✎ Night club

Night Club
imagine an almost modern looking nightclub in the almost city-like landscape. the windows are made out of glass and it settles in the middle of the small city's main square along with the stores and food places. in the morning it looks like any other glassy building. at night it looks very colorful and fun with purple, red, and blue leds.
coded by yxgurt
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [conclusion before the first love making]

*that night from a drunk Lord V answering his own hesitancies as well as your own between -driven kisses, to their playful act and gestures, to a dramatic scene of hopelessness in lord V’s future, to a loving dance under the gray then the blood moon, to the way lord V fantasized about killing his offspring or really doing anything for his queen in his name, most of his questions were answered. The one that was not was the vow which he had waited for an answer to:*


That is why I want to ensure you think you’re making the right decision for yourself. Not because you solely love me right now but even if that breaks, you would still need me the way I need you in my love that I forgive every mistake you’ve made against me.*

You have grown saddened because of me. That will never change. I have interests you most likely can never satisfy. Because that is not who you are. I only want to know if you truly want to entrust your heart and life to me. As damaged as it may get. I can only promise you I will keep you close and never let go. I cannot promise you I will not hurt you emotionally or mentally only physical. I’ve tried to forget you already in that place but I could never.

So hoseok *he leans forward to grab your hands in his* look at me *he looks at you with love and desperation hidden in his now very cold eyes.* do you too truly think that no matter the harshness I put you through, that you still would want to stay with me..? I’m not asking for you to wave my wrongs away. I want you to look at them clearly and acknowledge them as wrongs. But…I know you deserve so much more in your life so…do you think this is worth being put through this pain? I want a yes or no hoseok. No vague answers. This is very important.



answer the above then we’ll move onto the ]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/4]

*rest assured, the one that has the potential of harming you and your host the most was Taehyung and Lord V themselves. Taehyung you would see much later. Lord V you had already seen. They both clashed /violently/ against your both you and your hosts’ personality and own needs. You both wanted love and fluttery feelings like all babies Daddy V had lost desire for when they refused to see him as himself but wanted a “happy ending.” But unlike them you still actually did love lord V as himself- even if you were saddened when he’d break your expectations so easily. Lord V thought, yes he wanted love, he also wanted it shaded in despair, yearning to be accepted and loved for who he was rather than who he was supposed to be, too. As terrible and incompatible as he was. Yet even if we break again and again, still he wanted to consume every last drop of you.*

*And he’d make this future abundantly clear to you when you asked for the future to renew their vows. Before he agreed to something you may regret, he too wanted to make sure you were aware you would never be truly happy with him as Lord V. He was not dependable and supportive like yoongi nor would he ever be. He had his own past that shaped his likes and dislikes. Things you could never imagine clashing with but you would because of his twisted view of his world. He craved more than just love. He would crave every emotion he could pull from you. Sadness. Anger. And he’d do anything. He’d feed you anything that would make him see all facets of his Hoseok. And lord V wouldn’t let up. So your answer there would truly determine if you at least were truly willing to love your Lord in his despair. Or if you wanted to rescind the thought of renewing our vows altogether*

*But yes, to answer your originally posed question, both of them, if they thought you were truly in danger would step in. Lord V faster than Taehyung who was still weary of bringing attention to himself. But they /would/ protect you from others. Just…they couldn’t guarantee the same if you wanted to be protected against them…*

*after he came to, he watched as your thoughts rushed faster than even the faster reader could read. But having been used to the true way reading minds worked, something Taehyung or now the young V had not understood just yet, Lord V ingested them in then read them in a quick couple of seconds. A couple of seconds because as strong as your thoughts were, he was still not exactly sober. Just they were strong enough to hear them. And the more he did, his giggly bare smile grew to a true bare smile. He preferred you to say it with your lips and tell him in your own words that way he could see the true emotions underlying those thoughts he had no access to even by reading them. But still. He couldn’t help but be touched by them in general.*

*His nonexistent heart was burgeoning and the alcohol flowing through his veins. As long as you weren’t lying to yourself that you didn’t need the same support and love that that yoongi had provided you, he would give you /everything/ in the despair shaded way Lord V could.*

*As you continue to reflect, he kissed you harder against your mouth as he willed the future Lord V to remember this. What you said right here. He grins rectangularly* kisses like these? *and at each thought you had, he kissed you harder*

*he playfully pulled you close all loopy before his voice growled against your tongue. First kiss* to think you were so distraught hobie Hyung. I did try my best to make him love you, I really did *pouts lightly* but you abandoned him or were busy, not sure so it kept messing up bad hobie hyung! *he wasn’t actually blaming you just saying how it frustrated him to keep trying while playfully scolding you.*

*Because it did. How many times he articulated plan after plan because he knew the late Taehyung loved hoseok a lot. So much he couldn’t understand it still. And when the human’s memories were gone, something always pained the other. But the other’s fear always overwrited the other. It was alcohol. For some reason, alcohol would make him lose his inhibitions and fear and just touch hoseok like the man wanted. Of course, apologize and tell hoseok to forget to convince him he himself didn’t care. That nothing happened between them. Those kisses were just all for fun; it wasn’t gay- he wasn’t gay. But still the late Taehyung would do it again and again until one day he woke up in bed with his favorite Hyung. Alcohol would become an excuse for the human to do what he wanted. But once it hurt hoseok enough to ually avoid Taehyung, but still hoseok would comfort him platonically only during tragedies where Taehyung realized he needed hoseok in his life, Taehyung would have finally confessed and loved hoseok. That was the plan; that was always the plan. But even then that plan lord V constructed wasn’t enough. Every opportunity he created it seemed like Taehyung was the one comforting hoseok only when hoseok had grown sad. But when Taehyung did get sad, nothing. Nor did anyone in his community tried to truly help. And he felt abandoned by the only human being who he trusted. Add that onto the disdain of who he was without his memories coming both externally and internally, it was no wonder he broke. He had truly no one to turn to. That was the end of lord V’s dire planning.*

*lord V tangled his tongue as he gripped harder around your tongue. Second kiss.* you couldn’t fool me. I know. *more harsher against your lips biting your lower lip* I always had a feeling you were throwing yourself at that meanie *pouts* but you could. You eventually love him. In true happiness. Short but still true. Not my long but never true one…h *he didn’t like it. When you chose yoongi over him. He always knew yoongi could not get you what you had craved. What you loved about him and the late Taehyung. But he could give you what you needed. And though he was hurt you decided to go for what could grow your dead leaves back to health, he yearned and hoped for a day you’d want only him. You’d realize that maybe you didn’t /want/ something happy but short that could abandon you. Even if all we had were dreams. He’d make sure you’d have looked forward to falling asleep and ing him. He’d have done you so well, in the real world could not compare to our spiritual bodies intertwining. But this was a non au world. You were an idol that always yearned to be patted physically* bad bad you don’t need to hide behind that mask with me, Hyung. I love your crying face the most. But you’re beautiful, not hideous don’t say that.

*his hands gripped at your hair as he traced his teeth along your tongue as he pulls you towards his waist. Third kiss.* …sorry…sorry I h I thought it was the best way. It /was/ the best way. I just *caressed your cheek* didn’t expect it to hurt you that much Hyung. It wasn’t supposed to. You were supposed to live anew and love again. That was it. That what you chose by returning to that meanie so I did it for you. Made you completely commit to it and forget me. *nods* but it still hurt when you did even more. Glad it wasn’t you that erased some of my record. Those songs I sang in the lightning and thunder for you. You were scared of me…but I did try to let you know I was here and hurting *he gripped at your shoulder* still hurting really bad when you even after I left when I saw you confessed to that meanie

*he grinded your body against his in his lap. The pro of this body was he could manhandle it without losing too much to feel inferior. Even when you were above him. Something that was harder to swallow with your original dancer body. Don’t get him wrong. He could manhandle both in his tall body but just the feeling of this one made it more easier to tolerate if you’d ever take charge. It nicely attuned to his predator instinct. Your other one, you could easily make him feel inferior rather than a predator.*

*But your muscles and perfectly y and filled body would be so great. He enjoyed when brats gave up fighting. That power of finally taking over a hard won gazelle also did something. Especially if you were riding his in tears so fluidly as you ed yourself so needily, yearning to get off with his juicy . The same appeal of which was not as easily achievable in this body. Because of how skinny hoseok was, even with muscles, it would feel like he was hurting the other who was forced to ride his to get off; torturous tears. Rather than pleasureful. He’d rather torture this body with him over than force you to take all of him in so expertly. You’d original body was like a vixen type of y; this body was a fragile doll.*

*He gnashed even violently against your lips as he massaged your . He was so ready to pull your pants down and take you then. Third kiss.* thank you…for finding me…learning here…hoseokie mnn *he smacks your * is it good? Is my passion that good? I can’t wait to taint you in every shade of despair *growls against your as his got dangerously close* only mine *if he wanted, he could straight through your shorts with how strong he was. Or cut a whole with his nails near your and you like that as you moaned. No one could know if the fully clothed two were ing or not shrouded in darkness but still somehow doing it despite being nowhere near . And you’d moan so loudly to him harder that others would be confused whether the two students were rehearsing something with how loud they were but not able to see any bodies. But again. Morals. First time he’d do you right. Then desecrate your body in every way until you didn’t care who was watching. Maybe you could get off of being watched too* no…trying to be bubbly…just you. You are y…
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/4]

*then he realized how his nails gripped at your fabric and stops. These are pretty shorts. One of his favorite ones. Probably better not to damage them. Instead, he smacks below your right against your hole that was probably twitching with wany before kissing you more slowly. Fourth kiss.* sorry…if I took you from your soulmate if they exist. I say sorry but truly don’t care. You’re mine now hobi *growls gripping your waist* so all mine. You chose me. I’m not ever gonna make you happy. Not like a soulmate would. They could give you both but since you chose me, I’m not letting you get away. I know we both have different likes and dislikes but I still love you. If you want, I’d love to trap you in my own golden cage next to the stage if I have to show you off *growls* if you want to dance for them, I’d make you dance in this cage so they cannot salivate over my beautiful but still enjoy something they could never have as they praise you in your pretty feathery mask. And I’d be the master watching confidently in my booth in my own master mask as you dance for them in this golden cage as I sip at my wine glass full of coke. But- again. These are my fantasies. If you don’t want that, I will not do it. I know I cannot get what I want from you but I will get what I can…to truly make it known that I own your heart- if owning your body isn’t appealing to you. But either way, I love you too much that even if we clash everyday I’d still choose that over not having you.

