trivial information.
full name: lalisa manoban.
date of birth: 032797.
zodiac: aries.
occupation: indie filmmaker.
orientation: demirom.
r/s status: single.
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out of character
•.*★ before you approach me

important。 Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. I am open to brainstorming, but please do not come to me completely empty-handed. Reading my profile is important.

•.*★ writing and plotting style

writing style。 3rd pov only. My length ranges from a single paragraph to a whole novella, depending on how high my muse is for the thread. I do get carried away often times, but it doesn't have to be mirrored.

plotting style。 I prefer plotting over winging, even if it's just a small backbone of what we're supposed to be doing. This is why you should read my profile first and come to me with an idea in mind. I often do the same.

Starters are based on who seems to make the most sense to start. If it makes more sense for my character to start, then I will write the starter, and vice versa.

•.*★ activity and reply speed

important。 I rarely ever poke people, and do not like being poked. 10 days. Please only poke me after 10 days. I usually know who I'm writing with, and if I haven't replied to you yet, that means either of the two things: a. I don't have enough muse for it yet, and; b. I'm busy. Often times, it's a mixture of both. Please don't use my replying to other threads faster than yours against me. It's a simple matter of which of the threads I have more muse with.

I'm usually fast with my replies, sometimes with regardless of the length. But again, it depends on the muse. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in the chat infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this.

•.*★ location preferences。 I definitely prefer the rooms to keep the rp active! If it's not possible to get a room for it, then walls we go! My PMs are only for OOC business. Please don't post on my walls unless I allow you to.