✎ 3rd Floor

3rd Floor
3rd floor of the apartments. 
coded by yxgurt
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol *at the way you parted your lips as his fingers abused your hole, now making squelching sounds thanks to the pre , he mirrored your expressions too. He parted his lips though his was smirking pleased as he watched his victim for the night take his fingers so eagerly* you so loud babe, wait till I feed your with my *he snickers. And yet when you suddenly felt nothing and yet everything, he grinned smugly. , you give good responses if nothing else. He kept your legs parted despite them twitching as he continued grinding and finger ing you for a little while longer.*

*he hissed a bit when you dug your nails into his skin and yet the pain of it mixed with the pleasure of the friction between us reeled him in. Maybe it’s because of his past, that even pain had brought him pleasure. The worst kinks you could name too. As long as it had tied to them, he had learned to get off on it.*

*Jeongguk snickers softly when you ended up not answering him directly yet again. , he should punish you. And yet with the way your back arched on his fingers as you whispered beggingly against his neck, his own twitched in an intense craving. He needed to feel this y human being around him. It calmed his own turmoil. Silently reminded him that yeah, he’s pretty ing good at what he does. The best at it even. It gave him some own self-confidence he needed as a somewhat distraction*

*he had paid attention to the fact you your head and fingers twitched when he mentioned being ed in front of everyone. So now he smirked allowing your get exactly what you want. You wanted his touch but wanted to be seen being touched, hiding your face just enough. With that, he smirks pulling away from you enough to carry you by the waist onto the other end of the couch. This would be the easiest position for you without having to hold yourself up. The couch’s side was soft enough too. Though , part of him always planned to take you on the glass coffee table in front. At least, that was before he learned of your ity. He wanted to trace bruises on your body and unwanted as well as wanted friction. Well…fine, he’s a little lenient because it’s your first time.*

*making sure your neck rested easily against the couch’s soft arm, he crawled forward as more whistles were heard before he straddled your legs as one arm hooked your thigh and the other held you down enough to keep your legs spread. He smirks with a of his lips as he lifted himself just enough to start stroking himself more before slapping it softly, precum and all against your hole. He presses a kiss to your lips as a way to reassure you despite his length. Then he smirks* don’t worry, baby boy, it’ll feel good realll quickly *he snickers*

*then he the corner of his lip as he gently prods and pushes his length into your hole. Despite only finger ing you with two fingers, it went in pretty easily. Possibly because of where we are. You could choose to experience both pain and pleasure or just pain, given your fantasy and kinks. He grunts with a light breath as he slowly pushes an inch in you and lets you breathe and then another inch. His jaw tightened at the hot feeling surrounding his . , he just wanted to . But he waits until his victim is completely adjusted.*

*then without warning, his mouth now hovering on your neck now he’s closed the gap between us again with his in your hole, he rolls his hips into you, searching and quickly brushing against your prostate* like that baby? *he breathes as he starts to you* h everyone’s watching you yourself out for me h *he laughs whispering against your neck as his mouth searches for your lips, going slow just for now to get you used to the motions. He could feel his pulse and twitch as he let your hole clench around his length’s veins which also pulsed*

[] it is! I’m thankful I could rp it with someone! Haha he’s an interesting character when things don’t get so serious huh? I agree tho let’s see when you get bored of him lol. And since I’m thinking he might end up staying for a little longer than we previously thought, you’ll probably be able to see more of him like you wanted : ) ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@Jeongguk Chanyeol's body was on fire. He was burning from the inside out. He felt restless and discomfort the entire time. The only time he could ignore the burning sensation was when the stranger kept his mouth preoccupied or his body was teased. His mind zeroed in on the pleasurable sensation of being teased and touched. But when the man without a face pulled away or stopped, the burning seem to only get worse. Chanyeol could not stop the pitiful whines that escaped him each time the burning feeling came back. He pleaded for the male to keep touching him, for more attention. It was simply too much for his body. The sensations and touches just sent his mind into a whirlwind. He was truly at the other's mercy.

His mind was abruptly cleared of all thoughts at the sudden intrusion of fingers inside of him. His back was arched and his head thrown backward as he let out a sound that he had never made before. He could feel his legs tremble as he blindly flailed his hands to grab hold of something to center him. His mouth had fallen open and remained ajar for the duration of the vicious . It was both painful and delicious and the contrast of both feelings left him reeling. He had never been breached let alone filled down there before and his body wasn't pleased at the sudden intrusion. His fingers and nails dug into the skin of Jeogguk's body as the assault on his body continued.

