Personal Message

Full name : byun baekhyun

Age : 19

Pack : sabine pack

Brief personality : kind, caring, loving, can be really honest at times, sassy at times, bright and happy

Rank : Alpha 

Background : baekhyun was born into a not rich but not poor family that loved him a lot and had always looked after him since he was the runt of the family you could say. He loved to play around bit would always repected everyone, when he started to go to school he was just normal, he had a handful of friends but no one hated him eather.

When he had found our his rank was an alpha everyone in his family was shocked since he was small and short but they had to admit that even he though he was small he was still manly sometimes. Baekhyun still loved to talk to everyone and was always kind to but when he gets angry he becomes really dangerous.