Dejun's Bedroom

dejun's room °✦
Ask Dejun for permission before you enter. Also, don't forget to knock! 
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten "I-I didn't want to intrude." Dejun replied honestly, making eye contact for only a moment before ducking his eyes down to avoid the other's searching gaze. "Besides, I meant to fall asleep quickly, and of course hyung, you can sleep here." Dejun whispered quickly, not wanting to wake Kun up. The fact of the matter was Dejun was embarrassed to have been caught awake, he felt as if he had said no, the other would feel guilty over the whole ordeal.

Settling into Ten's embrace, he gave a small hum of acknowledgment to the other's question and released a small puff of laughter. "I don't think I focused on even one part of that movie. I was bored and it was a little too loud." He agreed, face nuzzling into the comfort of his pillow while listening to the other. He had been too busy trying to make himself invisible to everyone in the living room to focus much on the movie at all.

Dejun found it odd that Ten was in his bed, usually, Ten was interacting more with others when it came to skinship, but their relationship was more easy banter and humor except in the moments where Dejun actively saught Ten out for physical affection or comfort. Yet, he wasn't about to say no, especially considering he just listened to them get it on in the next bed over. He was still confused about the whole ordeal and was ultimately grateful for the snuggles that he had been waiting for all day. It was a small comfort for with he began to tiredly rub his cheek into the pillow, a small yawn escaping him.
Ten 2 years ago
@Dejun "Why didn't you tell us you were awake?" He whispered softly, searching for Dejun's eyes in the dark. Once their eyes met, he gave the other an eye smile before shifting in his spot and settling down right behind him. Now that Ten had figured out Dejun was awake the whole time during his and Kun's intimate play, he felt awkward just leaving the younger on his own. "Can hyung sleep beside you, tonight? It's a little chilly in my bedroom." He mumbled into the younger's neck, snaking his arms around the other's smaller waist.

"Did you enjoy the movie, love?" His voice was low and hushed so that he wouldn't wake the leader, sleeping on the other bed. "It was kind of boring, no? It was too cheesy." He said, burying his face into Dejun's back just below the shoulder. "But, I also didn't really pay much attention. Everyone kept talking too much. The movie just ends up being background noise." He chuckled.

The arms around Dejun's waist tightened. He saw Dejun more often than some of the other NCT members, but for some reason, he hadn't really felt a strong attachment to the male. He figured it was because they had never connected much outside of work and practice. That's why he opted to tease and joke around the other more often in attempt to become closer to the member.
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten He waited patiently, at times unlocking his phone to glance at the time with blurry vision. He was taking longer than usual, but Dejun was determined to stay awake for the reward of snuggling with his best friend, it had been such a long day, and all he craved was physical affection. Not even ten minutes later, the door opened and Dejun perked up about to speak out and tell Kun to hurry up and get in bed, but the words died in his throat as he listened to his Ten Hyung speak. He quickly came to the realization that snuggles would not be attainable tonight. Curling up tighter in his bed, he tugged the bedsheets up to his nose while being discreet, not wanting to interrupt whatever they were doing. However, when he heard the moans fill the air, his name being uttered at least once, Dejun's face turned a bright shade of red and his eyes squeezed shut willing sleep to find him.

He was left approximately forty minutes later still wide awake and regretting not climbing into any of the other member's beds. His mind had the sounds of his friend's moans etched into the darkest corners and his eyes were still squeezed forcefully shut. When he heard his name being called in the tone of Ten's sweet voice, he stayed exactly where he was, nto willing to give himself away. It was only when his bed shifted below him from beneath Ten's weight that he was internally panicking on what to do next. Did he answer the other? Did he ignore him and pretend that he truly was asleep? The other was closer, he could feel it with each breath that was fanned over his face. When he asked to have him open his eyes, Dejun knew that he would, he was quite weak afterall. "Y-yes Ten hyung? How can I help you?" Dejun asked with a nervous little stutter, making sure to whisper so as not to wake Kun up.
Ten 2 years ago
@Dejun "Aish. Kun. Stop pushing me, I'm going to fall-" Ten hissed softly at the other male as he's nudged towards the bed in the dimly lit room. His eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness yet and he seemed to be prone to bumping into every at the moment. 
"Tennie~ shut up. I think Jun is asleep." Ken whispered, a soft laugh exuding his lips before tackling Ten onto the mattress adjacent from them. For a moment, there was a fit of hushed giggles and rustling from the two older members. Soon enough, the giggles turned into low moans. "Kun.. Jun is sleeping right there.." he whimpered, the back of his hand pressed against his lips to muffle the groans itching passed his throat. "I'll be quick." The leader mumbled.

