» sana and younghoon

sana and younghoon!
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sana and younghoon’s room. Please knock before entering

minatozaki sana 6 months ago
@kim younghoon The sudden interruption made the girl freeze in place, her reflexes immediately kicking in as she searched for something to defend herself. How had she missed any signs of another presence? She had scoured the house meticulously upon her arrival, but she was clearly too absorbed in her own world of unpacking and organizing. This lapse in vigilance was a stark reminder of her tendency to get lost in household chores, something her friends had often warned her about.

With a frying pan clutched defensively, Sana turned to face the unexpected visitor, attempting to conceal her surprise and the underlying unease she felt.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house?" Her voice was steady, a mask for the slight tremble she felt inside. She scanned the area for potential escape routes, prepared to flee if the situation took an unfavorable turn. Despite her wariness, she analyzed the stranger before her, noting his casual attire and the lack of any visible threat.

Observing the intruder more closely, Sana noticed he didn't seem like a typical trespasser. His comfortable clothing and open demeanor contradicted the idea of a thief, especially since she hadn't unpacked valuables yet.

With a deep breath, Sana decided to keep her guard up but remain calm. She needed answers and a way to resolve this situation without escalating it further.
kim younghoon 6 months ago
@minatozaki sana something was amiss—he had heard the faint beeping sound of the house's main door opening, followed by the sound of light footsteps. the steps continued to resound through the lower part of the house. younghoon opened his eyes, sitting up awake and alert—in vigilance. he hadn't been expecting any guests to come by. quietly and stealthily, he exited his room, taking precautions to make absolutely no noise. having lived in the house for some time now, younghoon knew which particular floorboards creaked and how to get by them, silently. avoiding them, he crept his way down the stairs, reaching the first floor. he heard rustling, along with shuffling. somebody was definitely here, in the area of the kitchen. maintaining his concealed approach, younghoon walked closer, up to the walls behind the hallway into the kitchen.

peering out, he saw that it was a girl, a total stranger that he didn't recognize. she was rummaging about, seemingly tidying up things in the kitchen. younghoon watched as she began to clean up after his clutter, her back still turned towards him, completely unaware of his presence. he took note of the travel carrier bags that were in the vicinity. they weren't his. they had to belong to the intruder before him. presumably, the girl most likely was going to become a roommate to the rental space. until now, he had been lucky, having the shared space to himself.

"please don't touch anything." he finally spoke, emerging from the shadows of the unlit hallway.
minatozaki sana 7 months ago
@kim younghoon As the first whispers of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, a young woman could be seen making her way up the gentle slope that led to a house atop the hill, offering a perfect vantage point for the vast expanse that was the city of Seoul. With each step, the city slowly awakened around her, the soft glow of streetlights yielding to the growing light of the rising sun. Nothing could mask the excitement radiating throughout Sana's body, not even the biting chill of the looming winter's breeze that dyed her nose and cheeks bright red.

The path wound its way gracefully through the neighborhood, offering a quiet sanctuary from the urban bustle below and as she continued her ascent, the city's skyline emerged, gradually illuminated by the morning rays. It provided a breathtaking view, one she'd had the pleasure of experiencing on the daily and what had originally sold her on the location of her new home in the first place. Despite what she could already tell was going to be quite the commute, between the trek up the hill and the distance away from the heart of the city, Sana couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. The quaint little neighborhood had already captured her heart.

Reaching the crest of the hill, Sana paused, taking in the breathtaking sight of the sunrise casting its golden hues over Seoul. The city seemed to come alive in the gentle light, and her home perched atop the hill stood as a serene refuge amid the urban rhythm, inviting her to embrace the day ahead with renewed vigor and purpose.

Taking a deep breath, Sana stepped onto the cobblestone path that led to her front door, her heart racing with anticipation. The house had a traditional Korean design, with a tiled roof and a small courtyard filled with potted flowers. As she approached, she noticed the fragrant scent of cosmos in bloom, their pink petals casting dappled shadows on the path.

She felt a mixture of anticipation and nostalgia as she input the code and opened the door to her new home. The interior was a blend of old-world charm and modern conveniences, with polished wooden floors and a cozy fireplace in the living room. Sana had meticulously chosen this house, hoping to provide her with a sense of connection to Seoul's rich history while also embracing the modernity of the city.

Leaving the few bags she had brought with her and her shoes at the front door, Sana began exploring her humble new abode. With each step she took through the house, Sana’s excitement only grew. She could picture herself trying out new recipes in the kitchen, exploring the nearby streets, and discovering the hidden treasures of Seoul.

Although a bit thrown off by the lack of cleanliness and the abundance of furnishing around the house, Sana remained unfazed, opting instead to begin cleaning up here and there. It’ll take a bit of time, a lot of organization and effort, but she had no doubt that soon this will be something she could proudly call her own.


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finalcopy 6 months ago
is park jimin(28) from bts still reserved?
DreamlessMaiden 6 months ago
can you please add Ho Hyun Joo for me please
garten 7 months ago
may i pls reserve woo dohwan (actor/31)?
zeriri 7 months ago
may i reserve jin junya (26) please?
tubatu 7 months ago
may i reserve park jimin (28) from bts pls?
moonkitten [A] 7 months ago
☂ to reserve a character, please comment full name and group/why their famous along with their age!
(ex. can i have han jisung (23) from stray kids! )
_PrimRose_ 7 months ago
may i reserve park sooyoung (27) from red velvet please?
chungmyung 7 months ago
may i reserve park wonbin (21) from riize pls?
collision 7 months ago
may i reserve yang jeongin (22) from stray kids please?
jeonha 7 months ago
may i reserve wi hajoon (32) the actor please
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