"T-too much....ahhh... much."
The whines only grew louder and his babbling continued though more broken and nonsensical. He gasped suddenly, mouth closing shut instantly when his mind and sight went completely white. The fingers had touched a part of him he hadn't known existed. His thighs immediately attempted to close shut at the sensation, but the arm that ran between them kept them from fully closing. Chanyeol clung onto Jeongguk's as the pleasure only grew. He found himself responding back to the kisses with ease and hunger, in search of more. He whined at the teasing, being reminded that they weren't alone. He felt his twitch at the realization and he went to bury his face into Jeongguk's neck. He was torn between wanting to hide and again losing himself in the bliss of the fingers bringing him pleasure.

"You," he whispers against Jeongguk's neck.
"Need... ugh... you please!"

[] i don't mind at all. lol i just thought it would be interesting to explore this avenue xD and jeongguk is an interesting character. i wanna see more of him ene lol
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol *jeongguk growled against the other’s whines and overall voice begging for him. , were you always this submissive? Damn he could get used to being wanted like this again. /especially/ since you’re his most favorable type of victim in that spectrum. The submissive to his questionably vague in consent ways. Of course, the chance of you remembering our little encounter was second to none. All the more reason to pillage and depart if he truly had to. As if his existence didn’t even matter to your own actual life in the first place.*

*as for your body…even though your soul was more indirectly connected to your body in your reality, here there was no buffer which led to that heightened pleasure that nothing in reality could ever parallel. Even the best in the real world couldn’t match the unparalleled twisting and turning of your very soul yearning for him. So rather than just a being used by someone, it was more like being truly taken apart and unwound piece by piece by the being on top of you that you had let yourself and your own body submit to.*

*the human-like being groaned as you bucked your hips against him. The friction was hot. , he could already feel himself salivating at the precum now leaking from your own head as each of his own grinding movements threatened to grow closer and closer into your hole. And yet, as much as you were slowly devolving thanks to his movements, he could tell you were still aware what was happening. He continued to grind his hips even more as he waits for your complete submission to this sinful human figure. Jeongguk’s breath hit against your lips as he groaned. Then a finger prodded your hole, teasing the skin to part with the erogenous zone around your hole as he breathily smirks* like that, baby boy?

*it wasn’t until you had failed to answer his question about what kind of kinks you had that he realized you were completely at his will, hand and foot. That didn’t change the fact he was kinda pissed that you didn’t answer if you preferred a specific style or not though. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable too early on. And chances are that if he made you have with him in a way that you were uncomfortable with before he could thread himself deep enough far into your mind, you would be too frightened to continue. Why? Well continue submitting to him and you’ll find out soon enough…*

*so yes, Jeongguk was irritated but guess he’d have to wing it and hope you didn’t get too uncomfortable too early on. And judging by the way you held him, he could assume you wanted more intimacy, possibly rough but not so rough that you lost his touch. At least, not until that auspicious time he wouldn’t have to care about pleasuring you anymore and just enjoy ing you.* baby *he groans as he slid two fingers expertly into your hole all while grinding his against you. But then? He couldn’t move them as easily huh? Damn that’s tight too…When he realized how tight you were down there by how his fingers couldn’t move much, he smirked* so I’m your first here huh? *he snickers lightly despite the clearly loud crowd.*

*well he should know what it’s like to unwillingly consent as a . But rather than completely stop pretty much vaguely performing non-consenting acts on you, he starts to make the unknown hell you’re currently in just a little more bearable. Jeongguk still on top of you starts to kiss you and touch you a little more sympathetically before he whispered in your ear* if you want baby, we can take it to private room. *snickers as he pulled his fingers to rub your precum against them. This should help move freely.*

*Now he shoved his fingers covered with your precum into your hole and snickers satisfied when he can now reach your prostate more easily. He rams his fingers against the side of it after angling properly* unless of course… *he tilts his head to kiss your lips before your tongue then smirking to breathe against your shoulder and ear as he bucks his hips* you got some ed up fantasy of me ing you while every guy jerks off to your y sweet being dicked down? *he laughs but this time he waits until you give him a proper answer before he continues. Maybe it’s empathy rather than sympathy but he wouldn’t want any victim to be scarred for life too early like he had been back then. Yes, even if nothing here would affect your reality somehow he wouldn’t wanna be /that/ guy for your first time. He’ll /at least/ make sure your first time, even if nonconsensual, was as good as it could be. And at /least/ he’d offer to give us privacy for your first time.*

[] you always write decently, don’t worry so much. But yes, that might be what I’m doing. Filling things out
By the way, I know I said my Jeongguk muse is shot but now my priority will be resolving his tasks so I’m prioritizing pushing myself to make him tie up all loose ends. Thanks in advance for rping with us even if you weren’t into rps by itself. We appreciate it even if we know Jeongguk isn’t exactly needed here rn! After this, at least we can say he had a purpose tho temporarily. Just wish he was needed even if just like this, simply for these kinda scenarios : ) ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@Jeongguk The sounds seem to fade in and out of focus the entire time. Chanyeol's mind still could not focus on anything other than the heat that seemed to be consuming his body. His face was red as the heat increased in temperature over time. He wondered briefly why he was getting a fever so abruptly and out of the blue. He was sure he had been feeling fine upon returning to his apartment. The thought quickly vanished upon feeling the watering hands of his apparent partner, who seemed to make the heat better and worse at once. It was maddening.

