donghae/yusuke ic room


Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “I dont think that we do,” he said softly to him, seeming to smile at this. “But we can start getting a few to match with the kids. Though I am confident we can match with colors at least even if it won't be the exact same.” Picking up their princess, he laughed as he kissed her cheek and just gently rocked her. “She seems to be the more calm one of the two of them which is good. Though I hope she can be a bit fussy if it really bothers her.” Yusuke would honestly want to hear her fussing and crying then just being quiet. That would honestly just worry him quite a lot more. Going out to where Aito was, he laughed as he same him going through the clothes and being really serious about it. “You know this is from you right? I was never like this,” he said with a small grin to Donghae. “Once you find one you like you can find the one that matches your little sister and brother okay my angel,” he said with a loving smile to him.
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae nodded his head, and followed Yusuke's lead in cleaning up the aftermath of their breakfast. He checked on the twins who happily wriggled and made senseless little noises in their crib. They couldn't smile yet, still much too young, but sometimes he sensed they were happy to see him regardless. He smiled lovingly at them both before turning his attention to Aito who beamed up at his mama's suggestion. "Can you and daddy match too?" His toothy grin made it known he was extra excited at the thought, and Donghae laughed gently. "Hm, maybe we can. Let's go pick yours and the twins outfits first hm?" "okay!" Aito giggled, and headed off to his room. "Someone is very excited about matching." He mentioned to Yusuke with a chuckle, picking up their little boy when he began to get fussy in the crib. "Do we even have a couples outfit?"
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “How did we get such a nice boy who likes to share, that makes me so happy and we won't have to worry you know,” he said with a smile as he looked at Donghae. “It means he won't have trouble sharing with the twins either. Or with his friends, for the most part, I think.” At the thought of more food, he thought a bit before shaking his head a bit. “No, but I have an idea of what to use it for tomorrow so let's put it away, I want to make something I saw online that I think our little cub is going to enjoy very much.” Kissing his cheek, he got up to help clean up, grinning as they both set the dish wash before he stored it away from the batter properly. Once it was all set and down, he cleaned up Aito so he wouldn’t be sticky before getting him out of his booster chair. “Alright there we go baby, want to get ready to go out to go see the daycare? Do you want to match with your sister and brother? I think that would be fun, you could even help mama pick out their clothes, won't that be fun?”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae was happy to hear they had a few clients already, and he hoped the children would all get along for the most part. Human children would be the hardest to recruit, but he thought perhaps the parents noticing his presence would give them a nudge to enroll their children at the daycare. "Oh right, the fence. I think that's the last thing being built and then the rest is dressing up the place." Donghae glanced over at Aito who was trying to sneak pieces of his waffle to the twins, but was failing at being discreet. "They can't have solid food yet, little one." He said with a grin, and rearranged back on his seat. "But I want to share." He said with a pout. He ruffled his hair affectionately. "Not yet, it can hurt their tummy, but maybe once their older you can try to feed them yeah?" The man finished his servings, quite full from his two waffles and glanced over at Yusuke with a questioning look. "Did you want anymore? There's enough batter for maybe a couple of more."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae Yusuke was happy that Aito was so glad for his big boy chair which made him glad. He was worried that he would be upset not to be in his high chair. “He is but that just makes him all the more special.” Smiling happily at him, glad to see he was eating his food with no issues. “Oh yes I think that would be good, we already have a few reservations but I want to try to fill out the rest. I know right now we have two-three-year-olds, all different hybrids, and races. Plus a human boy about five who was adopted by hybrid parents so that is going to be good. I won't have to worry about that.” Which he was glad for though honestly he had hoped for a few more human children but knew that it would be a bit of a risky option for them. “I think we have everything set beside that, I can't think of anything else. You already got the cameras set up and everything and we have the ring doorbell as well. Oh, I wanted to check on the fence as well to make sure the ones in front and back are all set up properly.