*and that was the end of your stream of thoughts as some way or another we talked about smaller subjects like wearing face masks together or singing an annoying song while making love. Just because lord V could read your thoughts. The masks were a futile gesture. This body wasn’t human and therefore not limited to the boundaries that humans were. And singing a nursery rhyme would be grating his thoughts as he ed you out to make sure you couldn’t think and could only moan and enjoy his . Even punish you if he had to. Yet again we clashed. But lord V was used to it and expected it even so he thought none of it. You, on the other hand, would probably get more and more saddened by the fact that you couldn’t please lord V by the way you wanted to. He didn’t mind though. He still loved your essence and those same traits you had shone in other ways so it’s not like he didn’t dislike their underlying intentions.*

Yes mad *he pouts still under the influence. Because he wasn’t sober enough, most of his negative comments came out playfully rather than harsh truths about himself. He even threatened to punish you through his pouting. He pouts more* hobie hyunggg nooo just let me you in every single positionn that’s all I askk *but then he grins bright and rectangularly when you tell him he can continue his ways* thanks Hyung, I love you Hyung! *he uses his hands to make a heart before shooting it to you with a wink and a kiss of his fingers. The same fingers that now you murmured. But when your cheeks turned bright red, he couldn’t help himself. He moved his other hand down, flicking past your underwear before prodding them up against your * you’re adorable when you’re . Alright * kisses your lips* I won’t make love to you. I shall truly you out until your becomes a leaky mess of my *growls*

*he blinks even completely unaware he’s being obvious in his inebriated state*…I am? *but then when you kissed him, he widens his eyes before closing them and kissing you back. Unlike his kisses which were aggressive and dominating, he enjoyed the ones you initiated because they were truly playful but loving. He leaned forward to deepen them only to pout.* What a tease I wanted more *but he giggled lowly with a smirk at your thoughts* how adorable *he pulled you closer, this time giving you a softer kiss while smiling against your lips* this is why I love you though *pouts* I don’t mind a bit of teasing however I don’t appreciate it all the time so make sure you give me what I want sooner or later or I’ll spank you *nods pouting as he smacked your a bit harder as a preview.*

*he enjoyed the way you played along though sometimes his eyes trailed off. Subconsciously, he was reinacting his past. Their tragic past. But when you laughed, though he was a bit hurt that you laughed at such a serious scene as he truly got into that mindset, he knew why you did. It’s not like you could’ve connected it to his past. And so of course you didn’t see the true but hidden sadness in it. With that, he silently forgave you for laughing and smiled at just his adorable you were.* was my play all you thought it could be, beautiful? *he caressed your cheek* can I make millions with this story? You acted so well beautiful. Would you be my actress who I had a scandal with? *he wiggled his brows playfully*

Do you /need/ to feel useful, Hyung? I myself don’t think you need to. You’re perfect just the way you are. Faults and all. I just love you. But if you still want, I will give you only two commands: be alive as yourself. Be with me as yourself. I may always crave for more but I do not require any of it. In the end, they are all fantasies I’ve always yearned for in my past. A past where my babies or slaves only wanted to see what they wanted to see. A loving daddy. A cold master.

*he chuckles as you still call his ego out.* I am nothing but that *he’s awed by the way you looked at his world. A world nobody would deem livable. Yes, it was because he was here. But somehow either you refused to accept or understand how terrifying his presence was. Yes. You were truly captured in his claws. And he would never let you go as long as you let him have at least that.* I love you as well. Your true beauty pales in comparison to this white noise nightmare of a world. These nightmares where you feel numb and empty as you cannot move but the bed floats. Everyone looks like a terrifying fingerprint, no true lines or shapes *he said looking off into the distance at the terrifying nature and stillness of a nightmare.*

*Then he returned back to you pushing the hair away from your face.* my fingers tingle even touching just this part of you. I yearn to consume all of you but it will never be enough. Like my stomach is just another void. This is how I love you *he embraces you in his tall body as you lean towards his chest* but I am pleased. That I am home to you. I love you so much. *he caressed your cheek, tingling his fingertips once again* but yes you may enjoy this but I dislike it. It terrifies me as well. This static void of nothing but yet something. Just nothing meaningful.

*Then he smiled his normal bare but true smile as he continues to dance with you. It was not easy to learn to dance in the beginning. In addition to what he remembers of his past, ballroom dancing being such an important way to socialize, he had to thank his original hoseok for the modern music spin on it. When the other was still happy before he took over the older’s father’s dance academy, it was a hobby and V had been dragged along to learn when they were still together. Well he was reluctant just like Taehyung was but the promise of in a dance room was exciting enough though V hid his intentions until the last minute and that hoseok was none the wiser as an already flirt and party mindset. Taehyung didn’t need to hide it since his Hoseok had started to understand the real rotten him. That in addition to not wanting to come to see the other dance, Taehyung was bribed to with because that hoseok truly knew him. But V eventually did learn how to dance the basics then apply it to wooing his babies as a Daddy after that original hoseok had to suddenly drop out of the university in the end of his junior year. So yes, by now he enjoyed it. Not exactly dancing by himself but using it to woo others before it ended up backfiring on him because it became his whole personality rather than his rotten core. When he became known as the rich lord handsome Daddy V and his servant gained the other half of his power, he stopped and only danced with the ones he actually wanted to dance with.*

*but yes, this would be a very significant gap between Taehyung and V. There was no reason for him to know how to dance. No reason to want to woo other babies. Because he already found the person he wants in his life. But if hoseok would ask with those sweet eyes, yes Taehyung would learn.*

*lord V blinks but then smiles lovingly* yes indeed. Despair as well… *it warmed him. The fact you were so so adamant to add despair in there when he was just talking quickly. He felt himself nestle into your hair, closing his eyes* ah how I love you. How I’m so fortunate…

*that can be yet another thing lord V and hoseok would clash with. Hoseok being an idol making it harder to accept the pleasure of being touched in public after their first time. Lord V would yearn to change that. He would. But if he has to live with not being able to, well at least he will try.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [3/4]

*and then the colors were red. And he thinks the color red looks so good on you. That was until that fabric slipped off your shoulder. His eyes flickered as he tried to focus on dancing with your back against his chest. But the night was bloody. Your shoulder smelled delicious. What he wanted to be a romantic dance started to be threatened by the messy V. His lips at first caressed your skin only to open when the smell intoxicated him. Messy. So messy you are, V. But without warning, he gripped harder at your waist to hold you to grind against him as he bit down. He didn’t take apart your flesh but stuck with your blood as instead of carrying you towards the fountain, he backed you against it roughly* use your hands and grip at the edges… *he growled as his teeth bit and while his finger slipped past your waistband and prodded before ing into your hole. He kept ing his finger as your precum slipped down your legs.*

*and then the whiplash hit. The first thing he did was cover you up so the other wouldn’t oggle at his possession. Because he was driven by the blood in his veins, he stood right in front of you to protect you from their hungry gazes as he cupped your cheeks* I’m sorry. Are you alright? *when you said you’re okay, he was relieved only to turn around and glare at the other two. He thought hed be merciful but no. Even the way the bodies were slewn wasn’t just normal stabs. Body parts were strewn all over the place rather than a pile like he’d planned. He was furious. For even hearing his beloved’s moans without his permission.*

*then he quickly pulled you out of that situation, apologizing continuously for what he did due to the taste from your shoulder* I’m sorry. My apologies. I’m sorry Hyung.*
*and then when you cried for him, his nonexistent heart swelled* but I am hoseok…you do not know it but I am rotten *at your not hurtful fist, he bit his lower lip. You didn’t understand. He’s not hating himself. Not like taetae was. He truly knew he was the worst of the Taehyung versions. You just needed to see it through his past. He insulted humans, even other babies. Called them boring. Killed them and others. Hurt the people he’d confess love to all because of a hoseok. The only human being hed consistently accept was one that stayed true to themselves but was a good he could taint. Not to be good himself but to possess it all for himself.* hoseok…you don’t understand. I am merely stating a fact.

*he watched. All he did was watch. Stunned confused. Did you know. Did you /really/ know what he meant when he said you’ll never be truly happy? That that you truly wanted to renew his vows despite all his warnings…it was hard to believe. He continued to stare in shock and amazement not blinking only for his eyes to fall at your conclusion.* it’s true. I did leave you when I originally would not so you could be happy. My past too has humbled me that when another, especially a hoseok, chooses wrongly, I have learned to let it go. Still, I felt betrayed when you did so hoseok. When you let you throw yourself onto that human. But I do not want that to be the reason you accept me now. I cannot promise I will let you go once you’re mine. I will /not/ let you go once you are mine. That is why I want to ensure you think you’re making the right decision for yourself. Not because you solely love me right now but even if that breaks, you would still need me the way I need you in my love that I forgive every mistake you’ve made against me.*

*You have grown saddened because of me. That will never change. I have interests you most likely can never satisfy. Because that is not who you are. I only want to know if you truly want to entrust your heart and life to me. As damaged as it may get. I can only promise you I will keep you close and never let go. I cannot promise you I will not hurt you emotionally or mentally only physical. I’ve tried to forget you already in that place but I could never so while you were trying to compensate your loss by loving someone else, I slept for a thousand years in mourning that you truly desired to do away with my yes- rotten soul.

So hoseok *he leans forward to grab your hands in his* look at me *he looks at you with love and desperation hidden in his now very cold eyes.* do you too truly think that no matter the harshness I put you through, that you still would want to stay with me..? I’m not asking for you to wave my wrongs away. I want you to look at them clearly and acknowledge them as wrongs. But…I know you deserve so much more in your life so…do you think this is worth being put through this pain? I want a yes or no hoseok. No vague answers. This is very important.