After the couple had finished, Kun passed out on top of Ten. A small sigh left the idol's lips as he gently pushed his lover off of him and sat up, running his fingers through his own hair. His tired eyes scanned the dark room and noticed the outline of Jun's frame shift a little. His brow rose in question. "Junnie. Are you awake?" He whispered out, pushing himself off the bed to make his way over to the balled up male.

"Hey babe." He nudged Jun's shoulder softly, hovering over the other. "Dejun." He said a little firmer, the bed dipping as he climbed onto the bed. He hadn't thought of the possibility of Jun being awake and he felt kind of guilty that he didn't notice sooner. He rested his chin on the other's shoulder, tilting his head to look for the younger's eyes. "You're awake, aren't you. Let hyung see your beautiful eyes, love." He cooed softly, his breath tickling over Dejun's lashes.
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten (Of course bub ♥ Have a good flight!)
Ten 2 years ago
@Dejun [You're okay ♡ I'm heading to the airport rn so I'll probably reply tmr! ]
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten (RIP XD That was me just moving that along)
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten "Thanks hyung. I really appreciate that! The rest of you are so good and I just wanted to catch up to where you guys were at." The younger admitted, playing with his own fingers, a smile on his lips, almost glowing to be precise, at the praise. Dejun, about to take the other up on his offer can only stare blankly at the other as he gets up, quickly displacing him from his place beside Ten, snuggled up to his arm.

"Kay." He responds, voice a tiny bit clipped, unsure as to what to say or do in this scenario. He was a bit upset that Ten hadn't told him beforehand, had just allowed him to snuggle up only to go to someone else. If he had of had prior notice then he would have sat somewhere else. The dejection settled into the pit of his stomach and he grabbed a throw pillow from the side of the couch, with which he hugged to his stomach, body curled up at an odd angle as the movie began. Everyone else was paired off and he sat by himself on the corner of the couch.

Later that evening after the movie had ended, other people proceeded to engage in conversation or card games. Some had bowed off to bed, the option that Dejun had taken up as he was now curled up beneath a soft cotton comforter that he hugged to his chest. Dejun never did well in large gatherings, never really being able to gather the courage to ask for anyone's attention, he was the type to take up opportunities in conversations where gaps existed and then run with it. So he was drained, tired, and in need of snuggles. He knew that when Kun came in, the other would crawl into his bed and they'd snuggle until the morning sun shone through the window. He looked forward to it, that moment of having a body wrapped around him, carrying him off to sleep.
Ten 2 years ago
@Dejun *I chuckle softly and looks up when you suddenly rise, blinking when you drag me towards your room*
ah- I'm being kidnapped.
*i joked casually, following you with much of a fight; once we reached your room, I push you inside and lock the door behind me, giving you a cheeky grin*
Dejun 2 years ago
@Ten *shivering, lips parting marginally at the pressure of your tongue, fingers curling into the sleeve of your shirt, releasing a little hiccup, my head tilts back at our nose against my neck*
It's not nice to mess with people hyung. *my voice is teasing, but I stand up quickly and take your hand, pulling you into my room* You owe me a cuddle now.


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Oxytocin 2 years ago
please let me know if you guys revamp! I'll be back in a minute!
ashflower 2 years ago
applied as cha hakyeon!
sullen 2 years ago
Applied as yifan for second
Jinfinite 2 years ago
applied as hongbin
sullen 2 years ago
Applied as Chanyeol
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
Applied as taeil
mononoaware 2 years ago
Applied for jongin.
midgard 2 years ago
applied for zhang yixing/lay.
neodreams 2 years ago
applied as sungchan.
moonkitten 2 years ago
Applied as jisung
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