wonho/woozi ic room


Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “You are such a tease, I have a feeling I am going to be tired tomorrow,” he muttered with a small blush before gasping a bit and letting out a small moan. Woozi was quick to cover his mouth as he breathed out and watched him with lust-filled eyes. This wasn't something he had experienced before so his body was rather sensitive, wondering if he was going to be able to handle more than one round with the alpha. Still, even if his body was tired then he would still go another round or a few more. There was no way that he would be able to deny the alpha before him since his body craved him in more ways than he could currently understand. “This…is embarrassing,” he whispered as he covered his eyes, not able to watch what he was doing.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho hissed from the sharp sting of Woozi's blunt teeth digging into him. They weren't as sharp like his which could puncture skin with enough force, but his twitched nonetheless and the slight pain made him growl. His growling only grew as the man she'd his clothing, porcelain skin slowly being revealed and he itched to grab onto the softness of his hips and into him hard while his mouth etched markings into his neck. His predatory instincts flared up when Woozi laid back on the couch with his legs spread open. Wonho stalked his human prey with a sharp grin as he kneeled on the couch and grabbed onto his plush thighs to drag him forward. "Hmmm, I think I need my human a little more flustered." He chuckled darkly, leaning down to bite softly and kiss his inner thighs. He hauled Woozi's legs up towards his chest and he was able to see his hole a bit. His mouth dragged closer and his tongue and prodded around his entrance with a low hum.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Gasping loudly at this point, he couldn’t help but moan out but he pushed his mouth against the other shoulder to muffle it just a bit. Breathing heavily, he nodded as he kissed along his neck, biting down as hard as he could before pulling away. Seeing the mark that it left behind he could help but smirk as he moved off his lap before he began to remove his clothes. Part of him felt a tad bit shy but he wasn’t going to let that stop him from being for the alpha before him. Once he was , he laid back out on the couch and spread his legs as he looked into his eyes. “Is this how you want your human,” he asked in a low voice, smirking a bit as he winked at him while trailing his fingers along his chest.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "I'm not very patient either. It seems we're just that compatible." He smiled up at him. Heat stirred in his stomach and his grew harder just hearing the older man moan, and nibble along his ear. His hands moved from his hips to grip his and him forward on his lap for further friction, nipping at the side of his neck. A new wave of possession rolling over Woozi declaring himself as Wonho's."I need you completely , so I can mark every inch of your skin, little one. I might just shredded your pants, but I don't think you want that." A firm smack landed on Woozi's , but not loud enough to wake the baby.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Feeling the roll of his hips and how hard he was, he couldn’t help but moan out softly, before he nodded at him. “I want you to know, I dont know how patient I can be with you,” he whispered softly as he peered into his eyes. “And I want your knot but you dont have to worry, I have the morning-after pill so we will be okay but you need to go out tomorrow and buy condoms to keep here and on you as well.” This made his face red but it was the truth, after being away from him for a long and knowing how he responded to his body, not to mention the session in the class, he wanted to be prepared and try to make sure there was not another surprise in store for them. “You think you can take me like this or does my y alpha want his little human ,” he whispered against his ear before gently biting on his earlobe.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho watched as Woozi took his top off, grinning up at him and leaning forward to pepper kisses across his collarbones and down to the smooth skin on his chest. "Yeah? Hm, I wouldn't mind. You are naturally bossy after all, I can imagine why it would excite you." He teased with a wink, and groaned after when his was pinched. His hands gripping Woozi's hips before he let go to take off his own shirt, and grabbed Woozi's hand to kiss along his arm before placing it back on his chest. He reached up to kiss him lazily, slowly deepening it with soft of his tongue. "Did you want me right here, professor? I got a good lap to bounce on." He emphasized with a roll of his hips, pushing his bulge against the man's .
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho He groaned at the thought as he pushed back against his hand before nodding lightly to him. “Yes I do freaking love it so much but one surprise is enough for right now…at least for the next year or two.” He laughed at this point before he began to his shirt, removing it and tossing it behind him as he watched him. “And you know…you saying professor kind of gets me excited…makes me feel excited you know,” he said softly as he lightly ran a finger along his chest before gently pinching his through his shirt. “We can roleplay that sort of thing…where you call me a professor and I call you my little teacher's pet…what do you think,” he asked him, though he felt shy asking it he couldn’t hide how excited the thought made him.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "I make a really good teacher's pet you know. I can do everything you want just the way you like it." Wonho replied with a handsome smirk, his hands resting on Woozi's hips when he straddled him. "You just want to defile your student behind closed doors, professor. How naughty." He chuckled before returning the languid kiss, admiring the softness of his mouth before Woozi pulled away but Wonho only dragged his lips down the front of the other's throat. Pressing small kisses and nips along the skin with a soft hum, "Hm, you're right. Those are good precautious...no matter how hot it is to knot you bare. You seem to really like it, too." He winked up at his as his hands traveled to squeeze his .