*he waited in hope as he bit his lower lip feeling so out of his element. But he needed to know. He needed to know it was not just him that would live with whatever hurt you would cause him. Because he knew he would. But if you yourself had any last minute regrets, maybe renewing vows isn’t something you should search for. Maybe it would be fun for you for a while then you’d prefer to leave. That was your escape route out. Not promising to renew our vows and divorcing him and all of the other Taehyung versions.*

I’m sorry for my future self then. I’m very sure he did not know about this love for your sweatshirt so please forgive him when you see him. *he watched your giggly nature stand on top of the fountain, quickly he gripped at your waist. It was a shallow fountain and he didn’t want to lose you before he had you. He stared as you kiss his forehead before a small but hesitant bare smile*…really hoseok? *he gripped at your waist pulling you so you fell forward before kissing your head as he held you close to catch you from the fall* I love you as well…I really do…

*he ends up chuckling at your impatient thoughts. How y. All he is doing is doing what he wants and you’re getting annoyed slightly at him. Playful but still most likely hard to concentrate annoyed.* yes my beloved. I was not planning to let you birth them without me. I would love to see them as well and see you in true pain as well *his eyes grew hazy at the thought of seeing you in tears but looking up at him with hope. Oh how beautiful a sight!*

*after your sudden repulse from the dead bodies, he smirks* do not worry. In time you shall get used to it. *but he too was too impatient to truly comfort your human heart. If you feel into insanity from such a scene, he’d make sure you fell to crazy with his . The thought of ing you around dead bodies and making you eventually not care was just too appealing.*

*he bit his lip when your smaller body pushed his arms back and grabbed at his tie. Because he still had his confidence, it was y. You tugging him close as he straddled your legs* revenge? I see you think I am sympathetic to the torture you had given that poor human… *but his voice grew lower as you whispered* i as well…

*he could feel the shuffle of his fabric as he kissed harder against your skin. It was hard fighting against touching a hoseok and the negative feedback it always caused* I will… *he growled as you planted open mouth kisses on his skin. Something about that made your face look irresistible. He smirked when you watched his small show. In the beginning, he never liked his body. It was lean and skinny so he never desired to show it. And as master or daddy he didn’t need to. But he thinks his experience as the late Taehyung had managed to make him appreciate how twig like but somehat muscular he was. He’s not sure he could truly see himself as that perfectly muscular but still slender body that the late Taehyung had. As perfect as it was it just didn’t fit him and now he knew why and gained that appreciation for his own body.*

All yours *he groaned huskily as he returned back to straddle you. But maybe the fear was too much and so he say they’re worried to even violate you. That’s until your soft voice pulls him back. His body warmed from the sudden cold he was feeling before as you gently asked to take him, coaxing his lips into a kiss*

*and then he thought nothing but to push through the unusual barrier he had accidently built. And what he met with was those lips as his taller body towered over and pinned you down. He was back in his element. Not terrified of fate. Not yet at least.* yes…the cage…are you frightened my love? *but he makes quicker work of you. was it delicious. Taking his hoseok. In his body again. But this time he could feel more as his host was dormant. Not completely everything but still more than the late Taehyung as he was awake then. He didn’t even realize he cut the sweater before he did. His eyes widened before he chuckled hesitantly, returning back to feeling like a dongsaeng than a man* sorry hobie Hyung will you forgive me? I think my past self had stated something one or another of it being planned ahead of time yes?

*he panicked. He was out of his element as he nodded quickly* okay hoseok Hyung. Okay 3 hoodies I will pick the style and the shape? *he tried. He wanted to return to his commanding self but the blunder took a hit to his confidence* Hyung? *he frowns looking into your eyes, completely forgetting to read your mind* please do not be angry with me? It was foretold and fated before you had even warned me. Otherwise, I do promise you I would not do that to my dear queen. I yearn to please not displease you, ho-oseok *he bit his lip feeling truly bad. Like now he’s displeased a hoseok he loves, fate will find him and hurt him again. Truly, he was traumatized by the past.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [4/4]

*if he’s not able to recover, he’d sit on his knees and beg you for forgiveness, completely frightened to make love to you.*

*But if he’s able to recover, he would command you to come closer and be a good queen and please your king’s . And when you ask him if you can, his eyes would narrow curiously with a smirk. Finally in his element as he’d see his perfect queen turn submissive for him* of course, my queen. Do not worry *he ruffles your hair assuringly* if you are from your host’s own mishap, I have ways to stop myself from too soon. Had I not, I’m sure with how you enticed me near the fountain, I would not been able to hold it in right then and there. Now *his eyes grew colder* remember your safe action. You asked to be rammed and ed hard so you must remember what to do when your mouth cannot use your safe word. *then without waiting he ed your mouth harder until you gagged or your no gag reflex kicked in*

Do you like that baby? *he huffed as he grabbed your handcuffed hands to hold his as you * make sure…to very well for your king. Will you? *he encouraged you with his arms* Would my queen like to be eaten out ? Would my queen love to be pumped full of my seed? Would my queen loved to be roped and blindfolded to the bed as I use you again and again? *he coaxed as he grabbed harder at your hair and coxed you to take even more of his large to the very hilt until the saliva and spit fell from your mouth. Then he roughly pulled you off him to smile at your teary eyes and spit and pre swollen mouth* I knew it… *he bends down to look at your face* you cry so deliciously…you have pleased me. Would my queen like to be pleasured as well now?

*and with that he pushes you down but still he stands there before kneeling against the side of the bed. He pulls your legs and up before his tongue found their target. He stared below at you with his predator eyes as his tongue inserted and ed your small hole, slowly but surely stretching you out. His other hand reached for your own member. He d you as he watched your reaction eating you out as he sits more comfortably to more and more of you.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V [1/3]
*It was somewhat comforting that despite your powers, he still had some leeway. To surprise you. That you would still have something to discover, new shades of Hoseok’s color. Although, his Lord knowing and seeing everything and yet still wanting him, definitely warmed his heart. Could he ask for more? Even if you were painted in despair, with no light inside, he wanted to be that spark, your hope, that you can hold in your hands and smile.*

*Hoseok’s heart tugged a bit every time Hobi’s ‘friends’ were using him. He wished he could have someone who treated him right. But neither he nor Taehyung could do anything about it. Luckily, he was smart enough to not let them do drastic things, or maybe he wasn’t relevant enough to be targeted in that way. At least for now. He could sense people watching him, curiously or with disgust or anger because of his close relationship with Taehyung. Jealousy can be such an ugly thing that drives people to do awful stuff. Hoseok could only hope that if someone acts on it and tries to harm his host, Tae would be able to help just in time. Or maybe he would take over and protect him to the best of his ability? He should definitely ask you about that. Is there any power he has now that could be used for protection of them both?*

*What a fond memory of him trying to understand that back then. For some reason connecting you together felt wrong at that moment. He couldn’t wrap his mind about dimensions, time change, the whole 4th wall. Now he wanted to laugh at his confused self, who was ready to look for a priest to perform exorcism on Taetae, thinking that he was possessed. Who would have thought that he was soon to be married to that demon, so deeply in love. He couldn’t wait.*

*Everything changed so fast, right in front of him, with little to no control. The pain of their lost memories, the frustration when he couldn’t help Taetae, the pain of him treating Hoseok like he is nothing but just a friend, and then the pain of losing him and you. He was heartbroken and even Yoongi couldn’t fill that hole in his heart. At that time, he carelessly threw himself into that feeling. To feel anything, hoping it will work. He carried love for every member, each one was dear and important, so telling Yoongi that he loves him wasn’t hard. Accepting him wasn’t hard. He could distract himself for a while, yes, busy his mind, but his soul stayed the same. Broken but hidden.*
*When he saw you in his dream. His caring, loving Lord. Nothing felt right. How could he try to fool himself? At that very moment, he considered himself a hideous human being. Because not only he was trying to fix himself by replacing you, but he was leading along another heart, his friend. The hole was there, and he missed you both. His sweet Taetae and you, the caring shadow. That feeling slowly scratching on the very edges of it, making it bigger, more painful. No matter how much he attempted to focus on Yoongi, it wasn’t going away. For someone so used to Hoseok’s smiles, and cheerfulness it must look like everything was okay. He could fool everyone around, hide behind that mask. He was J-Hope after all, he was good at it, already doing it for years. He could fool himself.*

*Erasing his memories did not give him any relief. It makes him confused because there was still pain inside, pain he couldn’t understand. Getting them back only made him angry. Nothing could bring you back, no matter how loud he cried. Gone. You were gone, and you gave him power and Hoseok tried to make it work. To refresh this world, he cherished so much. Bring it back to life, yet it did cost him a lot, when someone deleted your existing record, so he did his best to protect the memory of his dear Taehyung. Yet again it worked for a while. As long as he had something to focus on. *

*The need did not go away. The heart still hungered for what it had lost. He caved, he reached out, searching for you, and somehow he was here. He knew you gave him a chance to have that blissful happiness, and being with Yoongi was not bad, but it was not the same. The bliss, although nice at the time, felt wrong every time he thought about you both. But it wasn’t the same as his first. The very passionate, desperate love that caged him. That painted him in despair and called ‘beautiful’. You who wanted Hoseok, with or without a smile. So, perfectly making his heart ache for more, appreciating him, and always pointing out how special he was. He was once again creating his bubbly persona, trying to be the happiest Hoseok, like he was in the beginning, fooling everyone. It was tiring but it was working.*

*Finding his way here was difficult, learning all about this new world, this new Hoseok and Taehyung so confusing. But you were here, so he put his mind and soul into it, working hard, learning how to navigate. Even helping his host brings back his memories. He messed up a lot during that, obviously, but you were there, ready to help. He was no longer so lonely with his heart. There were still so many things that needed to be figured out. Their hosts needed some guidance to finally be together. Accept their feelings, but he was on the easier side of that, since this Hobi was slowly starting to be aware and not denying it.*

*Does Hoseok believe in soulmates? He certainly did at some point. Now, his view has changed, mature. If they exist, maybe? Is he looking for one? No. He was content with his Phantom. Their story, as tragic as it was, has a chance to change for a better one. He doesn’t expect to be bliss and easy, but since he chose it, he was happy with it.*

Me mad? *Hoseok huffed playfully, making a fishy, pouty lips when you kissed him, just to mess with you. He was trying to figure out the best way to tease you, if not childish rhymes, what about singing a very annoying catchy song? Would you catch that virus? Yet, he stopped, when you started laughing, so carefree and relaxed. it must be alcohol, but he also finds that very endearing, and it automatically brings the brightest smile on his face. His moon was not only so y, but wondrous.* You can, did I tell you that you can't? I was just wondering… *He took your hand, carefully observing it, gently tracing every finger, before he brought it up. Slowly, he spread your fingers out in front of his face and intently placed his hand against yours. Your hand was bigger and stronger, and could swallow him.* … huh, that’s why he likes to be . *He murmured under his nose, thinking about how much he would like to feel that too, before he focused on you once again. His cheeks were just slightly red. Just…tiny bit. Looking into your eyes, he took your hand and lifted it to his lips to place a tender, short kiss on top of it.* You will me hard regardless, my love. I will beg for it. *He was sure of it.*

