⤬ library.

kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi ene finee -takes the sticker off your hand, and puts a new one on your upper arm, patting ot down- there, better ouo
-jaw drops and shakes head- I really didn't!! -pouts- I don't read that kind of stuff... -pouts and mumbles- besides its not my style...
-blinks at you for a moment nefore bursting out laughing, forgetting we were in a library for a moment- wahh amazing, with all these books it looks like you're studying hard or something xD
-chuckles and picks up one of the randpm books, flipping thru it mindlessly- I like coming here too, but to sleep
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /blinks repeatedly. how do I manage to keep it stick when i wash my hand or smth eue
/frowns playfully;smirks. ohoh. just say you read it. /holds my laugh/ boys nowadays.~ /chuckles.
uhm. /looks at the scattered books at the table. I just read some magazines and i fell asleep. /shrugs/ well i dont actually reading tbh. lol this place is quiet and comfy thats why. cx
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi eue byuntae*
seems like it like to censor _____ eue
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -grins- I bookmarked you. Thats all~ don't remove it!! or else ene
-squints eyes at you- hmm, I see. Out all the books to be a pillow... -tosses it aside- I've never read it. Well, I read one page because a certain _____ in our dorm... >_> but that's not the kind of books I like. -rests my head on my hands and looks at you- so what books weren't you using as a pillow and actually reading? -blinks-
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /tilts head in confuse as you handed me a star sticker.
why with this? o.o; /still looking at the sticker in my hand and looks up when you notice the book/
mhm? like what? /pulls out the chair and sits down; peeks at the book/ I don't read that book. I just pulled it out because i think it's perfect to be my pillow. /shrugs and chuckles slightly.
why? you read that book?
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -only smiles in return- it shall remain a mystery -chuckles- good. -speaks in a singsong voice- Who knows if it ever might show up again~
-shakes your hand with a wide smile- Well, Bomi. now I'm not a weird stranger -pulls a srat sricker out of my pocket and places it on your hand- there ouo
-pulls away and sits down in front of you- now... about these books... -eyes widen when I see a book I didn't notice before- is this really.. -pulls it out from under the stack, the cover reads '50 shades of grey'- wow. I didn't know you were like this. eue
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /frowns. is that a compliment or eue; ohkay. I'll remember it forever. /sticks out tongue playfully and chuckles slightly.
well, Hi. I'm Bomi of Apink. /grins and pulls my hand out to welcomed your hand with a shake.
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -rests my head in my hands- I'm not mean~ there's just something about you that makes me wanna tease you. -grins- just remember that I have it c: -chuckles- oh! where are my manners. -sits up- I'm Do Kyungsoo of EXO -extends my hand across the table- and you are~?
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo what? y-yah you're so mean! /pouts and cross arms.
don't you dare. /looks away. weirdo stranger tch tch.
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -is startled- o_o oh
-coughs loudly- oh no, the pictures are gone forever. it would be a shame if I -holds up phone- took one of those on my phone -smiles and sticks phone back in my pocket- ouo don't worry I won't show anyone~ -grins-
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /suddenly looks up and grabs your camera/ caught you. u n u
/looks at my pics you took.
homygod it ruined my imeji. ; A ; /glares at you and deleted all of the pics.
u n u
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -lets out breath- close one u_u -is about to walk away but ends up looking back at you- hmm... -walks back over and waves a hand in front of you to check you're really sleeping, and then takes 5 more pics at different angles-
èué huehue
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /looks at you suspiciously; frowns; mutters something and go back to sleep/
e u e
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -hides camera behind my back- what?? I'm just walking around reading books of couse, no cameras here ouo; -backs away- go back to sleep~
bomi 9 years ago
@kyungsoo /hears a sound of your camera; jolts up and blinks/
y-yah! what are you doing? oAo
kyungsoo 9 years ago
@bomi -walks by and sees you asleep- o3o -picks up one of the books you were reading- what the... computer science for dummies... eue -takes a pic of your sleeping face for blackmail- ^^
bomi 9 years ago
/read some random books/ ouo
......../end up fallen asleep/
suji 9 years ago
@chanyeol /glances at you
um.... I guess
/grabs book off the floor
have you read this before?
chanyeol 9 years ago
@suji /walking down the aisles ; sees
you on the ground, shaking my head,
before helping you up. are you okay?
/tilts my head ; grinning.
suji 9 years ago
/walks down the aisle looking for books
hmm... this one seems interesting
/grabs the book and accidentally trips


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zaymnhoney 9 years ago
HyunSeung left. I'm sorry.
sunshines 9 years ago
bomi left.
fabulousica 9 years ago
jessica left.
kookternity 9 years ago
dahyun left.
thanks for having me ^-^/
iikuboharuna 9 years ago
i'm sorry but yugyeom is leaving
because my rl is just getting too
crazy to keep up. mian~
boraginaceae 9 years ago
Hojoon ish leaving...
LILGVCCI 9 years ago
Hyeri left.
joyxiou 9 years ago
Luhan left, sorry.
jeonha 9 years ago
g dragon left. sorry.
goldeninja 9 years ago
sehun left, sorry.
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