The tightness in his pants only seemed to worsen with every touch. He could hear the other speaking, taunting him, but the exact words were often lost in translation to his brain. Most of his attention was split between the hands touching his body and the kisses that made him lightheaded. His limbs felt heavy though they kept moving without his realization. His hands pulled and tugged at the stranger's shirt the entire time their mouths were preoccupied with each other's. He didn't fight when his clothing was tugged and pulled off and was pleased when the other took off his clothing upon his silent but near-violent actions.

He could not suppress the shiver he felt travel down his spine upon his fingertips brushing over Jeongguk's well-toned body. He couldn't stop the whines when he was abruptly and bare under the other's form. His arms wrapped around the other male's body, clinging to it as if Jeongguk was his lifeline. Chanyeol found himself eagerly returning the kiss as it seemed to dampen the heat for a few seconds, only for it to return with more fury. "P-please," he found himself muttering, pleading. He wasn't aware of what, but he was desperate for something.

His back arched, his need driving his body to feel much more of the other's body against his. His legs quickly lifted from the couch and wrapped themselves around Jeongguk's waist in an attempt to keep close. Chanyeol lets out a mixture of gasps and moans upon feeling his brush against something solid. His hips immediately begin to rock back and forth, searching for more of that pleasure and tingle that flowed through his body just prior. Had Chanyeol's mind had at all a thread of rationalization, he would likely feel mortified at just how desperate his actions had become. His face would be a beat red with embarrassment upon the images he created with the other man. He was nothing more than a for a man who set his body on fire.

"N-now...need..." unable to form a single sentence. He just knew that his body needed relief. The same kind the stranger seemed to give but only tenfold. Chanyeol's hands ran up Jeongukk's shoulders, up the length of his neck, and into his hair. His fingers clutched onto the strands and pulled his head towards his face. Unable to hide the blown-out look in his eyes or the flushed state of his entire body, Chanyeol was heavily aroused and eager for more. His hips rocked into the man he was clinging onto while his mouth began to nip and on his partner's lips. The second year's actions began to speak volumes for his lack of language.

He was hungry for more and was at the will of the man who set his body aflame.

[] lmao All is good xD but yes I can see why. To be fair, sometimes you need the space to explain and fill it out. I hope I write a decent one in return lmao
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [1/2]

*was it a dream? Was it a nightmare? Who knew. The only other emotion, other than the constant desire to be taken and use while being used was slowly spreading throughout you, was a fear. Contagious and yet undetected. Like a silent plague. And yet it was there. Creeping. A looming fear of the unknown. It was only growing slowly at that time, though, so it wasn’t big enough to detect over the overwhelming pleasure. Not yet at least.*

*Jeongguk watches intrigued while also growing impatient as you leaned into him. He whistled internally. Well…you’re being a really good victim. Especially, with the way jeongguk’s own sharp eyes had flickered back to your extended neck. An extended and exposed neck. A sign of vulnerability. He grins satisfied against your lips. But his smirk hadn’t broken even after you started to feel like you were floating or falling. The best way to describe this sensation was that your body, regardless of where your soul was, was being held in a suspended state. For those who felt fear more than the lust, they would think they’re sinking. For those who were still more into the craving of at this point, the lingering fear not yet being detected, would feel like they were floating higher and higher. For Jeongguk, a good state for a victim was a state of unawareness on what was occurring to your body and yet a deep yearning for more.*

*he lifted a brow as he could feel his victim slowly being overcome with each crashing wave and wave of desire. And then his body was jerked slightly forward. It only made him hover over your own. As you craved to close the gap between us, he craved giving exactly that. This was probably his most favorite part of seducing his target for the night. The gradual yet strong collapse into insanity. His victim questioning everything except for the entity on top of him promising a pleasure that cannot be received even in reality. That even reality itself could not parallel as humans had their own bodily limits. The abuse of your very soul. And the funny thing is? We haven’t even gotten to /your/ good part, yet.*

