
Han Jisung was born into a highly toxic family. His family mocked him for his looks. His family mocked him for anything honestly. Kids in the nieghborhood took cues from the adults then those kids went to school and taught those kids. Soon everyone but teachers were treating him like dirt. As he got older Han found omegas flocked to him as an easy target to help with their heats. That was what drive him to becoming a FinDom in the first place. He had never planned to be a FinDom. However there never seemed to be any other use of any skills he had. Jisung learned so many things growing up to appease his toxic family. Programming. Traditional art. Digital art. Sewing. Nothing mattered them save for when he "dated" someone.

Han focused on his only worthy talent then. . He learned everything about the things he was into even trying new things to make sure that he was able to please other people. His family seems to enjoy when they catch him with a client however Han has a strict no contact policy with his family due to them trying to pimp him out to take the profits whenever they learn about his job. It hurts him to be cut off but in more ways it helps him grow as a person. That growth makes up for the hurt in so many ways



Yes  ::  Hair pulling. Bitting. Scratching. Impact play. Breath play. Degradation. Humilation. Cuckhold. Pet Play.

Maybe  ::  TBA

No  ::  TBA 



My friend? [ rating g ]

Han believes he's useless due to his family. You however set out to prove him wrong. He however is stubborn. Somehow a friendship is formed.

+ open, fluff, friendship.

y work [ rating m ]

You're a client of Han. You come to him to either dominate him or have him dominate you. He takes your money and agrees to whatever you want to do.

+ open, .



01 I have a toddler so please tag me or poke me all the time.

02 I accept all plots even dangerous ones.

03 I have very little triggers so go ham on him.

04 In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

05 Integer a metus non neque cursus molestie. Pellentesque eu felis nec justo consectetur egestas vel maximus sapien. Praesent pellentesque risus sed faucibus lobortis.

06 Nunc suscipit lacinia fringilla. Nullam urna ipsum, rutrum vitae pretium et, interdum faucibus eros.

07 Etiam dignissim nec purus suscipit vehicula.


out of character


basic trivia

date of birth

14 sept 2000

age 22










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