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke "I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted to be a chef, he got his mama's cooking as inspiration after all." He grinned at Yusuke. He let Aito help him measure out the ingredients, and luckily made a minimal mess of the flour. He seemed very proud of himself, and Donghae rewarded him with some chocolate chips to munch with the strawberries his mate cut up on while Donghae poured the patter into the waffler maker. His looked over at the twins briefly, seeing them pawing at each other and smiled warmly before looking back at the waffles. Once breakfast was done, Aito seemed eager to sit in his big boy chair. "I'll ask for help!" He obediently said with a grin, and climbed on with Yusuke's help. He chuckled softly, "Growing up so quickly." He pulled Yusuke's chair out for him and kissed his cheek before settling down to eat with the rest of his family. "When we go visit the daycare today, do you want to try and put up some more of flyers in the area? We still have some leftover. By time we're done with looking over the daycare, it'll be lunch so we can bring something to eat in the area."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “The fruits on top are going to be very good, with maybe some chocolate syrup on top with whip cream!” Smiling, he looked at the twins who were content and gurgling to each other before looking back and smiling as Aito seemed very determined to make to help make their breakfast. Letting the pair bond, he moved to set the table for them before going to watch from the side. “I think besides eating he really might just like help to make food as well…I wonder if that is what he is going to want to do in the future.” Ruffling his hair, he took the ready-made food and put it onto plates, and put them onto the table. He took out the fruit and began to chop it up, putting some extra on the side since he knew that Aito would like to nibble on some beside the pancakes. When the food was ready, he thanked their cub for helping him before helping to wash his hands and smiling as he moved him over towards a chair that had a booster seat. “You are getting to be a big boy right? That means you can sit in big boy chairs and not move and wait for me or appa to help you if you need anything right,” he asked, seeming him nod eagerly. “Good then you can sit here and sit at the table with us, would you like that?”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke It was exciting to know the opening of the daycare was only weeks away after being a dream of Yusuke's. It was coming together and Donghae was eager to the business to officially start running. "I'll schedule the internet and TV provider for the same day as the chairs then. I'll set up our office and home space while you take care of the supplies. The painters should nearly done as well, and then I can set up all the daycare furniture and toys. I think Aito will get a kick out of the chalkboard wall, too. He'll spend the day drawing while I build everything." He laughed gently. Aito was already trying to pull the milk out the fridge before Donghae caught up with him. "This is too heavy for you, mister. Do you want some to drink?" He asked, and the cub shook his head. "No, I want waffles please." Ah, he was pulling out ingredients to try and make his breakfast. Donghae smiled and set Ayumi down with her brother in the large bassinet they had nearby so they could still keep an eye on them while they did their chores. "Waffles it is. You can help me with measuring." He said with a grin and ruffled his hair, and turned to Yusuke. "And how would mama want their waffles? We have fresh fruits if we want me to cut some up to put on top."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae With both twins feed and burped, he can't help but smile as he got the sling and put them in before seeming to smile. “Yes, let's go feed my big hungry boy since he is growing.” Yusuke smiled softly at this, feeling excited. The twins were here which meant that the opening day of the daycare was that much closer. “In a few weeks…we are going to be open and ready to go! Oh, we still have to go stock up on food and snacks though but I want to leave that for the day before. Still have to go there later today and make a run-through to make sure everything is working and all. Then we have to make sure our home away from home upstairs is ready for us. I need to make sure we have everything we need for the twins stocked and that our offices upstairs are ready and set for us. I got a message in my email this morning that the delivery of our computers and the chairs and all will be delivered. So we should go and make sure to set that up as well then we have to have the internet and tv provider come by in the late afternoon to set it up and all you know.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae went to retrieve their eldest cub who was already attempting to brush his own hair, insisting he was a big boy and that he had to do it himself now. He greeted the cub with a typical good morning kiss and hug, and then headed back to Alma. He smiled at how Aito always visibly brightened when he saw his siblings, and gently pet them while they feed from Yusuke. The twins were already recognizing him, and mewled in response. Donghae moved to take their princess into his arms and grabbed a baby cloth to put over his shoulder. "Come on, you remember how to pat her right?" He asked as Aito scrambled onto the bed when Donghae gently laid her on her shoulder to rock while Aito patted her on the back. The cub really did like to help them, and it warmed his heart to see Aito so attentive. It only took a few minutes to burp Ayumi when Aito grinned, "Good job!" Donghae snickered softly before turning to Yusuke. "They both seem happy now with their tummies full. Breakfast time for us now." Aito beamed as he slid off the bed in his own clumsy way, waddling quickly to the kitchen. "Hungry! Hungry! Let's eat, please!"