*He groans against your lips, tilting his head slightly as he slid a tongue to trace your own then your upper gums. His right hand gripped at your waist before squeezing up that body of yours. As his lips massaged your own while you tugged at his shirt, his right hand explored between your legs while his left d up your body. In response to your whine, he grunts as he melded his voice in tune with your own.*

*but as quickly as the rush from you came, he pulled away from the kiss, letting the saliva string slip off your tongue as he gazed at your heated face. Still, the smirk traced against his thin grinning lips. Touching you was the first part. Now it was time to see how the “dear prude but sought after by all” Park Chanyeol looked like when completely aroused and inflamed for the “guy who ed anything that walked on two legs.” Call it a slight revenge, too after how that first failed attempt to get you alone and vulnerable had panned out.*

*what he saw made his own pants tent up. Oh . His eyes hardened into a glare, brows seeming sharper than usual as they furrowed.* That’s a y expression you got there... *In response to your hot face, heat was traveling up his neck and jaw too as he smirked into your eyes. His breathing slowed down to your pace despite his hands groping you harder, more impatiently. , no. You’re not getting out of his grasp now. His voice grows husky as his hands started to roam around your body with a bite of his lower lip. When you arched your back, he snickers softly but can’t help but you even harder as you tug at his shirt and spread your legs wider. He had to remind himself he was still around all his hyungs as he smirked* already like this for me, babe h? *he breathes against your neck*

*he grinned wider though, when you quickly kissed him again. He groans into your mouth, lolling his tongue as his pace and making out quickened considerably more. He carried you down onto the couch as his weight pushes against you, starting to straddle you as he pulled and d your waist to arch close to him. His lips and bit at your earlobe then down to your neck before finding a way to buck his hips against you. Everyone was now full on cheering and yet the smells, tastes, everything was being confused. Were they ? Were they hungry? Especially as he kissed you back with an extremely overpowering aphrodisiac sensation. His hands quickly worked at your pants, unbuckling them expertly with one hand as he made out and groaned against your mouth. He snickers as his eyes glare deviously when you started to rip open his shirt* you’re cuter when you don’t know a ing thing, babe *he snickers whispering with a wink, realizing how much different chanyeol was from the one in public he had faced.*

*Well…it’s normal for him to see that difference of portrayal when people come face to face with a place with no consequences and complete freedom. That’s how humans are for him. Saying one thing, doing another. But nonetheless, it amused him. It always amused him. What people choose when no one’s watching. Especially the ier brains. It’s why he was now here in front of you afterall; to see what else you said but would do differently. Besides, unlike the females, the way most of his male victims responded was always more interesting because they tended to vary. *

*Even though every one of his victims couldn’t help but enjoy the and give into that feeling, there was a spectrum of initial emotional responses. Some people, even in pleasure, felt humiliated because they were dominated when they shouldn’t have been. Some felt anger at feeling like their existence was being insulted, others felt used if somehow they gained feelings for him during the pre-script , some felt empty afterwards after being overwhelmed, others full after being empty for so long. Some rare others would even try to physically retaliate if they considered themself not mentally wanting to give into anything. That rare type would force Jeongguk to /really/ utilize his tool set, possibly turning the endeavor truly like ual assault but under the grey border of the highly controversial quote “it’s not if they enjoyed it.” There was always this range for him and yet it still amused him. Entertained him even.*

*So, for him, despite how neutral and unfeeling you were during our first meeting, by your own initial response tonight, he understood the category type of victim you fell into. The type that was clearly into with guys from the very beginning. Why? He didn’t even do anything too drastic other than get you and yet you wanted to feel another male’s body. Practically even ripping another male’s shirt. Checkmate. That’s information right there. Park Chanyeol was into guys and was secretly waiting for with the right person. Something his boss wouldn’t know and that could be used against you. Something no average person could’ve found out in the world of social norms and consequences but something he could easily have found out here.*

I got what I came here for but damn *he smirks as he looks down at you with more predatory eyes than before. Before, he was still playing that good guy. And during the kiss? Just a good guy that had a few red flags by how aggressive and yet patiently coercive he was being. But now…?* you look this good and ty before, Chanyeol Hyung? *He compliments with a smirk. Then he growls and crashes his lips against you while , starting to roughly pull off your clothes faster than before. He helped you as you pulled his shirt off him, revealing a six pack and a well fit body. Not overly muscular but just enough with really well-defined proportions. He smirks* like what you see? Let’s see what you got too, big eared freak *he snickers as he tugs at your shirt and pulls it up over your head. As you kept threading your hands in his hair, he reached to your pants to grind against you. He gripped harder at your thighs then tugging off your pants, he let go to push them onto the ground.*