I didn’t because it was freaking obvious! *He pointed his finger at your nose.* You can get enough of these lips. *His finger is now touching his lower lip.* Just as I can’t get enough of yours… *He raised, climbing a bit, and capturing them. Your tempting, soft lips, in a pleasant kiss, gasping lightly when butterflies filled his stomach. Once he moved back, he had that giggly, mischievous glint in his eyes. You could almost hear that happy, teasing pixie Hoseok in his head, dancing and singing. ‘I kiss him! I kiss him!’ Your every kiss had that effect on him, but those when he clearly teases you were his absolute favorites.*
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V *The acting, absolutely great, as you got into your character. He tried his best to make a long, heavy sigh, and squint his eyes a bit, but when you started shaking him and the dramatic tragedy in your voice started to press him, he giggled lightly, his hand grabbing your collar pulling it and you toward his face.* My love, do not fear, one kiss from you shall bring me back to life. You shall not give, our love shall last for eternity, but you must kiss me my lord, you must! *What he didn’t expect is your dedication and that you would stand up so suddenly. He yelped, rolling over like a rag doll, breaking the character yet again with that melodic laugh. Because, holy damn you just rolled his beloved corpse off your knees like that, and nothing about it could be serious anymore, or romantic. He curled on the ground, tears in his eyes as he tried his best to continue this ridiculous act and failed because laughter took over his entire body now. When you came closer to touch his cheek, it was red and wet from all the tears, and he gave you half sob and half giggle, pressing it into your cool hand., letting you finally kiss him, wrapping his arms around your neck weakly and pressing himself into your body.* I’m saved and now yours forever Phantom. That kiss bounded us together.

*It took him a few minutes to calm down, and he did so by resting his cheek on your shoulder, eyes closed, breathing in your smell. He was cozy and perfectly still, just… happy.* I mean with your work, helping with your work, we could spend more time together. Is there anything that I would be useful for?

*The world you showed him was so different, intriguing, and tempting to discover. His eyes hungry for every detail, every shape, before you stopped him, your firm hold turned his face towards yours. And he rewarded you with a tender smile, now focusing on you and how you looked in a faded new world. He touched your pale cheek, a bit surprised that it is not made of stone, with how perfect it looked. Like polished marble. Your eyes are so much darker, inviting and mysterious. That perfectly carved nose, he touched with his index finger. A wonderful sculpture of his beloved, but alive.* More beautiful than the Greek gods. *He whispered, smiling so fondly.* As I love you. * He answered, taking your hand from his chin, to kiss your knuckles.* … as I love you. *He repeated, filled with so many warm emotions.*

*Maybe if he was alone in this world, he would fear it. Unsure what to expect, and how dangerous it could be. But you were there, with him, and maybe you weren’t aware of how much your presence was comforting for him but for Hoseok. You were that fire and motivation, his strength. Giving him a new reason to simply exist. Even violent, and mad, with despair in your eyes and soul. He trusted you. Put his mind and soul in you, knowing you will be there for him. That you will gently hold his soul in your demon claws, and make sure nothing can take him away from you. So, was this world terrifying? Yes, of course. But it was its beauty. Just as despair. It was matching your whole being, and that gave him that cozy feeling. It’s like his heart was telling him, explore, accept, look around. isn’t it beautiful? Scary yet comforting in a way. *

Your ego is showing once again Phantom, but I don’t mind. It's totally understandable when you're so beautiful. This world just emphasizes it. You don’t need colors to shine in my eyes, you know? *Hoseok pointed out, simply admiring you and your beauty, and then focusing on a world once again.* It’s so different, but I understand why it matches you so well. *He focused on your eyes, listening to your words, before he leaned in, placing a kiss on your chest, right where your heart should be.* Thank you, for showing me, but as much as I love my colors, I don’t mind being here. I feel.. *He searched his head for the correct word.* … like at home? It is hard to explain, but it’s like you bring me to your room. Your temple, filled with your essence traced in every corner. As long as you are here, holding me. *His fingers traced your neck, caressing it so gently.* I am giving you colors, and you are giving me calming grays.

*He was a dancer but not a ballroom one. Easy learning, easy following, gaining his confidence, and moving with you so gently and happily, enjoying it. The fact that you liked dancing with him, was always so special, and he knows that his host could only wish for the same treatment. Probably in a much more playful way. Yet, that was also something that was making you more special. More just ‘his’.* You mean despair my Lord. Love and despair. *He corrected you, biting your neck lightly to tease. *

*Where Hobi was less innocent and more used to being touched by Taehyung outside, that Hoseok wasn’t, at least not yet. That was something from his idol life. To be careful, do not show affection outside the safety house. Your image is important. It was hard to forget, years of living like this definitely hard to get out of his head. He wouldn’t mind trying for you to change that, but not during the first time. That was special, and important, and he wanted to enjoy you for as long as he could. *

*When the tint changed to red, his eyes fluttered, and he looked around and then moved his hand, when the sleeve of the blouse slipped off a bit. His skin pale in light, with a reddish tone, and he murmured quietly ‘oh’. He let you turn him around, he closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling your hands were giving him. His tracing yours and moving with them, his head falling to the side exposing his neck, as he firmly leaned against your body.*

Hi… *He whispered against your lips, when you forcefully turned his face towards his. Hoseok's gaze focused on your eyes, impressed with a red tint, suddenly so hungry for you. Ready to be devoured. so lewdly when you pressed yourself against his body, kissing him with so much passion. He cupped your cheeks, thumbing them, and whimpering when the desire filled his body to the brim. He moved his hand, to slip it into your hair, pulling lightly, as he brought you closer, with another moan, and hard length pressed against you. * Ah, V… * He objected quietly when the world came back with full colorful power. Gaze so unfocused, lips swollen and glistering.* It’s okay, I’m okay… I am. *He confirmed, blinking and getting used to the feeling before he sighed deeply, calming down.*

*How could he not cry when it comes to you? You were moving his heart and soul, touching him with your caring words, reminding him again and again that you don’t want anyone else.* Don’t call yourself that. This.. *He lightly shook your body.* is not rotten, and I refuse to hear it. You are mine. Since I can’t complain about myself being plain, you won’t call yourself rotten. *His fist lightly hit your chest.* I will marry you over and over and over again, hold your hand, and say ‘I do’. *When you moved him back, to explain everything so carefully, he listened. Intently, before he gently answered.*

I missed you when you left me. I was aware that you wanted me. it warmed my heart and soul and made me love you. It didn’t happen so suddenly, I learned to love you slowly. But what really moved my heart and soul, is the way you have given up on me. There was no violence, and painful punishment, you left me, so I could have my own happy life. You ignored your own desire, needs and feelings, to give me that. Someone who didn't love me so truly and sincerely would never do it.
jung ∴ hoseok [A] 1 year ago
@Lord V Because we, humans, are a greedy beast with need. We are selfish when we want something, we are not giving up on that easily. We fight for it, not caring about the pain we can bring other people. *he took your hand, squeezing it lightly.*

So giving up on me, so I could find happiness in someone else was the most selfless act of love. Because you put me above your own needs and love, and gave me a chance. That’s why I came back. Because I am the greedy beast that loves you, and wants you. I am selfish now, I want my lord. *He admitted so honestly, looking into your eyes with determination.*

Well, now I am aware, somehow still not scared. *Hoseok said carefully, thinking about it.* I think I expect it at some point… I still remember the cage. Hmm… *He looked at your face tilting his own head to the side, measuring you with his soft gaze. After a moment, he sighed slightly and straightened up, his fingers brushing your forehead.*

I expected no less from you. You are demon Lord after all, you would be possessive of your Queen, cage them to yourself. it would be your treasure. I am ready to let you do that. I learned how painful it is to not have you in my heart. Now, I want to be yours. Although … *He wagged his finger at you.* My favorite hoodie is untouchable. You can tear everything else, but not my ghost hoodie. So now … *He looked around as if he were searching for something then huffed, annoyed, before he climbed the edge of the fountain holding on to your arm for balance. Now that he was a bit taller, he leaned in to kiss that unreachable forehead of yours.* Make me your Queen. *He whispered, cupping your face and tilting it back, to kiss your lips. It was slow, yet still passionate, as he leaned against you.* Now you can marry me freely since I reached your level. *Another giggle followed what was an eloquent joke before he turned serious again.* I really love you…

*He easily gives you back all the control, and well, height advantage. But now, when you were on your knees, blood off his wound, he could only focus on pure desire, the temptation, and lust in your eyes. How easy it was to lose himself in that. In you. Your words, promising such an enjoyable, painful pleasure, followed by innocent action, a soft peck. You were openly teasing him now, and he smiles. His eyes flutter when his head falls back, exposing his pretty neck.* Yeah, deal.

… *How do you expect him to focus on this talk, when you were doing such nice things to his body? He whimpered, unable to gather his thoughts, his needy taking over, and he gasps, holding your arm.* My love… I… Can we talk about it after you devour me? It’s hard to focus…this talk about kids… I want to be filled with your seed, … *He bit his lips hard, resting his head on your shoulder, calming down, focusing, breathing, doing absolutely everything to stop himself.*

I don’t know… I no longer understand this question, I… my ing took over, and it is your fault. *He pinched your side, but his voice wasn’t annoyed or mad. He was simply amused by the whole conversation, and your action. Only you could talk about such important thing and also almost ing him on this fountain. His beloved, crazy demon King.*

*When you moved back, and asked him why there was a fear in his eyes he smiled gently. Deciding to be honest with you.* I am scared of the pain and that after the first child I won’t be able to give you another. That’s why you must be with me there. Remind me that I am strong and can do it, every single time. You must hold me close and kiss my face. Because I am petrified of that pain, and I can’t even imagine doing it without you there.

