Personal Message
chris kain do
son of bastet and ares
parents. bastet (cat goddess) and ares (god of war)
name. chris kain do
AGE. 18
birthdate. september 1st
birthplace. unknown
hometown. california
ethnicity. vietnamese
features. Piercings: tongue, lip (right side), eye brow (right) (doesn't wear it much). his cat is a snow leopard, so his ears and tail are white with black spots.
facial FEATURES. silver eyes (click here to see how they look like) , when in cat form he has heterochromia (different colored eyes) (this also applies to when just his tail and ears pop up) (click here to see how they look).
life's story
personality. under co.

background. under co.

likes. drawing, fish, climbing, doing magic, playing with his tail, hot places (he has anemia), etc.
dislikes. anything smelly, non fun things, loud noises, etc.
hobbies. drawing characters, listening to music, singing
habits. flicking his own ears, purring out of nowhere, showing his fangs, sleeping in weird places, meowing, doing random magic, drawing on himself.
powers. bakeneko/werecat physiology, pure ice manipulation, telekinesis (w/telekinetic weaponry), supernatural strength, inhanced combat, combat adaption, violence empowerment/ embodiedment, assault inducement, pleasure manipulation.
friends. none.
family. mother and father
lover's smile
love interest. fill in info here
backup love interest. fill in info here

personality. fill in info here
background. fill in info here

relationship. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urnael dolor sit amet placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Etiam venenatis justo ligula, sed mollis metus varius eu. Proin eget malesuada massa, ut rhoncus velit. Nunc vestibulum fermentum gravida. Mauris scelerisque, sapien at lacinia ultricies, odio diam tristique est, a ultricies felis sem vitae orci. Fusce sit amet tempor felis. Nunc rutrum nisi cursus libero pretium, sit amet euismod tortor iaculis.
little notes
suggestions. fill in info here
scene requests. fill in info here
password. fill in info here
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application layout coded by cerulean themes