*The frat guys whoops faded from his ears as he focused on getting off. Now his movements were more impatient and aggressive as he pulled your briefs off of you with a smug expression. His hips now bucking up against you, he unbuckled his own pants expertly with one hand before pushing both his pants and his boxers down at the same time to his knees. His length sprung out and was already hard and throbbing as he grinded against you, hitching his breath at the skin to skin contact, kissing your lips harder as he panted breathlessly* , you really down for whatever aren’t you… *he snickers with a breathy whisper against your lips* tell me babe, what’s your kink? What you like? Rough? Soft? *he smirks as he waits as patiently as he can. He shouldn’t startle his victim at this point so it was better to play towards your kinks instead of make you overly uncomfortable. At least for now. But if you make him wait too long, he’ll just pick for you. And, though he’d try to make you comfortable by picking more safe ones, you might not like them because that would be the kinks he could be more into. Especially now that he wanted to continue to you dumb.*
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol [2/2]

*Poor you. You could’ve easily been someone who enjoyed the while still wanting to resist him. At least, then you had a way to escape him after tonight. At least then it would be just a one night stand kinda deal. And that’s because, yes, though it’s true he’s a hell of a perfectionist and is really good at what he does, he had a big big flaw. It’s that he gives up too easily. Had you taken too long to give in, he would have found you too hard or required too much energy to submit. And ultimately, he’d have avoided approaching you again unless you did so first and he had no other choice. And now that you established that you’re down for him? You would be inviting /him/ of all people to make a nest in your mind. Yeah…we’re gonna tonight. You don’t got that choice to back out anymore, he thought with more of a predatory pair of brown eyes and sharp straight brows. And now you made him realize you’re a susceptible soul?…Well, as long as tonight’s satisfactory and nothing else happens in the future, let’s just say…you might never have a good night’s rest again…babe.*

[this is why I say don’t mirror me. I’ll just keep going and going. My bad for extending the length but again yeah, write as you feel not as my length… lol ]
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@Jeongguk His face was familiar. From where? Who was it? Chanyeol couldn't focus his thoughts. It was just a whirlwind of thoughts, impressions, and feelings. Again his body didn't feel like his own. Dreaming, he had to be dreaming. What else could it be? He couldn't even focus on the face of the one speaking. On any of them. Chanyeol felt so sluggish, his body heavy. It was as if he was running on little to no sleep. He wasn't drunk. He hadn't been drinking heavily in years. This did not feel like the last time he had been drunk.

The second-year can barely keep himself in the present when he hears the other speak again. The familiar man whose face he still was unable to recognize. Dark hair and broad shoulders, similar to his? Were they? He couldn't place the feeling that this was someone he knew. He hadn't even realized the male had spoken yet again. For now? Was it a warning? To what? He also hadn't registered that he had followed the other with guidance. Why was he sudden;y sitting down? Chanyeol let out a little groan as he suddenly felt lightheaded and off balance. Suddenly he felt a hand on his cheek and instinctively leaned into it to ground himself.

Was the heater on? Or was it just too many people in the room? Where was he again? Wait, kissed? Why would he get a kiss? Chanyeol's mind was racing suddenly, as was his heart. He brought a hand to his chest just as he recognized he had a hand on his thigh. Who? Suddenly he felt it. There was the pressure of something against his lips. His eyes closed shut, and he found himself floating. No, was he falling? Chanyeol was suddenly reaching out and grabbed hold of Jungkook's shirt, groaning into the kiss and giving further access to his mouth. Closer, he thought. He needed to get closer. He found himself whining as he slowly descended into the heat that slowly overtook his body.

His mind was a total mess. He couldn't tell up from down. His body, driven by instincts, moved. His legs parted, and he longed for physical touch. More. His body just wanted more. Chanyeol had to pull away from the kiss, his lungs screaming for air. His head was thrown to the side, chest heaving as he panted. There was a thread of drool between both their mouths as they pulled apart. The kiss had been messy and wet. His face was also red, cheeks aflame. Why was the heater on blast? Chanyeol also didn't realize he was consistently letting out small noises of confusion, need, and complaint. Empty, why did he feel empty? Hungry. He was hungry, but not for food.

Chanyeol his lips as he finally turned to look at the other who was holding him. He was frustrated for an unknown reason. His hand tightly clenched onto the fabric of the male's shirt. He tugged to pull the other's body closer to his, wanting the physical touch desperately. Yes, this... this is what he--- "F-," he moaned as his head fell back at the sensation. His back arched, and his chest curved towards Jeongguk's body, his hips instantly pushing up into the hand to feel it again. His body was aflame, and he whined at the male. Chanyeol knew he was no longer in control of his body, and he lost every rational thought from then on.

