
Mingi [A] 9 months ago
No worries! Reply speed is never a concern, since I'm always slow AF, even when I have crazy muse lol

We have lives, stuff happens. ❀️
Take your time
Hongjoong [A] 9 months ago
So sorry for my delay. Work kicked my today. I'll reply asap
Hongjoong [A] 9 months ago
We could always start at the club since they both tend to hang out there in the evenings!
Mingi [A] 9 months ago
Of course, bub!
All that's left is to figure out where you want to start?
Lol you have the majority of the story so I don't think it matters where we smash them together at
Hongjoong [A] 9 months ago
First, thank you for making the rp!! Second, the piCTURES ARE KILLING ME AND I LOVE IT
Mingi [A] 9 months ago
Plot to remember things by
Mingi [A] 9 months ago
I have to start by saying that calling it the Romeo and Juliet plot was never meant to be - It's a ing horrible nickname but I can't help it, that's what stuck. The tropey stuff and TW it involves are drama, angst, childhood abuse, potential CSA, homophobia, age gap, growing up together, family tension, abusive father, unaccepted/unsupported characters, loads of family shame and the like. Families are supposed to be snotty old money. Potentially forced/unwanted/fated mate pair if keeping the abo "imprinting" aspect

Basics are two closeted guys end up fated to be together and can't avoid it.

One is more low-key and gives zero questionable vibes (A), but the other is a very obviously femme, sweet, could have been a girl type (B). Due to this, B gets the gay beaten out of him on the daily by his father and older brother, and he is forced to closet himself any time their family is out and about. It becomes A's goal to save him while they also deal with having to hide their relationship from the world as a whole.

The details since I have them written up:

They're both supposed to be 'poor little rich boy' types. A is forced into law when he just wanted to be a musician, so now he writes contracts for a record company so he can at least be adjacent to his passion. He goes to seedy clubs with live music at night and under the cover of darkness because Asian parents find out everything and he just never outgrew the habit of sneaking around.

B is a student still (they were imagined with like a 5 year age gap; late collegiate) and his brother is the goody-two-shoes perfect son. He was the throwaway accident that can never win, which is why he takes everyone's abuse at home. He also sneaks out at night to go indulge in dance clubs and visit a private studio for his own passion, dance.

They were supposed to know each other previously, before B presented/"grew up" - B's perfect older brother and A were high school friends, and A was a back then too - and have a spiderman meme moment as they find each other at one of these clubs they both ended up at. Nobody can know that they know each other and both think that the other will run and tell the others family (because A is an and B's brother is the type so B must be too). At the same time, they have that moment of realization that, , this changes everything. Like, locked eyes and instant imprinting.

From there its a lot of sneaking around and finding out secrets (A has a "mate" and/or kids already, B's abusive family, etc) and it's a whole rollercoaster of emotions as they keep almost breaking up and coming back together. Super angst stuff uwu


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