Personal Message

david gandy

David was a charismatic man and of aristocratic lineage, although he never liked mentioning it to anyone. He would often reside in his own flat instead of their ancestral estate, finding the place a little bit suffocating for him, especially since his mother had so many expectations for him that he consistently never met. In short, he was a failure in his father's eyes and was hesitant in passing him their small earldom to the 43 year-old. One of the biggest hesitations was because of David's insatiable appetite for love, life and lust.

You could never count on him to be in a stable relationship and he had never been in one as well. His smooth-talking charm and good looks were too advantageous to him as he went along bedding every woman that interested him enough. His attention and interest ran short and everyone in town practically knows he had different women almost every other fortnight. But all of it came crashing when he met her. The love of his life. The one woman who tied him down.

She was beautiful, a goddess if you will. And she had given him a love he had never knew he could feel for someone and be given the same love and affection. She was basically everything he ever wanted in a family- until she wasn't. Five years into the marriage, their passionate and sensual love fizzled out as his desire and libido began to take over. He found himself constantly seeking out new ual experiences that hios wife, who had always been more reserved, could not handle. She grew increasingly uncomfortable with his behavior and carnal desires that eventually, she could no longer take it.

David found himself alone, one day. An empty bed with his arm stretched out where his wife used to be. It was the first time David ever felt devastated, thinking that his love for his wife was enouugh to make up for his foolish desires and selfishly expected her to understand him. But he realized too late that he had been mistaken. He tried to get her back and begged. David did his best to be faithful and look past his lust, but the damage was already done. For the first time in his life, he felt abandoned and left alone, haunted by the memory of his mistaks and the loss of the love of his life.

Due to this dark clound hanging over him, he sorted himself with the wrong crowd until it eventually felt right until he found himself at his own little hellish paradise called one thousand and one nights.