✧ the garden

Suho 7 years ago
@Joohyun He mentally slapped himself for being an embarrassment in front of the young lady. Sure suho was a clumsy man but this was plan out embarrassing. Clearing his throat he was about to speak up but she spoke up first, which caused him to give her a small hug in gratitude. " Thank you for the flowers ma'am I don't think they look pathetic. They are really rare to find this season which make them quite unique and beautiful ". Noticing her expression he quickly let her go sheepishly while looking away shyly. He really shouldn't of hugged her, but those were one of his favorite flowers so oh well he thought. Taking a small flower he decided to place it on her ear for her kindness in bringing him flowers.

Listening to her explain made him feel a bit bad for calling off, but he was glad that she came although he was wondering how she'd know where he would be. Giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder with a sheepish smile " I'm sorry for canceling today.. I was busy at the shop with customers today" He said rather sadly while rubbing his head which is stinging at the moment. From the looks of it she was just like himself who ramble things when they are nervous. " I'm suho nice meeting you joohyun and thanks for stopping by " Suho exclaimed while he took the bouquet in his hands. " would you like to sit down? or anything to drink? " He asked cautiously while looking for a vase to put the flowers in. Finding on on the table next to the cash register he gestured her to follow him, while placing the a couple of flowers in the vase which looked spectacular in he view.
Joohyun 7 years ago
@Suho Joohyun's wide eyes quickly found where her date was and nearly jumped in surprise as he hurt himself. With a deep breath, she her drying lips and urgently searched for the right thing to say. She eventually couldn't, and so she chose not to reply at all. Instead, Joohyun managed a small laugh as she came closer to where he was standing, and uneasily examined his facial features. He seemed kind enough... She caught onto him glancing behind her back and shyly brought out her fistful of flowers. "...I um. Picked these on the way here. They looked really pretty on the streets," She nervously pursed her lips then muttered, "but they look kind of pathetic now.." as she sneaked another look around the room.

"I was your blind date today..." she examined his reaction then continued. "Jiyoung, the one who planned it, texted me your shop address and so -well- here I am." Did she seem too desperate? "I uh. I didn't have anything to do and you know I was curious and -" she caught herself rambling pointlessly and abruptly caught herself. Her cheeks glowed in a heated red, and Joohyun contemplated just running out and never seeing him again. History had taught her repeatedly the consequences of talking when unnecessary, and it seemed as if she was being schooled yet again. "..My name's Joohyun. What about you?" a small sigh escaped her lips as she gathered herself and attempted to start over.
Suho 7 years ago
@Joohyun Suho felt terrible for not attending the blind date, due to personal reasons. Heck if it wasn't for his mother, suho would of gone on the blind date but forgot today was the day he would take care of the shop. Earlier on today his mother gave him a long lecture on not giving employees free days off for a month, which ended him in this situation of having the shop for a couple of months until his mother comes back from vacation with her book club members. Although this was his shop, his mother couldn't help but check up on Suho once in a while since he's quite the clumsy kid. Letting out a sigh he texted his friend who had his blind date's number, asking his bud to tell her there date is canceled. Slipping his phone to his pocket he began assisting costumers in the meantime while waiting for his friend to text him back. To his surprise a whole crowd came to his shop, asking for flowers which were in season, mentally cursing at everyone for giving him a hard time and more work than needed. He was out cold, today was blooming with business which wasn't how suho expected to spend his time today.. He spent the whole day at his flower shop attending to every need his costumer wants.

He had just turned to sign on the door closed to finish reorganizing the display on the window with the new flowers that came in yesterday, not forgetting to have a couple of minutes for a break. Suho sat down on the floor for a while until he started to fix the new display room with bright colorful flowers. Unaware of a person come into his shop, he concentrated on fixing the display, with a loud voice ringing into his ears. Suho accidentally hitting himself with the the sign, wincing in pain while holding his head. " y-yes ma'am? " He said while coming out of the display window to see the young lady in front of him. Golly she was a pretty as can be, while he was staring at her in awe suho couldn't help but notice a bouquet of flowers behind her back. " may I help you with something? "
Joohyun 7 years ago
@Suho Joohyun had already made it to the cafe when she received the text that said her blind date was cancelled. To be honest, she was a little more disappointed than she would've liked, but what could she do? There was still over half the coffee left in her mug, and so she decided to take her time. The blind date had taken up about three hours in her daily schedule, and so she had nothing to do until the evening. She was staring at her planner until her phone buzzed. "Hey, Joohyun. I'm sorry the person I set you up with cancelled, but if you want, I can still send you his address? To his workplace, I mean. It's a flower shop." Joohyun quickly copy and pasted the address into her 'maps' and smiled softly in relief. It was a short walk from here. Her multiple failed blind dates should've been enough to make her lose hope, but alas, Joohyun was a girl of naive hopes and couldn't help but convince herself that this might be her chance. Leaving her barely touched cup of coffee behind, she slung her bag over her shoulder as she pushed open the cafe doors and started her walk.

It had been about five minutes until the skip in her step died out and her once hurried walk slowed to a leisurely stroll as she took pictures of cute shops, and paused to pick flowers. Joohyun had partially forgotten about her main purpose for being here at all until her phone buzzed in her hand. 'Destination reached'. Oh. Squinting into the bright sunlight, she looked up at the large store sign before peering into the shop and taking a cautious step in. "Ahem." The extravagant bouquets on display made her hands retract as she hid her now pathetic looking street flowers behind her. "Hello?"


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hamartia 7 years ago
sehun left- good luck with the rp <3
actual-trash 7 years ago
sorry, lost my muse </3
venitempus 7 years ago
Baekhyun is leaving.I have some issues OOC and I am pretty busy. I am sorry. Good luck with the rp ;; <3
f2a523c964cf33a4cde4 7 years ago
so, as you proposed... reserve hyuk kwon for me, please? e u e
HoneyMocha 7 years ago
jungkook left
koreanshrimps 7 years ago
a & r jimin from bts, please. c: thank you!
ef0fa259fc3b64c6eee4 7 years ago
pls a&r min yoongi
kagaki 7 years ago
Can you reserve Airi from C-ute?
353535 7 years ago
add and reserve rv's bae joohyun please!
Linguini 7 years ago
what is the idea if this rp...
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