× comeback kid。

Fame is a poison most would drink readily despite the warning of a slow and miserable death.
Everything I Wanted
Billie Eilish
played by saorsa
updated on 04.11
full name
jeon jungkook
date of birth
zodiac sign
virgo, earth ox
place of birth
busan, s. korea
gangnam-du, seoul
korean (f) — english
(f) — japanese (c)
disgraced pop star.
social status
closeted biual
love language
words of
affirmation (g+r), acts of service (r)
physical touch (g)
love inerest
... seriously?
updated on 04.11
hair colour
natural black
eye colour
warm brown

has all of his current piercings, including the following:
 • tongue piercing.

 • frenum piercing


Jungkook has almost all of his irl tattoo's except for a few. I have listed the ones he does not have below.

 • Army / BTS symbol / Crown across his fingers and hand are replaced by : nothing. his hand is bare for now.


Has been known to look sickly in the past. Rumours about his appearance have swirled but all have been denied by Jungkook. After his re-emergence back into society, he has appeared much healthier but his friends have begun to notice the slight tinge of red around his eyes or the sickly pallor of his skin start to make their recurrence again.

about me
updated on 04.11
Jeon Jungkook grew up in a poor neighbourhood of Busan, South Korea, to parents Jeon Baekjung and Jeon (neé Kim) Seoyu. The Jeon's, like so many of their neighbours, were a lonely and destitute family; struggling to get by in a world that never seemed to give them a chance(or even wanted too). As a child, Jungkook would struggle in school and be the subject of bullying from his classmates due to his rather soft, timid nature
At age 6, Jungkook would discover a natural talent of musical theory and singing during a music class. His teacher, whom Jungkook would later consider his biggest inspiration, would recommend to the Jeon family that Jungkook pursue acting as a career. Jungkook' first job would come a month later, a simple commercial for a kids toy that required his smooth vocals for the jingle but even in his small bts role, Jeon Jungkook would become a favourite among directors for his cheerful and hardworking attitude. He would book commercial after commercial, small-time performance after performance, slowly becoming recognisable until he was offered a debut album at the tender age of 14 and a contract under the elite SM Entertainment in Seoul; Jungkook would go on to be a main producer(practically unheard of in the industry) for his debut mini-album which released in the domestic charts at number three despite  the initial skepticism surrounding him.
In the wake of his sudden stardom, Jungkook would be exposed to equal parts of adoration and vitriol from those around him. He struggled under the public eye but was determined to make a name of himself, to help his family live a better life than they had. At the age of 15, Jungkook would make the decision to permanently move to Seoul to pursure his music career. At the age of 16, he would go on to score his first PAK  with his debut album and was met with glowing critical reception. Jeon Jungkook became a hot topic name in the music industry; everybody wanted to hire him for their projects and who was Jungkook to say no to the opportunity?
But the constant work would start to take its toll on Jungkook. Although he loved what he did, he found that he struggled to keep up with the demand and his fans would begin to notice his decline in health.
Lyme disease would be Jungkook's excuse but those in the know would publically reject this. Whatever the reason may have been, Jungkook continued to work to the best of his ability, churning out single after performance, even going on to dabble in small-time acting roles in dramas. In 2015, to the surprise of nobody, Jungkook would go on to receive after PAK with his second full-length album, but the surprise of everybody: he'd go viral for the first time internationally. Jungkook was riding high that year, and it seemed that nothing was going to disrupt his winning streak.
So it was shocking when, in late 2016, Jungkook would be filmed physically assaulting a man(later 'confirmed' to be his father) outside of a restaurant in itaewon. The incident would stain Jungkook's reputation and although he did his best to make amends, the Korean idol scene was incredibly tough on him. Too make matters worse, over the course of 2018-2019, a string of unconfirmed scandals from anonymous sources regarding alleged substance abuse, bad behaviour on set and controversial opinions would be steadily posted online. There was always just enough truth to some of these claims that Jungkook could never shake the allegations; driving his reputation and career into the groud.
Jungkook would vanish from the public eye in the middle of 2019, leaving no hint as to where he may have gone. Co-workers and the few remaining fans he had worried over his social media going dark, his friends confirming that they didn't know where he had gone to either, it was as if he hadn't existed in the first place. Jungkook would remain silent for the next 2 years; having only posted to Instagram once during that time to assure his friends that he was still alive. In November of 2022, a keen-eyed fan would be the one to spot Jungkook in public for the first time; eating a pizza slice at Marty's Pizzeria in Brooklyn, New York, looking much healthier(and considerably tatted and buffed up) than he had before his disappearance. The people around Jungkook speculated where he may have run off too and they ranged from mundane gossip(a holiday in remote Nova Scotia) or wildly implausible(through the grapevine, Jungkook would find out that he allegedly went to rural Nepal to become a monk).
When making his debut back into the Korean public eye via song snippets on Instagram and 3am live streams, Jungkook never confirmed nor denied where had been, in fact, Jungkook would keep his interactions with the public minimal until a surprise drop of new single, 'Seven', debauted in mid 2023.
It was a shock, to say the least, and he was quick to rise to the top of the charts domestically and internationally; if not for anything other then being a disgraced pop star attemping to make his re-appearance. '3D' and 'Too Much' would soon follow, and his re-debut album, Golden, would drop early November 2023.
Now Jungkook has taken to appearing in public only for work purposes, but never giving more of himself than he needs too.
updated on 04.11
—10k notes
updated on 04.11
my likes

