
mood 012345 // eargasm Coup D'Etat // eyegasm That Smirk // craving Your lips // thoughts ➝ It's those odd eyes that stole my breath...

Yu Ba Rom

Yu Ba Rom

Alpha Halfer 22y-o 176cm type A

Real life exists for those without dreams [OOC]
GMT -8, California USA || 1st/3rd Writer
I don't ignore people. -.-
If I'm "online" but not replying, I probably forgot to log out on mobile

Plots are always welcomed, I feel like rp flows better that way, when we have a set goal in mind.

you never did ask me where I came from
Barom was given every opportunity to excel in life, from private lessons in music and dance, to an open access bank account.The son of a prominenet Alpha and a human woman, Barom was raised knowing about wolves, but never knowing what it meant to him, other than that he needed to be cautious after dark. It wasn't until his father was murdered by a hunter that the male got the "understanding" of what he was, in the form of his first transformation. His mother found him and calmed the boy, explaining that it would normally happen that way in times of duress. Although he now knew that he was something more unique than the average person, he never really found need to put it to use. Normalcy is what he craved most, so he put the notions of wolves away, and went back to life as usual - studies, parties, dating; the typical life of a college student. Now he is only career driven, focusing everything on his studies without much time for anything else. Becoming a teacher is demanding work, and Barom intends to rise to the occasion. 

do what you love, not what you like
Likes: Aegyo, , Selcas, Books. Attentive students that make my job easy. Movie day. Weekends. Beanies. Glasses. Attenion grabbing personalities. an Omega named Kibum. 
Dislikes: Other people playing with my toys, waking up, waking up in an empty bed, dress shoes. standing still, missing cartoons, feigned innocence, spicy food 

my eyes naturally follow the sway of your hips
Single/Shopping/You caught my eye//Kibum's//00.00.2015
Kibum, the man of my dreams - Literally. What can really be said about the life that you decided to give to me, or the heart that holds more beauty than you know? You awakened something in me that I never once thought existed. Thank you. I only hope I can repay the debt in kind someday, by being the man that you didn't know you needed. 

perhaps friendship does last a lifetime
name name name name name

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