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae With a soft smile, he looked down to their cubs, finding them to be just beyond cute. “I dont mind, just let me get to sitting down first,” he said as he moved to the rocking chair, before nodding to him. Once he had them both latched on and feeding, he gave a small sigh but grinned lightly at him. “I am fine, just go check on him and help him wash up then we can burp these two and figure out our breakfast,” he said lightly to him, smiling warmly at him. Seeing him go, he looked back to the twins before singing softly as he rocked lightly as they fed, knowing it couldn’t be helped. “I am just lucky I can switch between both and you guys aren't fussy,” he whispered as he kissed each of their foreheads. Seeing how they were content made him happy knowing that they were doing just fine with the both of them. When Donghae came back with Aito in tow, he cooed softly at him. “How is my big prince? Did you sleep, okay baby? Want to help appa burp your little sister,” he asked with a big grin.
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke "I think if we decorate the plate nice with vegetables, he might be more inclined to eat them. Like with the bentos when you do cute designs. He eats the cherry tomatoes and cucumbers with no problem. We'll have to be creative it seems. I don't blame him for liking your inventive treats so much though. I wish I could eat then everyday as well." He chuckled, sweeping his wet hair out of his face after rinsing it. "As long as the bentos are made, you won't get any problems from us trying to change our diet. Anything you cook is yummy anyway." They finished up their shower after that, drying and dressing themselves up just in time to hear their cubs waking their cribs with small cries. Donghae immediately scooped up Ayako while Yusuke held Ayumi, the girl immediately rooting around to latch onto his chest. "Do you want to try to feeding them while I go check on Aito? I think they want their mama instead of the bottle..." He said with a sympathetic smile, knowing his mate's chest was quite sore after feeding and would still have to pump later on. Ayako also wriggled in his grasp, making a fuss to get Yusuke.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “It's cause I have been putting random fruits in it or I put some hazelnut spread to make it taste like chocolate melts out when you bit into it,” he said with a soft laugh, knowing how much of a sweet tooth their little cub had. “Though lately, he isn't eating his vegetable, I think I might start trying to hide it into his food though I am not sure how,” he said honestly to him, seeming to sigh a bit. “I have to research and watch some videos to see if I can get any ideas for breakfast.” When his body was washed and rinsed, he took it from his mate, kissing his cheek before smiling as he began to wash his body as well, loving that he could take care of him like this. “I hope you dont mind that I start changing our diets a bit. I dont mind if we eat out or have treats but we have to start cutting back a bit, I dont want him to get cavities and have pain from that,” he said softly as he pouted him. “But dont worry I will still make all your bentos yummy!”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae hummed soflty behind the kisses, and his eyes slowly opened to regard Yusuke with a sleepy smile. "A shower sounds nice...something to wake us up fully." He stretched for a moment in bed before getting up to follow you to the bathroom. He briefly passed by the crib to glance over our cubs, heart melting when he sees how the twins always mange to latch onto each other's hands while they sleep. They're quite inseparable and he hoped they'll always look for each other, including Aito. The shower was already going when he stepped inside and he quickly shed his bottoms to join his mate under the warm spray of the water. He helped his mate shower first of course, foaming up loofah well and gently rubbing it over his skin. He knew he was still achy, so he made sure to rub his muscles with each pass of the loofah. "I have a feeling Aito will want something sweet for breakfast. Like waffles. He's been asking for then a lot recently. I think he got hooked with your special recipe." He chuckled softly, redirecting Yusuke to under water to rinse himself of the soap.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae After having the cubs back in their cribs, he climbed back into bed and drifted off to sleep rather quickly. When he woke the next morning, he couldn’t help but give a soft yawn and just smiled when he felt the nuzzle. “Have you been awake long,” he whispered to him. Turning slowly as he could, he grinned slightly as he reached up and caressed his cheek before pecking his lips a few times. “You still look tired but I bet I do as well,” he admitted with a small grin. Nuzzling against his neck, he lightly kissed his mate mark before he slowly sat up and stretched a bit. “Why dont we get up and take a quick shower before the twin's wake? Then we can take care of them before trying to figure out what we are going to make for breakfast. Not to mention it's pump day so I have to make a few more bottles which are about time, they are rather sensitive at the moment, it's why I dont wear a shirt that often at home.” Pulling back, he kissed his forehead before he slowly climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom.