the tteokbokki stand outside his apartment building — underground bars and clubs where he is unlikely to be recognised — pepperoni pizza — having his hair played with — hand holding — animals, especially dogs — 70s horror movies — dancing — indian food — summer — mindlessly scrolling tiktok for hours — dark-colour spirits — british reality comedy tv shows — iced americano with sweetener.

my dislikes

poorly cooked food — large crowds — talking about his disinherited family and disappearance — viciously cold weather — the sound of grating metal — overly optimistic people — having a lack of privacy — hospitals and doctors — working long hours — rude co-singers, bossy directors and pushy producers — confined spaces — awkward small talk — movies and tv shows that are too dark (like, literally too dark.).

my hobbies

reading hate comments about himself — drinking, bar hopping — clubbing — cooking pasta (makes a mean traditional carbonara) — memorising lines from movies and tv shows, then accurately impersonating them to his friends — shopping — exercising; loves swimming and weight lifting — tidying, especially sweeping and dusting — sleeping — admiring himself in the mirror — skin/hair/bodycare.

my habits

Constantly touches his hair — Cannot walk past a reflection without checking himself out — Rubbing his thumb and index finger on his right hand when feeling nervous, agitated or anxious — — Sniffs quite frequently — Guards his emotions a little too well(could be considered somewhat of a lie, however Jungkook has crafted a careful public persona that is just the right amount of real and fake. Only those closest to him get to know his thoughts and feelings) — Indulging in destructive activities or risky behaviour when bored — Ignoring others if bored by what they're saying — Constantly on his phone, scrolling through social media.

my quirks



 • appearance quirks : Wears glasses too read or when it's dark (he'll never be seen in public with them).

 • Personality Quirks: Has a very confident stride and is usually a fast walker — Generally keeps his body language open unless upset.

 • Miscellaneous Quirks: Texts with one thumb — Has terrible handwriting — Is a lowkey hoarder — His phone lock screen and wallpaper is just the colour black and is always on silent. — He holds his cups/mugs from the top(think of L from Death Note but the quirk/habit didn't come from him).

my secrets

and i'm going to tell you those because...?

updated on 04.11
— jung jaehyun
best friend.
— jeon wonwoo
cousin. tbd.
— name here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
updated on 04.11
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
full name
insert full name
date here
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