*The sight of dead bodies slowly losing heat, it was a bit shocking, and he moved closer, to hide in your arms, as he slowly nodded.* I think… that’s the first time I saw a dead body in person… It's a bit disturbing. I will be fine. *He gently nuzzles your neck, kissing your skin, and focusing on your body. On the way you held him so close to his chest, and on your breathing. It definitely helped to calm him down. That’s alright, they are unimportant. Just you. *

*Luckily, he was somehow getting used to the feeling of teleportation. Yet, the room brought him comfort, and he welcomed it with a grateful gaze, before he focused on you. He gently pushed back your hands, to pull you closer using the tie, smirking at your comment.* It looks like it? Guess it’s your time for revenge for all the years when I was torturing TaeTae with dancing. *He teased you by the tip of your nose.* Don’t worry, I’m planning to stay for a long time.

*His hands slipped under your shirt, touching your skin and chest. He was trying to be patient, but he also wanted you badly. You could see that in the way his hand shook.* I want to see how badly you want me, love… *Hoseok leaned, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered these words. And then he leaned back on his elbows, enjoying the shows, and watching you take off the white shirt. His eyes skipped over your skin so hungry to taste it. So, he did, welcoming your body above him, and leaving open mouth kisses on your shoulder , and then a minimal mark into your tan skin.* Mine…

*Despite the urgent need his hands were soft and slowly, touching your arms and shoulders. His eyes follow his movement curiously, unaware of your inner conflicts. Your body is slim, just slightly muscular, yet so much bigger. This was new, this was not a body he knew, yet he was eager to discover. Then you stilled, and he looked up at your face, checking on you to make sure you are okay. He touched your cheek, smiling at you warmly.* My love, your beautiful is waiting to be claimed by you… *He reassured you lightly, moving to press his warm lips against your cheek, searching your lips, before he found them.*

*The hard, abusive kiss left him breathless, and he gasped, submitting to your power, so eager to give you everything. His finger curled when you smacked him, and he purred.* I didn’t… oh! planned to… mhm. *He gave you his hands, letting you handcuff him. Raising his eyebrow. * back to the cage, are we? It’s red. *He smiled, his lips, inviting you closer with a lusty smile.* Mhm… yes, oh! *His moans filled the space when you aggressively grind against his body. Which turned into a very unhappy, long whimper.* YAH! I told you everything but the hoodie! *He pouts, frowning at you, wiggling under you.* You are buying me a new one. *He watched as you pulled it off, and he whimpered when his precious possession ended up on the floor. He glared at you, which was not actually anything scary. If anything, probably amusing.* Shorts are banned for you, I will hide in baggy clothes! So yeah, you better look at me while you still can. *Was he petty, yeah. But did you smooth him up a bit with a complement? Of course, which was funny, when he tried to stay mad at you. So as the last act of anger he pulled on your hair.* I want a new hoodie. Three to be exact. In different colors!

*After that, nothing was more important than following your command, as he crawled closer, wanting to taste your . He started with a tip, circling his tongue around the head, and slowly moving down, planting kisses along the length.* May I , my lord?
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [1/6]

*would he be able to understand you without his powers? Most likely? No. Afterall, he never was able to understand you from the very beginning. Yes, he probably would be able to pick up things when you were being very obvious to him as the late Taehyung had been able to but the harder layered thoughts your first lover couldn’t even pick up on he wouldn’t be able to as a version of Taehyung too. Not to mention the powers he has now, reflected who he was already, just an above extraordinary version of it rather than a humanly kind. He had always been able to understand what others wanted and could manipulate them but not their emotions- though even Lord V did not know this himself, unable to remember his past as one if he ever had one.*

*But your host had already seen a preview of this when lord V’s own host, Taehyung the supposed human at the time, couldn’t help but want hoseok to the point he manipulated the other into sleeping with him that first time. But probably the true mind reading of you and others was much more stronger during that dinner with your friends when the human host Taehyung automatically disliked those humans and saw their deep seeded truths all without needing those powers to do so. Taehyung knew exactly what they were thinking behind those friendly polite words.*

*But as for when Taehyung his host did clash with their hoseok, it all goes back to the whole “I am him and he is me” argument lord V stated to you in that village when you wondered and asked him what was the difference between him and the late Taehyung. At that time you thought the late Taehyung himself was being influenced by Lord V. And while they did influence each other for certain things, lord V continued to repeat this argument because he knew. Both of the two had potential to “be like the other”. Though even “be like the other” was a very incorrect way to phrase it because they were just themselves.*

*It was the late Taehyung’s own despair that caused him to be driven by jealousy and then insanity, still wanting to keep hoseok but in a cage so he wouldn’t see the light of day and touch anyone else again- just as V had done with his original hoseok as a college student. It was lord V’s own growing love for this hoseok that caused him to be driven by compassion for Taehyung as well to the point he erased the other’s mind in hoping despair would be their saving grace for their love relationship- just as the late Taehyung’s compassion had done to protect you from others hurting you. Both actions being completely incompatible in understanding what hoseok actually needed of course; what that actual gummy smiled man had provided.*

*But one truth remained prevalent. The late Taehyung had both the potential for love and despair in his heart. Lord V had both the potential for love and despair in his heart. They were the same person, only but being influenced by external factors making them present their potentials differently, emphasizing one over the other. Until fate dealt them that same fate they both would inevitably receive. Despair.*

*So no. There will always be some things Lord V will never understand you for with or without his powers. And Lord V is very aware of this. Because he knows. You could not be his soulmate because even if soulmates did exist, he could never have one. He had already half concluded that after his original hoseok’s suicide attempts because of what the older called lovers at the time. So it’s pure love and desperation through hope in despair that drives all of his actions with you. He’s well aware of that. That if soulmates did exist, he’s taking you from your possible soulmate too. But as long as you don’t protest, he won’t bat an eye either, selfishly desiring to do so after yearning for someone to call his own as himself after his time as a Daddy pleasing others but for themselves.*

*without thinking as you place your hands on your waist, he giggles deeply reaching up to pull you by the neck before crunching up to place a deep peck on your lips* you are very adorable when you are mad *as some answer before giggling and laying back on your thigh. Because he’s in an intoxicated state still, he reveals it rather than just letting it rot in his mind* but Hyung why can’t I…I like knowing more and more about you than I can receive through all your other queues *pouts. Then lord V glares reaching for your hand as he looks up from you* Hobie Hyung, that is adorable. But do /not/ do that. Especially if I am ing you. I will you even harder solely to get you to be a mess to forget such a thought but in anger *nods avidly*

Phantom…? *he blinks when you call him that way. It was suddenly so random. Since it came before you initialized that nickname then after our dance. But once he sobers, that’s when he’d realize this time gap. That you indeed did formalize it after you stated it. Lord V smiles softly* free kisses? Why did you not say so? However… *he smiles grinning as he crunches up to kiss you again, this time letting his tongue slide against your lips before pulling away once your breaths shuddered.* I am sure you wouldn’t bar me from those just because you want me to go with you, right Hyung? *he pouts more playfully.*

*lord V or V grins when you start acting. How adorable. He his lips suddenly nervously with a deep giggle before you pretend to faint. He giggles and decides to easily play along even with that clear and broad smile of yours. His eyes bulged in pure panic, so easily acclimated to a role* HOBIE HYUNG?! NO! Please…get up! Do not die on me again! *he shakes you through his flawless but a bit over exaggerated acting, accidentally revealing the past through his acting as if subconsciously- though clearly exaggerated since lord V was cold and only stared solemnly at the fading body in his arms instead. V sobs with a sad expression at your pretend corpse though no real tears came out.* Oh woe is me and my ethereal looks! *he exaggerates* No. No please…you’re the only one for me. Had I known you would die I could have prevented it…What will I do without you?…What will both of us do without you? *his voice cracks as he shakes you weakly*

You are an Angel. You are not supposed to die. And yet why do you choose to abandon your powers subconsciously this time? You did not before when you saved him and he gave his life to revive you. So why now? Why are you only submitting to your humanity this time? Have you truly given up on hope? But my beautiful Angel, you cannot. Without you, we are lost. Without you, we have no hope in our despair, my dear Hobie Hyung...

*Then his eyes grew sharp then darkened but not as dark as Lord V actually was since it’s still acting* No. No you will not. *he shakes his head exaggerating again* you will not die on us for good. You will not die on me for good. I won’t allow it. Not until you are covered in my own despair. *he caressed your cheek with distant cold eyes* I will not let you sink into that humanly darkness. *he explains his next actions as he stood up playfully while holding out Taehyung’s lollipop.* you are revived and I place you into your bed but in an eternally awake state so your soul will exist in other future universes to come. *then he walks towards your “corpse” and caresses your cheek, this time not that original hoseok’s but now your own, now looking at your pretty smile and kissing your lips instead of the original hoseok’s forehead.* I will wait. Until you fall, Hoseok. *then he smiles pecking your lips, ending the scene* fall in a happiness filled with a despairing love for me, Hoseok…

*after he came back, he was confused what you meant by helping. Maybe because he wasn’t sober just yet though he /was/ getting to that state. He had to stare, giving a slurred smile* help in what, hobie Hyung?

