Personal Message





basic information
full name : lan sehun
date of birth : 01.04.12
❛ height: 196 cm
❛ year : third year
❛ subject :medical field
❛ pack : gusu lan
❛ bloodline : pureblood
❛ position / abo : top / alpha
❛ rank : leader
love interest : n/a
tracer 95
gusu lan pack

sehun is the first son of leader - lan qiren. he is the oldest in the family, naturally taking the role of the second in command, trained to be the next leader. he posseses aero-telekinesis ( an ability which allows you to control the matter using air/wind) and bubble aura  (a supportive ability which allows to create a bubble around the cultivator to protect from attacks). as the next leader , he do possess the signature blue eyes as a wolf and snow white fur. instead of wearing the blue ribbon around his head, he wears it as a bracelet - around his wrist. he looks a lot like his alpha father, even inheriting the same smile. he and his father had always had the best relationship, because sehun, unlike yibo, didn't allow his emotions to take over and listened to both sides of the story. he knows how to play a piano and in his free time, he and his brother are participating in the street moto race.

10k notes
warning : sensitive content 
long time ago, a beautiful omega was born in the land of gusu. the folktales told that when the omega stepped on the ground, whole land bloomed with blue peonies. his name was lan hui. he was born a pureblood, noble omega - his beauty and kindess spread through the land, reaching the deepest of corners. he could make flowers bloom, birds chirp. the elders of gusu saw his potential and decided to make him mate with the future leader of the pack - to assure the creation of strong alpha heirs. they wanted to use the rare power he had - the breath of life- to spread it to the next generations. lan hui could bring dead back to life with a simple breath of his.  lan qiren was the heir of the pack. he was the strongest growing alpha among the peers. he had fallen in love with the beautiful omega, yet he could never show his true feelings. as they were forced to mate, lan hui fell into severe depression. the more depressed he was, the more his core got black.  but the elders never stopped, their greed for the sacred power blinded them. they were forced to made, qiren was forced to force  his spiritual energy  on someone he loved. he never wanted that, his action should have showed nothing more, but love, yet in the end he had hurt someone he loved the most. this is how lan sehun was made - a fruit of force and hatered. two years had passed hui learned to adore the first born and his mate. tho, the two years of self descturction made his core crack and blacken. he could no longer use his powers. as the core was maintained the stable way using the happy thoughts and memories, hui's slowly died since he had nothing happy in his life. sehun was rejected by his omega father ever since he was made. he grew up with his father with whom he had the closest relationship. his omega grandfather always said that he was his father's son, inheriting not only his looks, but also his abilities.  when he was only two years old, his brother came into his life. by then, sehun's life was already a mess. the elders refused to accept the fact that their heir might be an omega and blamed his omega father for that, causing even severe depression. he did not leak pheromones until he was a teen. he took a parental role for his younger brother, he felt responsible for it. he worked hard to prove himself in the eyes of the pack, eventually earning respect and admiration. ever since childhood he and yibo were inseparatible, he always told the stories about their omega father, leaving out important information, like the truth about his death. even now, he is responsible for his little brother, putting on a mask of jockster, to hide the deep scar his childhood had left.
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full name : none 
date : n/a
12k notes
lan sehun.