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke The next time he awoke, Yusuke was happily rocking the twins against his chest in his rocking chair. He yawned heavily and shook his head to clear the sleep from his head, but being interrupted from deep sleep was always a bit jarring. He saw their little bodies huddled on Yusuke, and it made him smile sleepily. "As long as you're sure...if you can't get them to sleep, just wake me." He murmured before laying back down in bed. But he watched his mate gently talk to the cubs and comfort them back into sleep. It was a sweet sight, and he fell asleep to the image of them together. It was early morning when he woke up again, his internal clock telling him it was time to rise and start the day. It was quiet in the their room, but he knew the cubs would be awake any moment again for their morning feed. Yusuke was back in his arms, and they were spooning together. He nuzzled the back of his neck with a deep breath and simply savored the quietness between them.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “Thank you, love you.” Smiling he kissed his cheek just as he drifted off to sleep, feeling truly tired but also feeling happy. He stirred a bit when they cried awhile later, opening his eyes to see him feeding them before his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep. Though when more time had passed and they had gone, his sensitive nose scrunched up before he let out a small yawn and stretched as he got up slowly and smiled as he went over to them, cooing softly as his cubs. “It's okay, it's my turn to care for you little stinky angels,” he whispered as he sang softly while slowly changing them, smiling more as they seemed content. Feeling happy that he hadn’t worn a shirt, he picked up both twins and went to sit in the rocking chair they had in the room. Resting them on his chest, he felt content at the skin-to-skin contact while rocking them both back to sleep. Looking over, he wasn’t surprised to see Donghae up with his bed hair. “Shh, I have this, you should get back to sleep. You already feed them earlier anyways, besides they are changed now and I am just trying to get them back to sleep before I put them back into their cribs.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae paused from the sudden sentimental words, and his chest warmed as a result. He gave his mate a wide smile, and cuddle him close but was careful of not squeezing him too hard to not hurt him. Yusuke had given him so much in his life that he felt he would never be able to thank him enough, but he didn't mind spending his life spoiling the him and their children to show his appreciation. "That's okay. If it helps you heal and rest your body better, then you should it when you can. Carrying and birthing two pups was very hard on you after all, so take all the precautions you can." He rubbed his back gently with a sleep smile, "Try to get some rest. I'll take care of the twins when they wake up tonight, so don't worry about getting up." Sleep came to them fast now that they were taking care of two newborns and a sprouting toddler. At this point, Donghae stirred at any sound the pups made and he was half-asleep out of bed when they started to make their little fussy noises. He knew it was time for feeding, and luckily they had bottled some of Yusuke's milk so there was no need to get him up. Donghae wanted his mate to rest as much as he could, even if he woke up from their cries. He fed them both and watched as they happily gurgled with full bellies. He would have to get up again to change them in a few hours, but that was the life of a parent.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 1
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae Just feeling his mate kiss all over him, he couldn’t help but breathe out before seeming to just feel happy and content with everything. At the question, he just turned a bit and smiled softly at him. “I just want to cuddle with my mate, the person who gave me and Aito and better life…the person who wonderfully accepted everything that we came with.” Thinking about it, he laughed softly before smiling as he seemed to tear up. “Just so you know I think I might spend my nap times in my shifter form,” he said gently to him. “It hurts less for me and it's easier to move around without having my body hurt so much. It doesn't hurt as bad as it did before but for when I can rest between their nap times and bottle feeding, I will be like that. Though I will only do that when you are here at the home of course. I dont feel comfortable shifting when you are gone.