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Part of him rolled his eyes as he flicked his forehead but he seemed to smile a bit as he nodded his head. “You still could, I haven't picked out my teacher's assistant for your class yet, why dont you apply? I can't give it to you and you have to turn in the form to the office,” he said with a grin as he moved to straddle him. “That way we can spend a lot more time together and people can't say anything.” He winked at him before wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he leaned in to kiss him gently at first before he slowly began to deepen it, groaning softly as he lightly nipped his lower lip and gently on it before slowly pulling a bit. “Though we have to get condoms for us and I need to get on the pill for my heats, as much as I love our daughter, we dont want any more surprises to do we?”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Eventually, Jinkyong began to nod off and by the end of th ebook she was sleeping peacefully as she clung to Woozi. But she didn't stir when they left the room, the soft lullabies keeping her asleep. He smiled sheepishly, "I've always liked kids, so I find it easy to be around them but I am more nervous around her because I wouldn't want to disappoint her...or you." Once on the couch again, Wonho wrapped an arm around Woozi to hold him close, and pecked his temple lightly. "Thank you. I'll still try to give you notice though so I don't give you a fright. Maybe a couple of times a week I can come visit to spend time with you two. Maybeeee, get some extra credit for the class I'm at it." He added playfully with a teasing wink.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Letting him read, he couldn’t help but smile as he enjoyed the sigh, genuinely hoping that there would be more time like this for the both of them. It didn't take long until she was out like a light which made him smile though he did move very carefully. Tucking her into her crib which he kept by his bed, he sighed softly as he put his finger to his lips. He a nightlight then press played on a small worn out stereo system that played gentle lullabies before he led them out of the room. “You did well you know, more of a natural than I thought.” Grinning, he got them to sit down on the couch before he leaned against him and closed his eyes. “You are welcome to come when you want. I will get you a copy here so you can come in if I am not here yet, that way you dont have to wait outside or anything.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho followed Woozi into the bedroom, looking around briefly before he sat down next to Jinkyong. Reaching to put his finger in her little palm she should have something to grab onto while she calmed down a bit, but still fussed with little gurgles. "You'll be nice and comfy in mama's while I read you a bedtime story. I'm sorry if I'm not very good at the voices." He wrinkled his nose playfully at her as he looked down, and the little girl seemed to be paying attention to him when he talked. Once Woozi changed her into her pjs, Wonho picked a picture book from her bookshelf. One that looked colorful and it seemed to capture her interest when Wonho showed her all the characters as he read to her.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “Jinnie, mama is right here baby,” he whispered as he stood up and picked her up, gently rocking her in his arms. “I think we should get her changed for the night. It's never a good idea to bathe here when she is almost ready to sleep. We can do that in the morning. Want to come?” Winking at him, he smiled as he walked over to the room, stopping by their shared dresser and pulling out some of her pajamas before laying her down in the middle of the bed with the rest of the items needed. “Alright I will change and dress you and appa will read you a book from your bookshelf, won't that be fun my silly girl,” he cooed softly smiling some when she started to tear up more. “There there, you will be in bed soon angel.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "I'd like to go through any albums or videos you have." Wonho looked around the home, and while it was simple and quaint, he would hardly called it shabby. He immediately shook his head, "No, no. I wouldn't say that. It's a good home, Woozi. It just needs some work, and honestly...it feels cozy. Like a proper family home with a lot love. That's all she needs in the end. But I'll help you fix this place up along the way, I promise." He said resolutely. Jinkyong only giggled as she moved to sit on his lap, and played his large hand. Attempting to gnaw on his finger and he couldn't help but laugh, "She does have sharp teeth. They can definitely hurt if she bite downs hard" They played a little together some more when she began to get a little teary and reach for Woozi again, looking like she might want to go down for sleep now.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “I did at first because I wasn’t sure but in the morning I had hoped to wake up first but sadly you had,” he said with a soft smile. “Though on the off chance, I recorded everything and took plenty of pictures, so you can watch them when you have time. Though I need to get a proper tv, I got the one I have at a second-hand store though it's not quite working, I am not sure why since it's not an old model.” He shrugged a bit as he looked over to the living room and then back to him. “I know this place seems a bit…I guess a bit shabby but I am going to make it better over time and make it a proper home and safe place that she will be able to grow up in.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho blinked when he was handed their daughter, at first feeling awkward in holding her as he wasn't sure how she would react to him but she didn't seem to make a fuss or lash out in anyway. He smiled down at her gently, and while he couldn't see any of his own features, he definitely saw how she inherited the soft shape of Woozi's eyes. He laughed when she decide to push against Woozi's cheeks, taking her little hand. Laughing again when she wriggled in his hold to get away from the tickling hand, hauling her up so her feet were perched on his thighs and she rested against him. He patted her stomach gently as she curiously looked towards him, sheepishly he looked to Woozi. "I'm glad you feel that way...I am sorry I disappeared. I really thought that was something you wanted. But I'm glad fate had other plans for us...I definitely won't be disappearing any time soon."