It wasn't even a split second after Jeongguk had finished speaking that the second year pulled the other student back to him and pressed their lips together. His hands reached for the other's hair and shirt. He needed their bare skins to touch. He longed to have the other inside of him. Why? Didn't matter. His body craved it, wanted it. Chanyeol would get it. He practically tore Jeongguk's shirt off of him in desperation. Everything else didn't matter. Not now. Not the people or the room. Not his parents or the school. Not the company he was to inherit. All that mattered, all he wanted was to have the other inside of him. Jeongguk needed to save him from this constant and abrupt heat.
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol *Jeongguk expected this response. I mean, were /you/ drunk? To have been able to say okay to kissing him just like that? Well…the whole rest of the party goers were supposed to be. And yet, his innocent eyes grew darker and sharper when you answered so confused of it. You were /not/ acting drunk- at least not yet. And yet because the state you were in, you were not able to distinguish jeongguk’s face. You knew it was a good looking man but which man was it? You wouldn’t be able to tell.*

*A soft breathy laugh uttered through his lips as he continued to play the good guy. The cute guy. The cute freshmen guy no one would expect to have another side. Encouragingly, he smiles and pulls your hand towards him with an inviting toothy grin* it’s pretty loud isn’t it? Here, if you can’t hear me, go ahead and sit next to me, I don’t bite *laughs lightly* well for now *he mutters under his breath before smiling again encouragingly*

*internally, the complete opposite was repeating in jeongguk’s mind. ing hell why’s this guy so slow? Who does he look like to you? A ing grandpa?! And he’s already been blue balled twice, if this guy even dares, like would he hold back! He sat, inching closer to you in the nightclub sofa chairs*

*he smiles politely* so I was saying, a kiss, babe *he smirks teasingly* don’t tell me you never been kissed before? *gently teases as a hand brushes up your cheek. Another hand was stroking your leg closest to him as his fraternity guys just watched whooping and hollering while chanting to kiss, so intoxicated to not be able to see anything wrong with two guys kissing.* then your wish’s my command *he said softly. Jeongguk’s hand was sliding closer up your thigh as he tilted his head to make out with you. Each touch from Jeongguk felt like your body was numbing from pleasure. Was it a normal numbing? You couldn’t tell and yet, the closer the other’s hand traveled to your crotch, the hotter your body was growing. As if you were fed an aphrodisiac. Except this one was stronger than your usual aphrodisiac. Very similar to how F1 had felt. Hot for desire yet not sure what’s causing it and even if Jeongguk ever left you alone, you would want to yourself better and yet never get to that perfect pleasure.*

Or maybe… *his thin lips pulled into a smirk* you’re a closet and you wanna feel my hard in your hole as my hyungs watch instead *he snickers winking as the guys started to smirk interested. Each waiting second your body grew hotter and hotter until you were leaking precum at your tip. It felt like each second that Jeongguk did nothing, it was burning and burning you more for that craving feeling. Now that aphrodisiac feeling was encompassing all of your soul. And then he did it. He rubbed at your crotch, causing you to /really/ make you wanna continue ing your self on a or on multiple people. But even then, nothing would suffice without Jeongguk himself doing so. He smirks at your possible expressions of helpless as his innocent eyes slowly reveal a hidden more sharp, evil side to them.* you know it’s my birthday today right? Why don’t you treat me… *he snickers softly*
park ∶ chanyeol 11 months ago
@Jeongguk Chanyeol blinked as he stared at his surroundings. His mind felt heavy and drowsy. He wasn't quite sure where he was. Wasn't he just in his room? He ran a hand through his hair and stared down at himself. He was ready for a party, but why? Nothing made sense, and yet, it did. He watched everyone drink until they could barely stand. It was just another college frat party. He was then soon dragged into a game that he wanted no part of. Yet he couldn't voice out his protest. His body refused to do as he wanted and he wondered why.

He had been lucky enough to not get picked. He had only really just joined when another round of turns started. He often felt himself leaning away from the couple beside him. The music blasting in his ears also made him feel unsettled and dazed. He didn't even realize the bottle had landed on him until there was a commotion and a slap on his shoulder. He turned to look at the perpetrator and only managed to look at the bottle before you were right in front of him. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

The chanting only seemed to get louder and then suddenly disappeared as you leaned forward. Chanyeol blinked and watched your lips as you spoke up. It took him a moment to register what was said, but he had no answer. He could only sit there, rigid and confused before he managed to utter the words, "w-what?"
Jeongguk [A] 11 months ago

