
이챤 프로필

Name: 이챤 

Age: 18 years old

Strengths: healing a person and treating a person's injuries

Weaknesses: fighting and a boy's touch

Belonging to the Sabire Pack, Lee Chan is an eighteen-year-old boy raised up by his two loving parents to become kind and pure hearted amongst anyone else. One day, however his parents disappeared, leaving him to the pack at a very young age. Since his parents' mysterious disappearances, Lee Chan never truly fit in with the humans even though he's been wanting to live normally as one. Seeing that he's different from the others, Lee Chan's human friends have been treating him differently as well, shunning him and leaving him alone. Now, the boy has realized that Sabire Pack is the world where he can truly belong as well as can only fit in in his new school, Azrael Prep. Even though he remains the same, whatever lies within the new academy will definitely change his life forever.

Favorite color: grey

Favorite food: steak

Dislike color: red

Dislike food: N/A

Occupation: student at Azarael Prep, member of the Sabire Pack, alpha

Parents: N/A

Upcoming Important Dates: 

Rut- Chan has never had his first rut until tonight, April 1st