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae flinched at the sudden flick but laughed as he rubbed the tip of his nose with his palm, "What do you mean why? Teasing you is the highlight of my day. Don't tell me you don't like it~" He sang underneath all the kisses, while he cuddled Yusuke close until their legs were tangled. He enjoyed this kind of playful banter with his mate, it showcased how compatible they were with one another. He felt Yusuke's hands over his chest, and he smirked at him knowing he liked playing the game just as much as him. "But I can't let you fall asleep until I've gone through the nightly routine of kissing every inch of you. Did you forget?" He winked, and planted only gentle kisses starting on his cheeks and forehead but left his lips bare. There was nothing overly ual about it, but merely filled with fondness and love. I become more playful when I nip at your ear, lips lingering on the sensitive spot just underneath your lobe before making my way down your neck. The kisses a soft tickle against your skin, reaching your collarbones where I become more bold and let my tongue peek out just a touch to wet the skin with each peck. Hands caressing your hips in leisure touches, just enjoying your presence. "Hm, should I kiss your tummy next or too ticklish?" He asked with a soft chuckle.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “I dont think taking on more is good…you might get burnt out and that is the last thing I want for you,” he said with a soft worried pout to him. He wouldn’t mind if he did but he remembered what it was like feeling drained and trying to work while taking care of a child. Now they had twins and Aito with his powers so things were a lot more different than before. At the question of the bedtime story, he gave him a look and playfully flicked his forehead before seeming to smile gently at him. “You really are so playful arent you huh? Why must you tease me huh?” Flicking him playfully once more, he leaned in and kissed his face all over before letting out a small grin. “Now, let's just relax and see when we fall asleep before they wake and need our attention. Because if we start to play and they cry, that's just going to ruin the mood,” he whispered lightly to him, seeming to grin as his hands lightly wandered over his chest. Of course, he wasn't going to make it easy, he was going to and see what happened.
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke "I think he knows when he can shift into a defensive mode, but we can talk to him still. i think he's doing better already controlling himself from trying to take off his bracelet, so with shifting, it should be okay." Donghae smiled lightly with a nod of his head, "I know it will get easier. I'm grateful that I can be their dad and I'll never take it for guaranteed. You're the one that did all of the work in the beginning, so I want to take on more of the work now as they grow." He thought of how Ayumi was the more curious child of the two, her wide eyes constantly jumping around the room. And she liked to be held by Yusuke the most, but wasn't crying as much when Donghae held her. He was worried about it at first, but he figured out what positions she liked best. Ayako was just as curious, but he was also reserved in a way. Anything too novel was introduced to him, and he would mostly cry but Donghae knew how to comfort him. "I can't wait for their big milestones either...we'll make a lot of happy memories." Donghae sighed in content and gently pecked his mate, "So, should I read you a bedtime story too then?" He teased with a grin.
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae Part of him made a small face before smiling at him and seeming to let out a soft sigh. “I am sure he will, just dont hope he shifts and tries to bite someone. That is the last thing we need…we should talk to him about that soon so he knows that it's not okay to do that,” he said as he felt worried about how short a temper his little cub had sometimes. “Though it only comes out when he is being protective so maybe it's not as bad as we think.” Seeing Donghae so tired, he smiled softly as him as he rubbed his back and just smiled lovingly at him. “It's hard huh? It is but it will get easier with time I promise. Once we find our routine and figure out our little ones better, it will be a lot better I promise,” he told him as he leaned down to kiss his cheek. “And that they are, which makes them all the more adorable to see them become their own person.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke A burst of laughter escaped him and his hand drifted lower to very gently pinch one of Yusuke's cheeks, knowing he was still very sensitive in some areas. "Why, yes, I do love kissing your . It's very pretty and /tasty/." He couldn't help but tease his mate, but truthfully, he thought the entire world of Yusuke. He was a very selfless and kind individual, and Donghae knew he was a very lucky man to be with him. "We'll take every precaution we can to make sure the children will be safe in every scenario. I also have a feeling Aito will feel quite protective of them too, so we'll have a little bodyguard around." He smiled as he heard the rest of Yusuke's ideas and thoughts. The kitsune had made sure to thoroughly think of everything that would be good for daycare and how to run the operation of it in general. "You've got a lot of things figured out already, so I'm sure it will all work out." Donghae muffled a yawn in his pillow before facing his mate again, "I'm more tired than I thought. The twins are proving easier to manage in some aspects though...they're personalities are already showing too."