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “Not with you…part of me thinks she was trying to keep other alphas from me,” he admitted with a soft laugh as he picked her up, gently handed him over to Wonho and smiled more. “See, she knows who her appa is so you are safe dont worry.” He leaned in and kissed his cheek before chuckling as he felt a little hand pushing his face away. “Oh, are we doing that little missy? Is he all yours, is that what you are telling mama,” he asked with a teasing grin as he tickled her side before laughing out loud as she squealed and tried to get away from his hand? “Such a precious little angel…you may not have been planned but I am so happy to have her and also very happy to have met you that night Wonho.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "It might feel a bit weird to buy dog toys but it'll be cheaper in the long run since you won't have to keep buying baby ones." Wonho blinked in surprise from the information and tilted his head to the side. "Really? Hmm...I mean it could mean either reason but I'm not sure. I mean we can be competitive with othe alphas, even aggressive but randomly biting...hm, yeah that's a bit concerning but maybe she has better instincts than we know about other people." He laughed slightly. "Maybe I shouldn't hold her just yet then."
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “Some of those are more durable so I might just end up looking into those,” he said with a smile before seeming to chuckle softly as he watched her. “She is being a spoiled baby, she usually tries to do that on her own when I am with her.” It made him feel happy that she was okay around Wonho, it meant that she wouldn’t bite him. “I forgot to tell you that she is not okay with other alpha males for some reason…shes bit a few I have to admit.” Which meant that there was something about it that she or her wolf didn't like about the people. “Or is that just an alpha thing with her or something that I dont understand?”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "Teething huh? All right, I'll keep that mind. Sometimes my mom bought me actual dog toys to chew on because my teeth were so sharp that they teared apart the baby toys so easily." He chuckled softly. Despite the break from his family, he still had some fond memories of his parents, especially his mother. "Her predatory instincts are kicking in so don't be surprised if you find things torn up. It's playing for her. Playpen? Yeah, yeah, I can get that as well. If you think of anything else just text me, at any time. " He smiled warmly as the little she-wolf attempted to roll around on her blanket, whining softly as she reached for Woozi so she could be pulled up to sit.
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho “Thank you!” Woozi watched him and nodded as he went to sit and relax, cooing softly as he played with her before looking up when he heard him coming. “Hmm, right now she is starting to teeth honestly so something I can give her that's sturdy and is easy to freeze to keep cool for her. She likes stuffed animals, rabbits mainly though I think that's just the wolf in her because she is very…playful with them?” Looks confused as I think back to the times she would shake them around. “But she does like soft things and I was also thinking of getting her a playpen soon as well so maybe that's if you dont mind? One with a mesh net, of course, no bars or anything like that.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "Oh, that's a good idea. Hm...sure, I have some old t-shirts I could give you. I can bring them over next time I come visit." Wonho hoped with the time Jinkyong could see him as a person she could turn to when she needed protection or comfort, and he thought it was a good sign that right now she tolerated his presence at least. After they finished their meals, Wonho offered to clean up since Woozi had cleaned and so he could spend some time with Jinkyong. He left the kitchen tidy and ran the dishwasher for him, returning to them in living where they both played. "What kind of toys does she like? I'd like to buy her some presents if that's okay."
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho This only made him snort before melting when she nuzzled more into him and just rested against his shoulder. “I would also like her to get familiar with your scent so if you have anything that she can have or hold onto I would deeply appreciate it,” he said softly before seeming to give a soft hum. “Ahh… do you have any old shirts? I know a cool sewing trick to turn them into little stuffed animals and stuff like that. That way it will hold your scent and all so it will be good right? I am sure that could be another way for her to be able to calm down to a degree right?” Mostly he would just like to also have something to hold onto but he didn't really pick up on a scent or anything.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi "She probably will be stronger than you, but she'll still need you to calm her down if she gets too much. But it isn't as scary as it sounds, having another Alpha around can calm them." Wonho smiled when Jinkyong happily gurgled when lifted into Woozi's arms, "A mating mark is permanent, and is pretty much equivalent to a marriage so it's something to seriously think about." His own eyes stayed on Jinkyong's and he playfully waved at her, the little girl laughing shyly and hiding in her mother's neck after. Still, she managed to peek at him coyly and wave back. He felt a small jolt of surprise of being called Appa, it would take getting used to but he liked hearing it. "Hah, I doubt it. I'm sure she's thinking, 'what is this strange man doing in our house and trying to sweet talk his way to mama?'"
