, see you, tell you one last time just how beautiful you are...
How much you mean to me... How essential to my being you honestly are, could you imagine the mad dash I'd make for that chance?
Because I would do it, for you. If it meant bringing you back...
I'd do it.



For you, I would...

But then the mirror would break.



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glitterassgaysparkly 7 years ago
why the havent i seen this before wtf omfg
odaxelagniac 7 years ago
when I'm lazy to read the artistic piece ;;;;;;
don't feel so lonely.
Pieceofpoop 7 years ago
omg i wanna write a poem too
Everme29 7 years ago
I'm looking at that famous advert of Oprah crying and it basically sims up the feels from reading your gorgeous post.
SeHYUNG 7 years ago
Oh my lord
psychologist 7 years ago
pauses hiatus bc
Its-Bibi- 7 years ago
Your poetic literature is again what I call beautiful art, whom ever it is that this is directed to you should say, as if it were I or I think even someone else would be happy to receive such a beautiful work of art that comes so deeply from your mind~
epsilon 7 years ago
back at it again with beautiful writing I see
kagaki 7 years ago
Your words shattered my soul. How dare you get me in my feelings ;;
lucky4432 7 years ago
you should tell them omg--;;
ugh my head hurts
verdict 7 years ago
how sweet
you should tell them directly
how much you're missing them
bawling 7 years ago
Daaaaamn, back at it with the poetic soul
actual-trash 7 years ago
do your damn homework wyd
3ed9e3ac246d384a3289 7 years ago
3ed9e3ac246d384a3289 7 years ago
"But the curtains swept to a closing embrace so long ago, the barely filtering through resolve's jagged crevices.
And if I could hold you, see you, tell you one last time just how beautiful you are...
How much you mean to me... How essential to my being you honestly are, could you imagine the mad dash I'd make for that chance?
Because I would do it, for you. If it meant bringing you back...
I'd do it."

who told you you can make me start sobbing at 11 PM
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