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “You are such a kiss ,” he muttered with a soft laugh, knowing he was just praising him a bit too much. “I was thinking that when we put the kids down for a nap we have someone stay in the room with them until they wake up. Plus we will have a camera in the room to watch as well but you can never honestly be too careful when it comes to someone else child,” he muttered, feeling worried but excited about all of it. “He is, I know for sure and I am glad we are painting one whole wall of the playroom in chalkboard paint! I think it's going to be fun and honestly the one place the kids can draw on the wall and not get in trouble. We can use the top half to write down the names of kids who are in and what not or rules. I haven't decided what yet but I figure it could be helpful info that could make things easier for us. I might also hire someone to help with the cooking. Since some kids might have food restrictions or things they are allergic to, I figure someone who is in the field would be a good help.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke "That's a good plan. I'm sure we'll be at full capacity in no time. I know once the parents meet you, they'll want to enroll their children with the sweetest and smartest kitsune they'll ever know." Donghae grinned at him and pecked the tip of his nose. He knew how much Yusuke was looking forward to opening up thus daycare. And he was just as excited to see it flourish because he had no doubt the parents would see how wonderful his mate and Aito are, they'll be charmed immediately just how he was. "I just hope they won't try jumping on the bunk beds and accidentally fall. Kids can never seem to keep themselves from doing that." He laughed gently, and gently caressed Yusuke's back. "With the construction almost done, we can start picking out the colors we want to paint the daycare too. I bet Aito will have a lot of fun trying to help with that."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “Okay that all sounds good and you dont have to worry you know,” he said gently to him. Yusuke knew that Donghae would be worried about his family but they would be safe at home so it would all be alright. “And I haven't yet, I want to hire someone to make the flyer for us so it looks professional and I haven't yet but I will contact them and let them know. I have to remember right now I am only taking in about ten or so the moment. I want to test it out first to make sure we can handle that number before going on. Besides they have rules that for every five kids we need one adult so I am thinking of having four, one being the nurse included of course,” he explained to him. The closer they got to the opening the more excited he felt about being able to open his dream business. “I am glad we were able to convert the two extra rooms on the first floor into bed rooms with bunk beds in them, I wasn't so comfortable with them sleeping on the floor.”
Donghae [A] 2 years ago
@Yusuke Donghae hummed happily into the kiss, leaning forward to softly nudge their noses together before moving back with a thoughtful expression. "I would like to see the upstairs actually. I've been thinking of what we need to buy to furnish, so I can get some ideas. We can all go in the morning, but by the afternoon I have to be back at the office. I have a couple of meetings, and then I'll call my sister about coming with me to get those papers signed for us." He didn't like leaving Yusuke and Aito on their own, and while knew they would be safe at home, it just made him miss being in their presence. He couldn't wait until he could transition into helping Alma with his business. It was a new passion of his. "Have you made any announcements to your clients that the daycare will be opening up soon? I know you said you had a few parents interested already. Might be good to check in with them. We can post about the business online too, and print out flyers to put at the local community centers. A lot of hybrid parents bring their kids there for specialized classes."
Yusuke [A] 2 years ago
@Donghae “Oh it has alright, don't worry about that but still my body has its days like anyone else.” He laughed softly at this, loving how Donghae always wanted to take care of them. “I know love and I will tell you when I want it so please don't worry about that.” Settling into the bed and his mate, he felt happy and content that he couldn’t picture a better night than this. “Really? I am not that small…well I am but you like that I am.” He grinned at this as he turned around in his arms so he could face him, his fingers tracing his face before kissing his lips gently. “So what are the plans for tomorrow hmm? Shall we go check on the daycare and see how it's going? They finished the second floor easier since it was just like a mini apartment upstairs of sorts. We still have to make the office up there to fit for you and me and the stuff we need for the twins and Aito for when they stay up there with you. Though I figure Aito might just stay with the kids when they are there.”


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