❛ connections。

— connections

When posting your plots or connections, make sure to follow the formatting below.

plot/connection name: lorem ipsum
genre preference: lorem ipsum
gender preference: lorem ipsum
other: any other details
description: descriptive plot details here

if a plot or connection is taken, make sure you post again in the plot room that it has been filled. 

✧ ⋮ liam jung 8 months ago
❮ the hermit ❯

genre: any
gender: any
description: can't go back home

A reclusive neighbor lives near Liam's remote forest cabin. They've noticed the occasional presence of a mysterious person in the area but have never seen Liam directly. Over time, a connection develops as the neighbor becomes increasingly curious about the cabin's occupant.
✧ ⋮ liam jung 8 months ago
❮ the request ❯

genre: any
gender: any
description: If I lose it all, at least I’ll be free

One of Liam's former targets, someone he spared for reasons of conscience, resurfaces in his life seeking refuge from a powerful criminal organization. This individual, aware of Liam's protective streak, reaches out to him for help. Liam must decide whether to risk everything to protect this person, even if it means facing the wrath of his former employers.
✧ ⋮ liam jung 8 months ago
❮ the boss ❯

genre: any
gender: any
description: the answers you seek will never be found at home

This crime boss, who initially saw potential in Liam's skills, becomes a formidable enemy when Liam starts to question his criminal life. The crime boss will stop at nothing to maintain control over Liam and ensure his loyalty.
✧ ⋮ liam jung 8 months ago
❮ the escape artist ❯

genre: any
gender: any
description: the highways jammed with broken heroes

Liam has been assigned to eliminate a particularly challenging target, someone with a personal vendetta against him or the criminal organization he works for. This target manages to escape Liam's grasp repeatedly, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in their wake.
✧ ⋮ theo evans 8 months ago
❮ it's a shame that it had to be this way ❯

Genre: Any
Gender: Any
Description: ❛ maybe I'm to blame or maybe we're the same ❜

Theo has a close friend who has been a steadfast companion throughout his life. Their friendship is built on a foundation of trust, and Theo has always trusted this person implicitly with his life. However, as they become increasingly involved in Theo's quest for justice and the unraveling of the mystery behind his family's murder, they are faced with a series of dilemmas that challenge the core of their friendship.

These dilemmas force Theo's close friend to make questionable decisions, ones that ultimately betray Theo's trust. These choices may be driven by a desire to protect Theo or by personal motives, but they lead to a difficult and heart-wrenching choice that could shatter their friendship irreparably.
✧ ⋮ theo evans 8 months ago
❮ blame it on the truth ❯

Genre: Any
Gender: Any
Description: ❛ how does it feel to be the enemy? ❜

Theo is assigned a new partner to work with on a critical undercover mission, and at first, this colleague appears to be a trustworthy addition to the team. They seem dedicated to the mission and share a common goal with Theo: to bring down a powerful criminal organization.

However, as the mission progresses, Theo starts to notice inconsistencies in this colleague's behavior. Small details don't add up, and suspicions begin to arise. It becomes apparent that this colleague may have hidden motives regarding the mission, motives that put the entire operation at risk.
✧ ⋮ theo evans 8 months ago
❮ you sold a broken dream ❯

Genre: Any
Gender: Any
Description: ❛ somehow you've got everybody fooled ❜

Theo encounters a mysterious person who offers valuable assistance in his relentless quest to uncover the truth about his family's murder. This person appears to be genuinely committed to helping Theo solve the mystery and bring the perpetrators to justice.

However, beneath the surface, this person harbors a hidden agenda of their own. They are in pursuit of a specific piece of information that they believe Theo possesses. They are willing to go to great lengths, including manipulation and deception, to obtain this information.
✧ ⋮ ezra kim 8 months ago
plot/connection name: friends (0/??)
genre preference: any
gender preference: any
other: pm for further discussion the desc is just a base to get an idea of what i'm looking for the connection.
description: you and ezra are good friends, whether it be from childhood, or the two of you having met later on in life!
✧ ⋮ ezra kim 8 months ago
plot/connection name: work partner
genre preference: angst/drama/friendly
gender preference: any
other: pm for further discussion the desc is just a base to get an idea of what i'm looking for the connection.
description: ezra had originally joined the police force with good intentions, and had wanted to right the wrong doings of the world, however things had slowly started to fall apart when you and him were assigned partners, having been a corrupt cop yourself, you tried to shake ezra off of you, but being the stubborn man he is, he wouldn't let off and let you do your own thing, and so you gave in and had managed to get ezra on the corrupt side along with you.
✧ ⋮ ezra kim 8 months ago
plot/connection name: ex fling/significant other
genre preference: angst/hurt comfort
gender preference: any
other: pm for further discussion the desc, is just a base to get an idea of what i'm looking for from te connection
description: ezra and his ex had dated for a few years, starting when he had first entered the police academy and all the way until work had started to go wrong with him, the typically nice, friendly and caring ezra had changed completely, almost overnight. instead of checking in on them all the time he became very distant, and would keep to himself more often than not, starting arguments over basic questions and everything else. after a while, they finally had enough and left ezra behind.


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xingqiu 7 months ago
hii! can i reserve kim yerim plss?
preciosa 8 months ago
hehe here to fill a connection, can I get jessica jung as evelyn yu? ♡ ><
effloresce 8 months ago
may I reserve minatozaki sana? thank you!
tender 8 months ago
oh my god I've been waiting for an rp like this for so long TT can I reserve Krystal Jung as Eleanor Yu please thank you !!!
pricksosism 8 months ago
may I reserve Kim Bum please, thanks!
famulan 8 months ago
may i reserve han hyojoo? <3
peekaboo 8 months ago
hello hello, may i reserve jung jaewon?
creamsoda 8 months ago
applying when done with dinner ♡
larkspur 8 months ago
here to claim kim yohan :D
Kagune 8 months ago
coming here to claim kim taehyung! :D
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