Personal Message

I'll make it all pretty later >.<


Name: Tuan Mark

Parents/what they are:  Mother- Selene: goddess of the moon. Father:  Aeolus: god of air and winds

Abilities: Creating illusions or being able to whisper dreams to people sleep and causing those dreams. Power of the air/winds, He’s fast and agile, having no problem in battle when it comes to speed and smarts.

Age:  21

Weaknesses: He’s weapon knowledge isn’t that good but he’s learning. He’s strength is about average (for a son of two gods) Fire can be a issue for him.

Strengths: He has a large amount of energy and does well in battle with smarts and the ability to cause illusions during battle and keep going for long amounts of time and his agility and speed. Normal weapons have a problem getting through his wind.

Personality:  He’s chilled and usually relaxed, though when training he pushes himself to his limit which leads to him wanting to sleep or lay around at times. He doesn’t really get impressed easily though if he does he gets very obsessed with it. Rarely making friends despite being friendly he does have a habit of becoming very protective of those he does care for.  (More to come ><)

 now playing:  
EL DORADO- by exo
" STILL EDITING // make it interesting if you want my attention   
Name: Tuan Mark
Parents: Mother- Selene: goddess of the moon. Father: Aeolus: god of air and winds
Abilities: Creating illusions or being able to whisper dreams to people sleep and causing those dreams. Power of the air/winds, He’s fast and agile, having no problem in battle when it comes to speed and smarts.
Age: 22

Weaknesses: He’s weapon knowledge isn’t that good but he’s learning. He’s strength is about average (for a son of two gods) Fire can be a issue for him.
Strengths: He has a large amount of energy and does well in battle with smarts and the ability to cause illusions during battle and keep going for long amounts of time and his agility and speed. Normal weapons have a problem getting through his wind.
Personality: He’s chilled and usually relaxed, though when training he pushes himself to his limit which leads to him wanting to sleep or lay around at times. He doesn’t really get impressed easily though if he does he gets very obsessed with it. Rarely making friends despite being friendly he does have a habit of becoming very protective of those he does care for. (More to come ><)
friends & fams:
The ones who stuck by me through thin and thick, my precious friends ♥
plots & prompts:

Name | Male/female | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Name | Male/female | availability Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 
The one and only:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam in ex nec turpis venenatis euismod a nec ex. Aenean id scelerisque orci. Phasellus leo libero, viverra eu ante vitae, scelerisque sollicitudin justo. Sed dignissim justo non arcu vulputate imperdiet. Duis varius fermentum elit, id tincidunt urna molestie semper. Nunc velit ante, tincidunt nec velit ac, tincidunt sodales nibh. Mauris egestas eros leo, non scelerisque tortor viverra quis.