Personal Message






jiang jaewon 
 twenty one 
student - martial arts 
the strong one 

 jaewon was strong, humble and brave. from his early years as a cub, he demonstrated irreplaceable characteristics, skill and talent. jaewon was like no other and just that made his parents prouder than ever. "a true alpha," is what they described him as and he held those words very close to his heart. his spirit was as kind as gold, a true warrior spirit. helping in every way that he could, no matter what the how small or how big the deed was. he always wanted to put a smile on someone else's face and help the less fortunate. his skill was immaculate, especially his martial arts no matter how strong or how tough his opponent may be he always managed to defeat his foes. ever since he was a cub, he was keen and a determined individual excelling in everything he set his mind into and from that alone he managed to grasp not only one but two elements. water manipulation and blood manipulation. he wasn't exactly proud to be able to bend blood but it served its purpose when it came to defeating enemies.