Personal Message
JISOO - My favorite chicken-buddy, Joon <3 In this loveliest and happiest of seasons, may you find many reasons to celebrate this holiday in blessing and full of laughter. Merry Christmas !

JENNIE - Aye doodoojoonjoon-- Thank you for taking care of baby Dongwoon all the time and love you <3 Have a blessed day and Merry Christmas, bby!

LISA - Hey ! We need to talk more because I think you're pretty cool/kicked. Sending you lots of love from Lisa and I hoped you enjoyed your day and merry Christmas bby!

[SH] Protacio Arcadio Pablito Rogelio Yoon21 seconds ago Reply 

Woon: gets a gf

Seob: oh wow cool great i knew you were straight, finally, gdi
Jun: /24/7 squints at her because is somehow protective junma/
Joon: ok so /throws long list of do's and don'ts/ live, woon. LIVE
Kwang: /walks toward the couple legit looking like a girl but wearing sneakers lmao/ uHM EXCUSE ME?

[H] Jisung the Koala 2 minutes ago Reply

grandpa dooj is my new favorite person now, heh. c':

Namshin, The Ethereal Perfection [A] 28 seconds ago Reply

ily joon hyung

[ⓢⓐⓛⓞⓞⓑⓘⓝ] above

Perfection in Specs™ [A] 2 minutes agoReply
g ives doo hyung a sheet of blank paper

Perfection in Specs™ [A] 1 minute agoReply
Bcs I don't need a reason to love u
w inks + fingergun 

Pmsl p ukes


Stuff to always rmr

Lastly to mi doo<3, i love you. You make my heart goes up and down. You keep running in my head and you always make me fall for you again. I hate chu. Okno. Thank you for loving this mad, violent woman that intimidates ppl. After many zones you put me, i'm finally in your heart zone. Haha okay let's stay together forever. ❤


Jimin (AOA) Jun 7, 2017 13:31:39 Reply History 

You're still handsome with that dp. <3

Jimin (AOA) 20 hours ago Reply Room →

@[SH] Katinko pls don't be sad :)

<3 <3 <3 give you more hearts to keep in the jar


Uhm, this is where you tell stuff abt your life rite. I have no life. Okno.
Welp whatever. Anyway. Name, y'all know- Yoon doojoon, dooj, joon, yoondoo, joondoo, dudu or anything you want to call me lmao. Okay so old man, yeah. Born on the fourth of in july. :"^D So much people celebrating the birth of the great Doojoon. Age? 27. But looks in old somewhat 30-ish lmao. Very handsome though, yes yes.

Go down more because I'm awesome-

Job- A ing CEO. Yep. 1/5 CEO of Around Us tho I do probably 1% of the work ohohoho. Other than that, the great me is the leader of Beast Highlight along with 4 other idiots I somehow love! Yes yes, that. Cube can rot in hell w/out the great us jkno okno. Also, an actor. Yeah an actor. And that's about all it. All the things you should know about the great Yoondoo. :^)) 

Suspendisse congue tempor convallis. Praesent at tellus lectus. Vestibulum maximus, tortor id faucibus pharetra, urna felis consequat ex, ac suscipit risus mauris nec mi. Nulla nulla sem, commodo at sodales eu, luctus malesuada metus. Vestibulum pellentesque justo nec euismod feugiat. Etiam vehicula sodales dictum. Praesent sagittis pretium urna sit amet hendrerit. Nam at libero at libero accumsan tincidunt.

Quisque ultrices sollicitudin auctor. Donec sit amet dolor posuere, pretium sem imperdiet, sodales dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut iaculis lectus. Duis aliquet sodales tincidunt. Vestibulum molestie, libero nec lobortis rhoncus, elit elit accumsan ipsum, ut volutpat tortor ante ac felis. Donec efficitur arcu ut nisi cursus volutpat.
I have multiple. Okno.

But uh you can say weird, that's the first. And also nice but can also be a little mean idk how but lol I am sometimes. Only to people I'm very close with tho. If I burn you, it means I'm comfortable with you to the point that I can joke with your talking foot that really needs some foot powder and put in a shoe roperly, or your very very distorted that can breathe with your microscopic height. :^D Oooh and also, I forgot what to really say but ohoho whatever.

Nulla facilisi. Morbi dictum augue enim, at sollicitudin mauris sodales vitae. Proin eu tellus quis felis fringilla efficitur a nec odio. Suspendisse placerat ex at turpis aliquet varius. Aenean lacinia augue ac purus placerat pharetra. Proin commodo risus eu magna cursus, eget feugiat nulla rutrum.

Maecenas ac sollicitudin eros, eu vulputate arcu. Quisque sit amet tortor eget risus tempus rhoncus. Nam rutrum, dolor ac imperdiet varius, metus dolor cursus nisi, a bibendum eros libero sed mi. In ultrices diam massa, ut condimentum mi commodo eget.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut bibendum neque ex, pellentesque dictum elit porttitor eget. Curabitur nec leo pharetra, vehicula ligula nec, bibendum dui. Duis quis porttitor diam, eget feugiat orci. Aliquam sed venenatis nunc, eu varius purus. Duis lacinia, ex in pellentesque suscipit, enim ante fringilla justo, eget hendrerit lorem libero id eros.
PLOT NAME – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra mi vitae nisi sagittis, sit amet fermentum nunc aliquet. Vestibulum posuere, velit a iaculis maximus, lacus nibh tristique lectus, vel interdum purus turpis eget lacus.


PLOT NAME – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra mi vitae nisi sagittis, sit amet fermentum nunc aliquet. Vestibulum posuere, velit a iaculis maximus, lacus nibh tristique lectus, vel interdum purus turpis eget lacus.


PLOT NAME – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam pharetra mi vitae nisi sagittis, sit amet fermentum nunc aliquet. Vestibulum posuere, velit a iaculis maximus, lacus nibh tristique lectus, vel interdum purus turpis eget lacus.

that goes to no. 1  because that poop rarely even says 'love' i cri
002. Jimin (AOA) 1 minute ago Reply
There'll be lots of human under the fridge soon 003. Vestibulum posuere, velit a iaculis maximus, lacus nibh tristique lectus, vel interdum purus turpis eget lacus.
004. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
005. Sed pellentesque mauris lacus. Vivamus quis posuere libero.
006.Nulla eu bibendum purus, eu semper sapien. Vivamus ac vehicula mauris.

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Name - Room - Replied / Not replied
Name - Room - Replied / Not replied
Name - Room - Replied / Not replied
Name - Room - Replied / Not replied
Name - Room - Replied / Not replied