@park ∶ chanyeol https://youtu.be/yoOYV8hvC5g

*as the group of fraternity boys guided and roughly patted the birthday boy his birthday slaps while entering the nightclub, Chris brown’s Party feat. Gucci Mane and Usher vibrated against the dance floor. The men drank encouraging the youngest to have his fill. Afterall, they’d make sure the youngest had his time too. Their jeongguk would get what he wanted today. A female to . As they were also the straightest bunch*

*but all too soon, once they got super drunk, the supposedly straight men were groping against the others s or laughing as they did questionable things with each other. Even the leader had placed an arm around jeongguk and started to massage them. Jeongguk just grinned telling them they were drunk with a laugh. Then the leader just grinned harder and placed the bottle down while slurring* go shine jeongguk! You’ll get her today, dog *winks*

*and once it was jeongguk’s turn to spin the empty beer bottle and it landed on you, the young man’s innocent eyes suddenly smirked as it looked down your body. He tongued his cheek as the fraternity guys went all in, too drunk to realize the gravity of the situation as straight guys who’d kiss drunk for fun. All part of the college experience. Now everyone was loudly shouting “kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”*

*despite jeongguk’s sweet doe eyes, he leaned forward to smile innocently despite that smirk still on his thin lips* hey, you wanna do it here or want some privacy?
[post deleted by owner]
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol *once your eyes eventually blink, you notice you’re not in your pajamas anymore but actually dressed up and walking towards the party that was glaring on your phone notifications right before. Or was it right before? There was no concept of time to completely understand despite your phone showing it. And yet as you made your way towards the nightclub where the party would be held at, you heard a bunch of frat boys chanting “birthday !”
Memory Recorder [A] 11 months ago

[] context. You don’t need to reply to it since it’s just a repost from the pre-main chat

[not a trigger but warning: contains mature/rated themes]

*the streets outside of the college campus were already bustling with activity. It was a Friday afterall. If it wasn’t the nightclub, students were going out and experiencing the rest of the nightlife that this city had to offer while staying more near the campus. Now it was midnight as a stretched out black car had pulled up. The men that got out of the vehicle were in their nicest white shirts and khaki shorts. Some even wore black slacks. Others kept it casual but still prep style with a baseball cap or some other similar accessory. Some of them had girlfriends who exited out trailing on their sides wearing soft rings on their fingers. Your typical religious legacy fraternity Boys. Jeongguk however was nowhere to be found*

F1: n-no, not here. He’ll see me here *a female’s voice moaned in panic as her own ring hit the tree bark*
???: *a soft male breathy voice panted back a breathy snicker. The tone was sweet but also sharp and rough* what’s wrong with that? Isn’t it more exciting? *a belt buckle clanked* the thrill of getting caught? See? You’re even getting wetter, Noona
F1: i-if he sees me jeongguk, he’ll punch you too
JK: *jeongguk snickered* I’d like to see him try

*but before jeongguk could continue, he was interrupted by mentions of a familiar person.(NPCs wondering why there was a tall awkward man drunk at the birthday party) ually frustrated, his voice groaned in irritation under his breath then he reluctantly left his female for the day. For now. He’d come back soon enough when every thing was done. Well hopefully unless the ’d get caught somewhere else by her boyfriend. *

*but wow. Especially on his birthday. How ing blue balling and painful! Still It’s not like he didn’t sign up for that by making that evil of a boss join his party. He figured the guy was depressed enough he’d lighten him up with the party. He just never expected that same evil guy to get super drunk for no reason. He thought his boss only liked wine. His boss wasn’t usually into alcohol so it kinda annoyed him when he had to take care of him for longer. His blue balls only grew tighter and tighter.*

*eventually it turned kinda okay when he met a familiar person (a worried hoseok). Just by seeing the other he could reminisce on some of the memories of another past. But it’s not like jeongguk didn’t have his own needs. So once he could shove his drunk boss on the other, he booked it out of there pretty fast. He might be able to catch that female again.*

*He grinned with a smirk when he found the women touching herself against the tree trunk he left her at. Success. Clearly his touch worked wonders on the other’s body. But that was a given for him. He back hugged the other against the tree with a snickering husky voice*

