little things i'm noticing about detailed rpers


before you read: if you got a "new friend blog post" alert thing earlier but saw no blog yeah that was me ;;; my mouse spazzed and i accidentally clicked save post. anyway, i'm honestly not bashing people, and i'm not trying to exclude myself from some of this stuff, i'm just pointing out some of the things i've noticed with detailed rpers i've met and seen in rps.


OO1. most people prefer to use 1st perspective (no not the "writing style" i mean the actual first pov) when writing their script replies, but some use 2nd point of view (the "he your elbow" style) or they stick to actual 3rd point of view.

example: "i your elbow just for the hell of it" in place of something like "he the other's elbow just for the hell of it"

OO2. coral lips/tiers.

OO3. word choice is apparently a thing, but people like to chose words that aren't typically used in everyday conversation.

example: "my transient gaze falls upon your perky and spherical buttocks" in place of something like "i stare at your round for a few seconds"

why do we do this though? is there some reason we like to fancify our posts? is it just a preference? do some of us feel obligated to do this because our partner does this?

also, i noticed that as much as people like to say it doesn't, the quantity of fancy words and sentences seems to matter more over the actual content, meaning people will make their posts as long as possible with like 500 words you probably need to look up just to say their character did like two things.

example: instead of saying "she trailed sweet kisses down his chest and lead them to the right to gently drag her tongue round his hardened " one might say "her roseate tiers travel the expanse of his chest to deliver saccharine busses, gradually leading them over to the right to slip out her wet pink muscle and slide it around the stiffened bud attached to his chest"

some might argue that doing this is what detailed rping is, but i kinda beg to differ. i can make an equally long post with less of these "descritptive words" and more actions actually put into the post, so why do we feel the need to do this? i'm genuinely asking. don't attack me. ;;;

OO4. roseate tiers.

OO5. a lot of us like to angst. are we all sad inviduals or is this just bc angst tickles our pickles?

OO6. chocolate orbs.

OO7. we typically care for proper punctuation and capitalization, which is nice. 

OO8. multipara and novella rpers are surprisingly hard to come by. i guess that's people are busy but like, where y'all go???

OO9. some of us like to do one big paragraph of text instead of breaking that up.

example: /big block of text with actions and go here bc characters are doing / dialogue here /more actions woo! throw a party because we got more words here/

instead of

/action here
dialogue here
/action here

am i the only one a bit bothered by this? not because i prefer the second version, but because my eyes need the separation. like they will go all wonky and give me a hard time while trying to read what you have to say.

O1O. a lot of us think we when we actually don't, and we're all pretty decent at this rp thing we got goin on here. we also tend to play down our skills.

O11. a lot of us like to plot, even when we have nothing in particualr in mind.

O12. most of us take our time with replies, but there are a handful of us who spit out replies in like 0.00005 seconds, which i honestly admire.

O13. we're almost always busy or on hiatus or something.

O14. we always know what we want to do with our characters, or have something in mind for how we want to play them, and then we spend forever on a profile. there are some of us who put up a profile in 0.00000002 seconds too so kudos to them, but i mostly see people struggling to put together a profile bc of layouts or some .

. . .

since i can't think of anything else, i guess i'll end here, but these are just a few things i've picked up on. if you have more, go on and add them to the comments section.


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indolence 7 years ago
this is only a curious question, what does tier mean and why is it used as substitute for lips/mouth. doesn't tier mean "level" or something. i've started using it too but i'm always wondering why.
retiredpupper 7 years ago
this is lit me tbh except the fancy words because when i rp it's something like-
me, simple: /smiles/
me, detailed: /smiles softly/

ok i'll exist now :")
SeHYUNG 7 years ago
Honestly- the amount of work I put into my replies depend on how stressed out I am ooc
stupidpetpeeves 7 years ago
this site is so funny now lol y'all complain about lack of detailed rpers, lack of aus, lack of actual rpers to rp with and theennnnnnnn when we get it there's always blogs nitpicking at every single thing they wanted in the first place RIP there's no winning here.
now watch in five days people will be posting "where are all the detailed rpers at????" lMAO
bangchoy 7 years ago
spudgerss 7 years ago
reads this blog and sweats a lil because i've been guilty of all of these aaaaaaaaa
j-jongin 7 years ago
lmAo are you high??? xDDD
peachjam 7 years ago
This makes me laugh so much cause it's so true
tourmaline 7 years ago
i ing hate tiers and orbs

but i do love flowery language. not to the point that i overpopulate the post with them without saying anything in particular, but i feel like the right choice of adjectives can help with the atmosphere.

also, people who write in chunks without clear indication of what's speech and what's not, when they can just use quotation marks, since they write enough that they're essentially doing 3rd.
hotarue 7 years ago
And what's the point of this blog? In the end, its personal preference and you don't have to interact with those people, if your tastes regarding writing styles don't match — as simple as that.
angelcode 7 years ago
angelcode 7 years ago
ttxm 10 minutes ago Reply Replies
i'm glad i'm not the only one that gets extremely tired of the overused and unnecessary flowery language otl
HoneyMocha 7 years ago
huimang 7 years ago
It'a funny because I know where the roseate tiers came from, haha.
ef0fa259fc3b64c6eee4 7 years ago
example: "my transient gaze falls upon your perky and spherical buttocks" in place of something like "i stare at your round for a few seconds"

i 'm laughing
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