‣ floresca.

On the girl's brown legs there were many small white scars. I was thinking, Do those scars cover the whole of you, like the stars and the moons on your dress? I thought that would be pretty too, and I ask you right here please to agree with me that a scar is never ugly. That is what the scar makers want us to think. But you and I, we must make an agreement to defy them. We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived. 

― Chris Cleave, Little Bee
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent neque sem, cursus nec facilisis eu, ultricies eu libero. Aenean id nibh ac tortor malesuada cursus sed et lectus. Etiam ipsum tellus, placerat a nisi ut, congue vestibulum diam. Vestibulum tempus malesuada elementum. Donec porta, enim eu hendrerit placerat, eros dolor commodo purus, in euismod velit urna ac purus. Nam et metus nunc. Vestibulum et tortor suscipit, ultricies sem sit amet, consequat enim. Maecenas id justo fringilla purus sodales egestas a non ante. Pellentesque suscipit purus enim, in malesuada lorem dignissim nec.

Praesent consectetur sapien eu ligula ultrices, ut congue diam fermentum. Quisque vitae lacus vel sem aliquam sodales. Vivamus rutrum nisl in purus consequat, in ullamcorper nisl vestibulum. Fusce quis vehicula justo. Maecenas rhoncus risus non egestas aliquam. Morbi condimentum purus a eros vehicula, et rutrum arcu ullamcorper. Vivamus at sem quis tortor lobortis hendrerit. Nullam porta arcu dui, et ultrices elit vestibulum quis. In egestas lorem sit amet dignissim sagittis. Donec nec dolor dapibus, commodo lacus in, consectetur enim. Donec enim mi, convallis in mollis in, efficitur nec dui. Curabitur massa risus, dapibus et quam fermentum, lobortis iaculis metus. Aenean est urna, molestie id ullamcorper in, rhoncus sed mauris. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vulputate bibendum auctor.
αиgєℓ [A] 3 years ago
⥄ seven sections.
⥄ two large photos, two music players, quote box, symbol frame, three small photos, quick info and text box.
⥄ comment when using.
⥄ do not remove the credits.
[post deleted by owner]
αиgєℓ [A] 3 years ago
♀ ᴄᴏᴅᴇ :: https://pastebin.com/DcCTG7ze


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meowsanz 1 month ago
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wonsrideul 2 months ago
using imperatrica!
bigboybbg 2 months ago
using matriarchal.
shinmenu 2 months ago
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crybebi 3 months ago
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PapaBeans 4 months ago
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cafelatterz 4 months ago
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dudewtf 5 months ago
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PapaBeans 8 months ago
using angelette
cerberuff 9 months ago
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