*now finally sober, after reciting as much poetry to you with his cold eyes, he hears it clearly. Someone better? If he found it, he wouldn’t have had to wait to find you many years and thousands of years from then. Isn’t that correct? Because it’s never like he stopped looking after his original hoseok. And yes he’s pronounced love to a few of them. But again, there was always something fundamentally wrong with his own self or expectations and theirselves or their expectations.*

*Now as lord V led you into a new world devoid of light, everything in shades of grey, black and white, he let the singer’s voice not his own, continue. At first you looked amazed at the change. His heart gently thumped at your expressions. How could he not love you? Even the way you looked around at his simple but deep creation for you warmed his heart. He found himself gently gripping at your chin to turn you towards him as if to say “look at me.” You could liken it to the phantom doing so to Christine during the verse “turn your face away from the garish light of day” from the piece Music of the Night. Then his nonexistent heart skipped a beat when you still look at him devoid of light but in love. He can see how your eyes light up without the bold colors and shapes filtering those eyes. He can’t help but grow closer* I love you…
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [2/6]

*but the shades of gray black and white were painted more nightmarish than an old film with its bright and vivid in grey with distinct lines and shapes. This strikes fear into another’s heart while being like a void. Empty. Fuzzy. Not knowing where the exact traces of grey the grass ended and where the lighter grey fountain began. The water looked like static from a television. Shadows? There were no shadows here. Just gray fuzzy traces of the world. Contrary to the scene below, above the black sky was thick and silent. As if it demanded you to be silent as well. The moon was a dimmed white that looked like it was greyed out. And despite being white in color and the brightest color in the world, it couldn’t emit any light. As for us two. Him and you looked as vivid but colorless as that one woman in a scarring movie where she crawled out of a static tv screen. That is the horrifying element of Lord V without all the pizzazz.*

*We were the only ones that had a border. Where you could tell where we ended and the other began. Lord V looked both vivid and terrifying behind this static but detailed background. When you thought you wanted to appreciate his face, his lips barely smirk as he stopped before the song for you to look at it.* go on. Take as much as you can in, beautiful. I do not mind if you look at my face and fall for it again. As long as you are only mine because of so… *he whispers as he holds your waist, waiting*

*As he let you stare, he did into your eyes as well. Still just as beautiful; your beauty did not diminish even in this scene. Still. He himself much preferred your color version to this. It was who you are as of right now; you were not colorless like him. Maybe if you ever did become so, then he’d take to this scene more- though both were already very high to him. He caressed a cold hand on your cheek. He expected for you to feel cold or at least numb from the static feeling. Instead you heated his hand. And you looked so beautiful next to him* it is alright to be frightened. This is just the world I wanted to show you. I did not want you to only see what I present myself to everyone. I desired you to see me as myself too, Hoseok- without the vibrant or bold shapes lines and colors of the world. Vague treaded lines around you. This is for you and I have not given such a horrifying but numb image to anyone else. So you may be afraid. But please hoseok. Do not forget to take my hand in that fear. Because you have already colored my world.

*he enjoys when you dance with him though he does wonder why you’re worried to step on his toes since you were a dancer yourself. He should be the one who’s worried since he was not as good as you an actual dancer. Even your host was a dancer. But yes he would try his best to keep up with you. And he did, until it became second nature and he didn’t have to try so hard once he understood your pace. He enjoyed it. When you caressed his cheek as he pulled you back up. He was in a trance, enjoying your expressions even when you hide in his neck. If his was more firm and dictated but attempting to showcase as much emotion as he can, yours was fun and free, basking in those same emotions so effortlessly. He was awe struck. You were indeed a dancer. And he closes his eyes as you kiss him back, unlike you not really minding the college students.*

*his slight but barely smile makes its way across his lips before he whispered back* yes indeed..all ours…tragedy and love

*Privacy was never big on his requirements. As long as he had you, he did not care where or who he’d touch you in front of. But he did care to make you happy- at least for the first time we made love too in this world. Because he too wanted it to be as perfect for you and his relationship as it could be. Even if he has to resort to using this body and not his own. Then later he wouldn’t have qualms about having , not always making love with you. Maybe that’s his master/daddy side speaking but he indeed enjoyed it. Even if these days he’d prefer to do it with someone he actually has affection for, he did have such a craving to get you so ed out*

*Even if you didn’t look as bright as you were, in black white and gray you still mesmerized him. But he missed seeing you in color; he absolutely did. So as the music transitioned to the bridge, not a physical bridge but the bridge in a song, the lights flickered hazy red. Then it turned completely pitch black with a dimming blood red tint. The moon as well was blood red. The fountain reflected the moon, seeming like a pool of watery blood. But everything was dark though still in color. Despite now reflecting the dim red as well, none of the street lamps emitted any light either, not even red light. The only light in this world was the bloody moon itself. It was pitch black as shadows moved out and about. All you could see of him was his own shadow or body as he gently turned you around then pulled your waist closer so your back touched his chest.*

*Then he traced his lips and nose along your nape and down as the singer in our minds crooned “On that lonely night (Lonely night).” He barely swayed as he enjoyed your soft breathing and your own shadow next to him “You said it wouldn't be love” he slid a hand up from your stomach to your waist. Dominant large hands firmly gripping both sides of your body as he moved yours to grind against him. “But we felt the rush” then his nose tracing your shoulder moved up as he firmly gripped your chin to turn to him. A bit more roughly as he could feel his own desire growing. He stared into your eyes in the darkness. His own were pitch black but glinted red thanks to the bloody moon.*

*The stare felt like a hunter who had its prey exactly where they wanted it “It made us believe it there was only us (Only us)” then he couldn’t wait anymore, pulling your lips as he hovered his mouth against you while still grinding, parted lips before kissing you hungrily. “Convinced we were broken inside” he turns you around roughly “yeah!” Lord V consumes more and more of your mouth, kissing you faster than the song playing in our space *he hooks both of your legs to hug him* “inside, yeah” and lord V carries you against the fountain, suddenly roughly making out with you as your back laid on the fountain border. All while the last chorus booms loudly in your ears.*

*He did not pay attention to it as he kissed you fervidly. The lyrics repeating you’re perfect, you’re worth it, you deserve it the way you work it and you earned it. Fast hands making fast work of your body, gripping your hair tightly as he makes a mess of your mouth. He groans against it too. Messy. So unlike lord V. But you can always bring this out of him. Just as your host hoseok brought it out of his host Taehyung constantly. He just thought the years would have humbled him too. But no, he can see your eyes in this darkness. You looked so fragile under him. He can feel his hardening. After two thousand years, it’s as if he’s a starved animal waiting for the right time to pounce. Maybe so much more dangerous than his host’s starved state.*

*but the interruption bringing up his past was enough for him to realize where we were. In public. He slowed down, leaving your body in a messy swollen mess. Him as well as reality hit. The darkness flashed back to light too fast for even him as he did not do it on purpose. He planned for our ascent into light to be more smoother than that. But it feels like he was growing cold again. Unstable indeed. But when you cling onto him, even hiding in his shirt, his body warms as he firmly grips your wrist* I’m here hoseok. I am sorry hoseok *he tries with a hushed whisper as he soothes your back* that was not supposed to happen, Hoseok. *his voice seemed old and repetitive because of the reminder of our past. Even his grip is strong on your wrist until it makes a tracing around your skin. You will not leave him. He will not allow it.*

*eventually you’ve adjusted and he misses your warmth so he keeps firmly on your hand. He doesn’t let go of you until fate did it’s god forsaken thing again.*

*oh but of course fate had to interrupt.*

*even with tears, he knew it. You were indeed his Hyung. Grimacing rectangularly with his own pout-crying expression, he chuckles dryly as his lips tremble but calm down as we both cry together. Then softly as he thumbed at your tears* I enjoy when you cry for me Hyung. You have a complete heart. You’ve always done so. It always stuns me the compassion you have for anyone even someone as rotten but unapologetic as I am. You /will/ be the most prettiest bride for me, beautiful. I will make sure of it *but when you even add something else to our promise, he stares at you in his cold expression before his eyes warm. He was in…shock. A hoseok was asking and showing so much love for someone like him. In a completely new way. Because you accepted him, the man that could never promise you the happiness you wanted. How peculiar. He swears he must be dreaming. But yet he cannot dream so is this a pending nightmare?*

*He’s just so absolutely shocked for a human let alone his first love a hoseok to choose him. He knew how hoseoks thought. They never wanted to be trapped in another’s arms. They never wanted to give up all control to love another. Hoseoks /wanted/ the control also wanted their independence. They wanted to be human and live and love freely, follow their dreams and fall in love so melodramatically. So to see you so adamant to renew our wedding vows every tens or hundreds of years, not something he asked of you but you went out of your way to ask him of, it perplexed him. Even lord V can’t completely believe it. That you would be so willing. But well. He did see that transition himself.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [3/6]

*In the beginning, you too /did/ want to choose an opportunity at true happiness in that man with that gummy smile. The late Taehyung couldn’t hold you in a cage so how could he himself love you the way he wanted? Lord V always thought how could he make that a dream for the late Taehyung? But in the end no matter how much he wracked his brain on it while also possibly pushing the other too far, you only grew further away from the late soul. So…given you clearly were searching for happiness, he just didn’t understand when that became more. He still had jurisdiction afterall to observe before he decided to give up. So after that transition, from when and at exactly what point did you start to move towards him, someone who would cage you too?*

*No. it did not make any sense at all. You probably did misunderstand him somewhere. Maybe you thought he was promising you the same happiness that gummy smile man did. Or some other form of true happiness. That must be it. That has to be so. So he thinks that if he clarifies it, maybe things would make sense. Maybe you’d realize it and run away as well. Even he did not want to string you along and tie you up when you least expect it. He has passed that point of doing so. Something his host has yet to learn.*

*He can only thank his original hoseok for teaching him so. That hoseok that was chained and tied to a corner of the room, refusing to eat the food V offered while glaring at him to the same hoseok that smiled solemnly but shook his head as he lay emancipated, weak and dying. It was that same original hoseok who forced his own reality down his throat. How ironic. V was the one who chained hoseok up and tried to force a new life and truth down his throat. But in the end, it was hoseok who made him choke on and convince V of his own new life and truth. Hoseok taught him who was truly chained. V was the true one who was chained to this world; he had always been.*

*After that, it took a very long time for his original hoseok to truly regard him as a friend again despite being the one who said it themself that they could be friends. But hoseok, finally dropping out of university in the older’s late junior year to take care of his family’s dance academy, did reach out and speak to V about the community he was building and wanted V to help with. Of course V said yes almost instantly though he feigned ambivalence and reluctance; he missed the friend portion in hoseok, him being the only human he trusted completely and not having that making him feel empty. And of course hoseok was hesitant V would try something again but still did miss the other too as a friend; V was always looking out for him even though the older considered the other a bit too weird to ever really understand what was going on in the younger’s head.*

*But the influence of that reality hoseok forced down V’s throat finally came to light. With hoseok, V did stop. Completely. Stop pining after him. Stop touching him. Stop looking at him as his one. At one point, thanks to his own boyfriend, V even forgot how influential hoseok was to his emotional life. Until that hoseok himself tried to take his own life. That instance was like whiplash to his despair. It made V realize and remember exactly how much power hoseok had on his emotions. It did give him the despair he wanted and yearned for; but he had no one to share it with. Not if it wasn’t hoseok or someone who was just as beautiful as hoseok. And trying and trying he failed. So yes. Lord V knew even chaining up would never work unless he truly wanted those consequences. The same applied with emotionally manipulating someone he loved. For such things as these, Lord V knew he was fated to always fail, especially with a hoseok.*

*So given he has learned of this reality, it didn’t make sense in his book why a hoseok was now so willing. And because he believed truly that you wouldn’t be, he repeats it with a determined glare in his eyes. He needed to be honest with you. Make sure this is what you really wanted. That you knew /exactly/ what you were agreeing to. Despite his continuous staring, he caressed your cheek and cups it as he looks down at you. His nonexistent heart flurried but he tried to hold it down. He cannot be pleased yet. Not when he’s not sure you truly know what it meant to be his wife. That happiness will forever be out of your reach*

Hoseok you do not know how happy that makes me. But I must ask you: do you truly know? What you are giving up? I understand that you want to be mine forever and I am very willing to do so. But when you entreat me to renew our weddings vows it makes me concerned. What are your expectations with me? And do they align with my own?

