
Hongjoong [A] 10 months ago
@Mingi Hongjoong enjoyed going to the club when time allowed, as he was still, unfortunately, a college student who practically slaved away at his desk or at his job at the on-campus coffee shop. He never truly wanted to go to college, but he did, however, want to earn his parents' acceptance and love despite the fact those should already be given. I that he had always been the least favorite, the throw-away-child, the absolute disappointment while his brother was practically perfect.

While he loved whatever the club had in store, tonight was the one he knew he enjoyed the most. They had these stunning dancers than Joong wished he could join so desperately, but bringing attention to himself wouldn't be smart. He told his parents, as if they would care, he would be at his friend's place late tonight to study for upcoming exams, and of course, he had his friend covering for him should his parents ask. The last thing he needed was someone else to recognize him and mention anything to his parents.

Hongjoong, too, froze when he heard someone call for his brother, his heart nearly stopping at the thought his brother was there. He turned a little, and his face dropped immediately. Mingi... His brother's best friend who just so happened to be as big of an as his brother. Great. "Wrong Joong you have there..." Hongjoong practically muttered and bit his lip, grabbing the other man's hand and pulling him to the side and away from the crowd. "Look, I don't care that you're here, why you're here, whatever- Just.." He sighed through his nose, trying to settle his racing heart. "I won't say a word if /you/ won't say a word. Last thing I need is to be beaten by my parents for being here. I get enough already. Do we have a deal? Neither of us says anything."
Mingi [A] 10 months ago
@Hongjoong Mingi had chosen the wrong night to go to the club - He'd mixed up the schedule somehow and was now kicking himself. It was supposed to be a band night, but they had some sort of special exhibition of dancers going on tonight, and he'd failed to recognize the change in the crowd or atmosphere until he was already inside and had paid his fees.

Resigned to the fact of not hearing a favored band and the spent $20 for his cover charge, he made his way to the bar. It was easy, being as tall as he was, to carve his way through the crowd, weaving in and out of bodies as he ordered a beer and turned to watch the stage. He may as well enjoy his time here, right?

It helped that the dancers were worth the exhibition - He loved to watch people dance, wishing he could move his body in such ways. He was never very graceful, and that was unfortunately only exacerbated by his lanky figure, but that never stopped him from admiring things from afar. Tonight though, he could get much closer, and once that realization hit, he decided to go for it. Mingi made his way through the crowd and toward the stage, getting as close as he was comfortable with, trying to find an angle that wouldn't totally the people behind him; figuring putting his back to the still-in-use dance floor would be for the best.

He got a few bumps from people who weren't entirely paying attention, but that was worth the space where he didn't feel like his head was blocking someone else's view. Mingi turned to apologize every time as well. After all, he was the awkward who decided to stand between a dance floor and a stage, offering kind smiles and low murmurs of apology until he happened to look down at an oreo-haired face that seemed too familiar.

"Bum...?" Mingi started, freezing as soon as the first syllable fell from his lips. This was not Bumjoong, but someone almost far worse: His -up of a little brother, and if the other recognized him at all, he was going to have a rough night. Word moved fast, moreso when you wanted to make your family happy. his night. All he could do was stare, cross his fingers that he wasn't recognized, and pray that this fluttering in his stomach settled when the other looked away.


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