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Hearing what it stood for, he couldn’t help but give a soft laugh, not minding it, to be honest, but he wouldn’t tell him such a thing. “I see…I have a feeling she is going to be stronger than me soon.” It made him a tad sad but he would still do everything in his power to protect his daughter to ensure she could always stay happy and healthy. “I suppose if things do work out between us…this would be like a mate mark? I think it's what its called, I hear it every so often while I walk to places around the school,” he said with a soft laugh before looking over to Jinkyong who began to sneeze before whining a bit. “Oh baby, you want to get up already?” Picking her up, he went back down as he cleaned up her nose before gently bouncing her onto his knee and grinning as she just babbled as she looked at Wonho. “She seems to find her appa very handsome.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho admired the soft blush to his cheeks, and liked to see this softer side of Woozi. Thought he loved the bossy and bratty side of him just as much. When the mark was mentioned, it was his turn to be a bit sheepish about it as it was his more primal side taking over. "It's not permanent, so don't worry. That requires more force. But, it's just a temporary mark to let others know you are currently taken by a wolf. I mean, we aren't together, but I guess it keeps away anyone who might be curious to try and snatch you up." He adds with a little smirk. "I'd definitely fight for you though." At the question of knowing more about cubs, Wonho hummed in thought. "Hm, she might require more protein but other than that her diet will be normal like any other child. As she grows into a toddler, she'll be stronger than the other children so it will be important to make we aware not to push others. She'll be prone to more tantrums, too. Just cause us alphas can be hot headed, but there are ways to teach her to control it from a young age."
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho Hearing what he said, his eyes were a bit wide and his cheeks turned a bit red before he seemed to give a slight nod to him. “I would like that very much,” he said with a slightly warm smile to him. “And I know it was in the heat of the moment but what does this mark exactly mean?” Woozi wasn’t the best with this sort of stuff so he was sure there was still going to be a lot that he would have to learn but he would. Even if they did not work out as a couple, they would be in each other lives forever so the more things he knew the better equipped he would feel to raise their daughter. “I also want to know what I need to know about cubs, what to expect, and if is there anything I need to start doing differently or a special diet she will need.”
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi It had been awhile since he had taken care of any children, but he wasn't a total klutz at it. His class schedule this semester was pretty light, so he would be able to fill his free hours in taking care of Jinkyong at least. "Alright, that sounds good." He nodded with a soft smile, taking a sip of his water for a moment before clearing his throat. HIs gaze lingering on Woozi for a moment, "I was hoping to...also take you out for a dinner date, too. We don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to. I can cook for you here, and if you don't want to hire a babysitter for Jinkyong then of course she'll be part of it, too. I just...want an evening where we can talk more about ourselves. I also regretted leaving our last encounter that way, so I want to just get to know you more and see where we can go."
Woozi [A] 1 year ago
@Wonho As he ate slowly, he looked surprised that he was so readily accepting of it all, glad to know that his fears were truly nothing. “Thank you, I will let you know when my day off is. And if you are sure I wouldn’t mind, I will talk with the teacher about that, letting her know that you will be on the pickup list of approved people.” No one else was on it since he was very protective of his little girl. Seeing their daughter laugh and clap as she entertained herself, made him feel happy, knowing that things should be easier from here on out. “I will try to get a copy of the key to you by the end of the week. I might go on my lunch tomorrow to get it done, she usually goes down for a nap around that time anyways.” This was a lot of change but he did need the help, it was hard the first few months, trying to get sleep while caring for their daughter.
Wonho [A] 1 year ago
@Woozi Wonho smiled when Woozi made no arguments, and felt better to have this chance to try and support the both of them after the older male having to do this alone for awhile now. The little girl was put in her carrier as they began their meal, smiling gently. "A picture would be nice. She'll start growing quickly, so it'll be nice to look back." He thought for a moment and tilted his head in thought. "Maybe in a couple of weeks we can go down to the registrar together and take care of it." His gaze looks over at Jinkyong who happily plays with some toys that are attached to the bouncy carrier. "Do you take her to the university daycare everyday? I can take care of her when I don't have classes if it's easier for you."


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