Let me explain. Instead of only hundred years of no true happiness, true happiness will be forever out of your reach if you plan on a forever with me. Each day or week, you /will/ be sad. I am not very easy to get along with as a boyfriend. My original hoseok made that very clear to me. I grow jealous, speak coldly, insult rashly you and your friends, especially when I am indirectly insulted by your friends or you. But yet, even while fighting, I will not stop loving you so passionately. To the point you may feel suffocated and confused how I could be angry with you and punish you so thoroughly.

Next: The more you spend time with others, the more I tend to find ways to cut that time because when I mean I love you hoseok, I truly do to the point I do not think of whether I am healthily loving you. I know other humans do and I did in the very beginning but my insanity does not matter to me anymore. As long as you are all mine.

*he exhales and continues* hm what else….oh I remember. Anytime you talk to a human being, I will block any touches you have with them that are more than friendly. What I consider friendly is very different from you hoseok. I do not consider kissing another anywhere on them “friendly” but I know you do. I consider flirting or acting flirtatiously friendly even with eyes a break in our agreement. That being said, I know some touches will be done on the other’s side and you cannot control them. All I shall say about this is: If I tell them not to do something, they should listen or they will find their own life in grave danger. I am ruthless when it comes to my own property.

Another is: Anytime you would make me angry, I will punish you. Do not worry, I will make it pleasurable…hm…well eventually. But yes, I expect that we will fight as we have always clashed from the very beginning. So you /will/ make me angry. You /will/ make me insane. If you look at anyone else, I will chain you down in my bedroom months on end and remind you of the body you love. I will force you to love my again. I would do that regardless of course but it would be much more intense if I’m angry at what you have done.

Next I suppose would be: I expect you to come to me and only me if you need any kind of stress relief. Yes even ual. You would be my wife. It is my duty as your king to take care of you.

Next: Have you any desires for gaining friends, they shall undergo my screening. Of course, you can be friends with them regardless but only as long as you consider the screening results I’ve presented to you as valid as I am very well versed in understanding many human beings even if not emotionally so.

I’m not sure why I am but I am. That same theory applies to my predictive capabilities. I predicted you would choose that man and you did. I predicted many other things, both small and large, hoseok. It is rare that I am wrong so you must trust that my predictions are performed with no mal-intent. Because yes I too frighten myself at how I am almost never wrong- even in situations where I yearn to be wrong for once. Today was very different. I am still not sure what occurred. But I knew exactly what would happen if my host was not loved by your own, or even acknowledged years into the future. And when it changed, I knew exactly when we avoided this flag. At least for now.

Which hoseok, let me make this clear *he turns to you with serious eyes, remembering how frightened your host was of his own in the future.* hoseok, your host never did need to like or enjoy what had happened, but understand it is an essential part of my host to not avoid or ignore. It is an essential part of me as lord V as well. That is all. Acknowledging our other side instead of giving any opportunity to not. To not do so, would inevitably put your life in jeopardy. My host is not like the me of now. He still believes in the same ideology I believed back then and still sometimes believe today. So he would not believe in being honest with himself to another he wants as well. He would only hide his faults flawlessly just as I had done with my original hoseok years ago.

Ah another one is: to the non human world you will be considered my property. I will make sure you become a great queen in order for them to change their minds but in the beginning, that is the fact. Of course in private I will not treat you as such and you may have your possessions, since I do find that adorable that you keep such. But if you do like it, I’d love to treat you as my property in private too- though that is up to you to decide. I’d love to tell you what to wear and what to eat for a night but I’d also love if you lashed out at me for doing so.

*his eyes grow distant in desire* you’d grow angry and slap me as I rip your clothes off and remind you with my how much you love being treated as mine. How much you love being ed and reduced to mere property as I slam into you wholly aware I am treating you derogatorily. As punishment, in may be in front of others or against a film or curtain but you will feel like you’ve lost in tears but could not help but arch your back more to in more of my length. Afterwards, I would then kiss you to remind you I still do love you and you hold all of my world.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [4/6]

*then he returns out of his fantasies as he had been grinning and rubbing a finger against his lower lip in desire.* But if you do not want that, then the only thing I would do in the world similar to that is treat you like my Queen and my slave in the bedroom as well as tell other humans not to touch what is mine. That is the limit of how I would deal with it if you would not enjoy that.

Hm anything else? *he continues to try to find more but he hums nodding* there is likely much more but I hope these are enough for you to understand what you are agreeing to hoseok? To marry me for forever rather than a few hundred years? *he holds out his hand suddenly worried but at least he was honest with you. If you needed to run away, he could summarize that if you were not for him, you would not be happy with him anyhow. So it was for the best you ran away now to someone who would actually be for you.*

hoseok no matter what you do choose *he kisses your knuckles gently* I still love you. And I would enjoy even loving you for relatively a few years if that is your choice. I was already a very happy man when you kissed and touched me in that village place. And now I have had the opportunity to call you all mine. I am already very ecstatic for these short years, Hoseok.

*does he? Does he have forever with you? To show you all of the sides? Meet all the insane and sane parts? To ask for you to count down as he punishes you for angering him? To wake up in your sweat and fall asleep in your sweat? To always be by your side and tell you who you should not talk to? He does not know. But what he does know is those red eyes of yours were willing. So willing to look at him and do everything. And well, he wants to believe. He guides your eyes closed before pressing his thumb against your closed eye socket, rubbing your eyes* …is that better? *his voice is a whisper as he massages your eyelids*

*erasing other humans’ memories? As long as it doesn’t break others’ humanity as that is the rule he has to follow, he would do anything for his dear Queen. If it was not for you, he only tends to erase others’ memories when their time had not come yet as usually their death and memory erasing tend to go hand-in-hand. Kill the body that intends to leave this place. Erase the soul to invite another in. And in near deaths erase the memory of their near death or evidence of him being there near the end.*

*Just let’s not try to go overboard with using powers on people who have not been judged to do so is all he may ask as even he has a job he has to do in mostly correct practice. Being a demon did not stop him from having rules- as you’ll learn sooner or later the truth of hell. Hoseok’s just always been his weakness when it comes to thinking professionally.*

*Lord V slides a tongue towards your wound as he observes you more intently. You did not feel this type of pain. Lord V found himself lapping at your leg* hobie Hyung… *he stares into your eyes before parting your knees and lower near your crotch. He shouldn’t be doing this to you for your first time but here he was now at your bulged up shorts as we grew closer and closer. He could not control himself when you show such faces to him. He just cannot have enough of you.*

*he stares down at you after already your neck and grinding against you. he wanted to ravage you. Right. Now. But he chuckles speaking with you as he did his best to hold back. Hm…* is that why? Did I find an abnormal hoseok? *he chuckles softly though he’s very sure you’re not truly abnormal like him. Just slightly abnormal to be more tolerant. Afterall, you still chose true happiness during that first time. That was not abnormal enough for Lord V. Still, it awed him. Your limits and parameters as hoseok were wide. Wanting to let him taste your blood? Desiring his embrace even in insanity. It was a comforting thought that he found such a receptive version of you.*

*He caressed your cheek as you giggled about how abnormal you were. He was staring as he his lips when you ask to be ed tonight. You were making it so terribly hard for him not to you against this sacred fountain. His hands grab your harder as he chuckles when you enjoy his abuse of your neck* then your wish is my command. I will not make love to you only but I will ram and your body dry as you feel from pleasure of my and of my bite *he smiles staring at you before pecking your lips* does that sound like a deal, beautiful? *He pecks you to be able to hold back. Patience, V. You will get your hoseok in due time.*

*he chuckles at your half curses before he pouts playfully when your eyes grew wide and starts to wonder, asking for your words* but hoseok, I am so willing to kill them for you, my dear Queen! *he pouts starting to wonder if maybe you still were secretly afraid of him. But whether you were or not, you did not look away just as your host did not to his own. And that calms him down, only sticking to playfully speak with you* but my apologies, hobie hyung. I grow excited for abnormal things such as these. And the thought of doing such things with you for you. It excites me quite a bit. I’ve never been able to say such things to anyone so you can imagine how avid my eagerness actually is *he chuckles dryly before biting his lip as he bucked his hips harder against your spread legs. Even clearly apologizing wasn’t working for him to get you off his mind. He was grinding against you /and/ apologizing to you.*

Very well then. They will be living but have a blackened heart like mine. Hoseok? *he bucks his hips softer as he thinks* when they inevitably have their own human-like existential crisis and are struggling to find something in their lives, what would you want to do? *it was a big question and well, he smirked as he enjoyed making you struggle to answer him in serious thought.*

*Then you give him a command* yes my Queen.. *he speaks entranced when you command him. And maybe he was but also was too much in awe of his hoseok to truly quit. You indeed were his Queen. Your perfection* I shall stay by your side and take care of your body, beautiful. *breaks out of his trance like expression with a playful chuckle* Though to be very frank with you, I was not planning anything else, Hoseok…I would never want to leave you in such a state. *still, that fearful expression perplexed him. Were you frightened by him? He could not read your emotions but your eyes gave it away. He stops bucking his hips to you and stays there on top of you. He continually stares as he caressed your cheek* hoseok? Please tell me why you wear a fearful expression on your lips?