JK: already touching yourself like the ing you are huh? *he snickered breathily* Now where were we…
F1: no jeong-guk if we do more I-I… *the female’s voice moans become more longer and drawn out as the other’s finger entered her roughly*
JK: haha *jeongguk’s own breaths grew raspy. Then the man lowered his thin lips to the other’s ear as his fingers ed into the other female* you and I know ing well you don’t give a damn about that . *he growled into the female’s ear while smacking the other on the * Look how you’re pushing back onto me. What a ty you have. Wearing that celibacy ring but ing onto me like the you are. Your boyfriend would be so pissed if he saw I took your guys’ sweet ity promise away *snickers as he bit at the other’s neck with a raspy voice* but you ing can’t help it can you…
F1: no ah! Yes ah ! Mm I n-need it. I-I need your pl-lease jeongguk! *she couldn’t help but moan. Something about the freshman’s face and touch just was so hard to resist. She always tried her best to stay loyal but once she met the freshman on one party when her boyfriend introduced him as the non official member of the fraternity at a party, she couldn’t stop the thoughts. And here she is wet while trying to hide her infidelity.* please-e fill me, me hard j-jeongguk! *her voice was a hushed but harsh whisper*

*meanwhile the fraternity guys finally made it towards the nightclub near the tree trunk the two were near. As soon as jeongguk into the other, he stiffened at the voice.*

F1’s BF: I don’t get it, where’s that kid. It’s his birthday but he’s not even in the club. He sleep in? He didn’t even show up to the girls house after his classes like we planned…

*suddenly jeongguk panicked cursing under his breath at his even more tighter blue balls* ..! *he whispered under his breath before quickly pulling the zip up his ripped jean pants. He tussled his shirt, fixing the baggy wrinkle and double-checked his hair his loosely combed over hair. It was side parted to expose his brows and forehead but a loop of hair settled just to the right slipping over part of his right eyebrow- so it didn’t look too slick on his head.

*then casually, jeongguk came out wearing his favorite loose baggy button down shirt, the first two buttons ed. And slightly see through too. He was wearing a pair of ripped jeans at the knees and his favorite orange brown timberland boots. The fraternity boys knew he had other boots. He just preferred these or his black ones in the same style. The guys always considered it pretty cute of the freshmen. Just another quirk they didn’t mind.* oh hyungs, you’re here! I wasn’t sure where you were so I was starting without you

G: well he’s not rushing for a spot, so we can’t expect the kid to show up to everything I guess
F1’s BF: ah there’s our birthday boy! Oh? You already got some? You dog!
*all the boys start barking and massaging the freshman as jeongguk rubbed his nape. Just as innocent as he used to be* no hyung she ran away haha…

F1’s BF: tough kid. them es, it’s a cruel world for us men already. *the other men agreed with him in hums* Alright we’re gonna make sure you get a good in by the end of today! Who’s with me? Operation birthday !
*all the other guys start hooting and hollering as they guide the birthday boy to the club. While shouting* birthday ! Birthday ! *The actual venue for their party. Jeongguk laughed as they did. It just that the only one familiar man he cared about (that worried hoseok) couldn’t make it to his birthday party. so much. Guess he can’t count on it. His boss was selfish and evil to allow jeongguk to have his own way with the other right now.*
kim ∶ taehyung [A] 11 months ago
@park ∶ chanyeol *when Taehyung noticed you returning back to your room for the night, he smirks coldly. Now it would be up to his roommate to take it from there. He had to say, having someone like the other around to do his nightly bidding? At least he could reap a few benefits from the mostly irritating other. That is…if Jeongguk did his job right this second time. If he didn’t…well this could turn very hostile indeed. But. For now, he understood that to be able to have worked with him, Jeongguk would have to be a perfectionist as well*

*as the night continued to wane, maybe something felt off to you but the air didn’t seem to change. Let alone your lights only seemed to dim before feeling like a constant glare of burnt yellow in your eyes. It almost felt like time itself was slowing down as the clock ticks louder and louder by the second hand. The lulling time would ever make you start to wonder. What if you /did/ have fun at those events? How would that look like? Your phone’s glare grows distant *


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YouDidWell 4 months ago
Is it still active here?
Pressdeletus 5 months ago
Hello! Can I have park seonghwa as a 2nd year pls?
LilacTears 6 months ago
May I get Jo Gyehyeon as a 3rd year? c:
polaroidmem 6 months ago
hello. may i reserve kim mingyu of seventeen as a second year? thank you.
doubleknotlaces 6 months ago
Hello, can I reserve Bang Chan as a 2nd year?
514a085e48d66f139793 6 months ago
hi, thanks for the advert on my wall. I have a couple of questions before I join if that's ok?
Oxycodone 7 months ago
Hello, can I get Lee Taemin as a 3rd year
Burn 7 months ago
Can I get Oh Sehun from exo as 5th year?
Jinhyuk01 8 months ago
Now I couldn't decide whether to join with Kim Sungkyu or Kwon Soonyoung, hahahaha
Also with just ordinary student or someone with a role
TaetaehyungV 8 months ago
hello hello hello~
can i get hwang hyunjin as 2nd year
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