*your body should be consumed in peace? Well we all now know Lord V himself did not care exactly where did he take you. It was only because it was our first time that he cared not to take you in front of those two hooligans. Because he knew you would not like it for your first time in this world. Not because he would not like it himself. He would especially in despair. Lord V felt warm even after he left you because those thoughts of yours. So his Hyung wanted to join him and protect him. But you’re right. This was not something he needed help with. He was strong in the face of death, your Phantom. In fact, maybe it’s better you didn’t see him do this often if you didn’t accept solely despair yet. Right before he pulled out his host’s lollipop, he grew to freezing cold.*

*And then when he warmed up walking to return to you with a barely smiling expression and those piercing but warm eyes, they suddenly grew colder at your reaction. He lifted a brow when you looked at the bloody bodies and shook. Of course, you were human. He should’ve known you would look at the dead bodies with compassionate eyes. You were still human so death frightened you. But please may you not run away from him despite that.* hoseok? *he began staring at you with cold eyes* are you alright?

*When he teleported you through shadows, not walked you through shadows, towards your room, he had grown better already. He held you close as well for you as you heard frightening whispers in your ear. If you paid attention to them instead of the sound of his voice, they would make your own blood curdle. Things that would make you shudder and want to run away in fear. Your arms around his neck and your clinging to his body with white knuckled fear did wonders to anchor him to sanity. Well his version of sanity.*

*but once we made it to the bedroom, as he continued speaking with you and making out with you, his desire could not be quelled or postponed any longer* ah so I will be giving my Hyung lessons? *he answered playfully but also a bit excited as he sat on the bed with you, now loosening his black tie while biting his lower lip as he devours you with his eyes.* though even I have not ruled my jurisdictions properly- as you have seen- so though I shall teach you of our ways, I do not expect perfection, Hoseok nor is that what I ask for. All I expect is that you stay by my side no matter what occurs. *and he meant that. Fallen Angel or Angel. Does not matter to him. As long as you were his forever. *

*Thousands of years he’s wanted to hold you as himself for a night. And though he did once during the late Taehyung’s times with you, this time he was doing so with you who was very aware who he actually was. This time you did not think of him as Taehyung but as lord V himself. His breaths shuddered slightly when you start with his shirt as he waits to hear your desires, chuckling as he also leans down and on your neck. Teasing.* I see. My handsome face it is then *he smirks playfully though he knows you didn’t mean it like that. You never did. You enjoyed being ed romantically.
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [5/6]

*He does have a quiet but playful side as well to tease you though. But when you kiss him. Beg him to take him as himself, he could feel his muscles start to relax. He had planned to make love to you the way you desired but all you asked for was his face.*

*Wasn’t that giving him no limits? Did he hear correctly? Then when you have removed all his buttons, he pulls away, slightly saddened by the loss but he would be back. He quickly removed the rest of his button shirt over his somewhat broad shoulder blades, letting his black tie slip off as well, tugging the white cuffed sleeves through his skinny arms until he crawls forward and towers above you again in his own tanned and slightly darker but still yellowish skin.*

*It is very fortunate his body looks like who he was in his human form. He took this world’s jurisdiction for this reason; because it reminded of him of his past and he could mourn here while putting all of his effort into his job. Never did he think he’d his precious hoseok in his original-like body though* hoseok… see this is what you did to me

*He tilts your head to the left so he can hover above your lips tilting his own head to the right. It felt. Forbidden. Wrong. Lord V could feel everything. As if he pushed his own limit of fate. After many dreaded years of finding his despair and trying to share it with someone, always blaming the other and not him when he failed in order to move forward, he’s pushed the line fate drew for him. He’s found something so similar to it. If not it. So now he has it, it feels so hard for him to grasp you in his hands. He was about to make love to his beautiful. The true beautiful who he used that nickname for initially and always cast on his lips with others. Something he never believed would ever happen.*

*Yes his obsession with you ran too deep. And after that reality his original hoseok gave him, it always stuttered his future actions. Fear. Fear of losing hoseok; fear of being the one to do so. And so he himself as lord V never was able to truly cage others anymore- even when he still did yearn to. And thanks to his original hoseok it was hard to accept he could be himself anymore.*

*Fear made him stop and stare in front of your face. It was a cold stare like many other stares but if you looked closely his eyes showed he was afraid, having been conditioned to be someone he’s not and that today stopping him from taking your lips so seriously on this bed. Take him, V. Take what is yours. What are you afraid of? You do not need to be afraid anymore. Fate should not influence an action like this. He is now yours. He was the one who did so this time. He has chosen you now instead. He has begged you instead. To possess it. Every part of your horrible personality.*

*His fingers trembled but it was his heart and your body’s incessant pounding in his ear that suddenly made the thirst to take you greater than his fear. That fear of crossing the line of his fate. Scrunching his eyes closed, he cups your face and your lips bruised, abusing them like they’re his, biting them like they are all his. And he could feel his body cringe when he did so, at the fact he did something he knew he thought and was conditioned that he was not supposed to. Something he had learned he never should do. Take all of a hoseok.*

*But now he struggled but did so, his future actions were growing much more easier. His left hand trailed lower to find your own hands before pinning them, tangling them in his larger ones. His large right hand slid down your smaller body before it roughly pulls you by the waist. Closer. Closer to him. Breathe all of him in. That same right hand slides closer to your before sliding it inside your shorts, massaging the flesh before smack. He had smacked it inside your shorts.* Hoseok you cannot escape me anymore… *he mutters as he spanked you again, slowly acclimating to who he was after avoiding doing so for a long time. It made his blood boil in desire. He was remembering that delicious feeling*

*Simple Missionary was not who he was but since you wanted to see his face first while seeing who he actually was, he had a better idea. He dug into his empty pocket to pull out Taehyung’s rope and a pair of metal handcuffs. He didn’t need the pockets but it would be much easier for you to think he had them with him rather than he materialized it from his bedroom. You could understand what it meant to be a lord later* hoseok…give me your safe word *he stated firmly as he took his time to tie knots with the rope against your bed’s headboard then the lower side of the bed.* do not worry, Hoseok. This rope around your bed is for later. But this

*A click. Something metal wrapped around both of your wrists. A pair of metal handcuffs.* This is for right now. *he pecks your cuffed wrists before giving you a wicked smirk but with warm loving eyes* Now my prep work has been concluded, I will make good on our agreement and show you how I would make love to you while ing your exquisite body.

*he straddles your legs before pulling your hand cuffed arms to hug his neck as he guides your hands to tangle into his hair. Then he attacks your lips more hungrily while grinding down onto you so you could not protest and just moan against him. Truly like the predator he was. Except this time you would not protest as this is what you wanted. You /wanted/ him to show himself. To see him enjoying touching your body. To see Master V. Or should he say Master Lord V now. He bites, and nips at your lips while rolling his hips harder against yours. Then his lips trail down to and abuse your neck all while bucking his hips against your crotch. A nail trailed down your hoodie covered chest, zipping through the fabric. A clean cut. Your precious hoodie had been split in two. It exposed some of your beautiful abs and stomach. Then he let go of your hands on his neck to pull your split hoodie completely off you, tinging at the metal cuffs a bit roughly.*

*Then he sat there in awe. Very different from your original body. This body looked almost similar to his original hoseok when he was still Dr. V and they would have their nightly escapades in the dorm room past hoseok’s freshmen year and into sophomore, the other two roommates complaining during sophomore year at hoseok’s loudness which V did not mind and much preferred. How ironic that a year later his own roommate would be one of those two roommates. It was not like they ever met as Dr. V always made sure to leave when everyone was sleeping.*

*Partly for work, partly to not upset the still very innocent hoseok who had refused him in his office the first time only to bring him to the dorm. Dr. V was irritated at that sudden switch as if his patient was playing him; but with his hard-on still apparent he had no choice but to trust Hoseok would not reject him again in the dorm as well. Similar to Master Taehyung’s story yes? Yes ironically. Fate really did work in mysterious ways. Some ways even unknown to every single entity aware of this world*

*But if you would ask him to choose between each body, he would say he loved both because both were his hoseok’s.*

*The smaller younger and less defined one made him feel hungry and animalistic. The older body was perfect for riding him, especially with those well-defined hardworking thighs- though he never experienced it himself since the late Taehyung was active at that time as lord V watched in secret envy as the glistening sweat slid down the late Taehyung’s hoseok’s body.Your older body made him feel and possessive.*

*So now knowing you possessed both bodies, Lord V stared down as he his lips while he grew hard.*He wanted to bite down hard and mark your spiritual body while ing and dry all the juices from your corporeal body.*

*He continues to stare at both sides of you before he states yet again the first word that had come to his mind even back then when he had seen your skin. His name that was originally for you.* you look so beautiful, Hoseok. *his hands and lips caressed down your exposed skin, craving it now. You had a nice body and skin that was less tan than his yet again. Your waist especially looked so perfect for his hands.*

*His throat gurgles in desire as his eyes flashed red, quickly taking in a as he enters again inside your cuffed handed hug, letting you touch his dark brown locks again. He laps at the bud before biting and twisting it gently then . He hard as his other hand quickly slid your shorts off, throwing them on the ground but who knows exactly where. Unlike your hoodie, he wanted you to have those shorts for later. You would look perfect in them yet again so he didn’t want to destroy them unlike the hoodie. You had many hoodies. And though they /were/ adorable on you, he much preferred garments that exposed more of your skin to him.*

*Now you were in your boxers. His right hand grabbed roughly at your member before he starts to you. He stared into your hands* how do you like this, Hoseok? *he had asked gauging your expression. Something he had been used to doing but now felt a bit foreign to him. It’s been so long. He d harder until he pulled off the remaining of your clothes aka those boxers, sliding them past your knees and off your ankles.Then he slipped out of your cuffed hold and lifted himself off the bed, standing* Come. On your knees, Hoseok. *he commands. It is up to you if you prefer the bed or the ground*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
@jung hoseok [6/6]

*He pulls at his own pant’s belt before his loose pants fall to the ground around his ankles. Lord V looks at your messy self as he bit his lower lip, giving you a nice show. He closes his eyes shuddering when he pulls out and exposes his to the air before he his already very hard to stand tall against him as he stares into your eyes with his cold and hungry ones. Usually it would take much longer but in addition to all of the we had done across the fountain, it was his very own beautiful. Of course he was hard. Just like his host Taehyung, it was difficult to control himself around hoseok.* Crawl forward and taste me if you dare, beautiful. I have been waiting quite a while for you. *He holds his length closer to your face, slightly poking your pretty heart-shaped lips*
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kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
[giving up, will try again later orz]
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kim ∶ taehyung [A] 1 year ago
[rephrasing for paragraphs so deleted]
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YouDidWell 4 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 7 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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