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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet pulvinar dui, sed fringilla felis lacinia vestibulum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus at tempus risus, in luctus ipsum. Maecenas vestibulum luctus dictum. Phasellus volutpat rutrum massa a finibus. Sed metus metus, ultrices vitae iaculis at, porttitor at tortor. Nunc sagittis orci nec turpis iaculis egestas. Sed dolor tortor, molestie a diam vel, malesuada maximus odio. Ut eros odio, fringilla eget ligula egestas, malesuada sodales libero. Nam sit amet mauris semper, sollicitudin dolor eu, dignissim elit. Nam dignissim ornare libero mattis convallis. Nullam elementum turpis eros, vel accumsan mauris aliquam et. Duis quam lectus, ornare eget erat eu, tristique mollis tortor. Nunc mollis lorem eros, a vehicula sem lobortis at. Pellentesque sed eleifend eros. Nulla sed urna eget velit fringilla dapibus. Nullam dignissim porttitor neque vitae malesuada. Aenean interdum erat ac vestibulum varius. Sed sagittis magna eget lectus pharetra efficitur. Praesent ultrices vehicula dui at tempus.


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Miseenscene [A] 2 days ago
Total Population: 30 people [ M: 12 - F: 18 ]

currently looking for:
alpha (2 members needed) - lver's boy group with an everchanging concept - think of them as nct but fixed!

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

managers (as many as possible!)
vocal trainers (2 needed)
rap trainers (2 needed)
choreographers (1 needed)
stylist (2 needed)
make up artist (2 needed)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
honeypop 2 days ago
hellooo may I add and reserve Choi San as a producer pls?
vearth 3 days ago
May I reserve Kawanishi Takumi as trainee please? With OC name Mizuno Issei

Thank you
kynelope 3 weeks ago
Can I a&r Shim Youngjoon and Baek Juho please?
mightymorphan 3 weeks ago
hello, may i reserve lee jiwoo (triples) please?
Keikeu 3 weeks ago
Just out of curiosity,

Do you allow office workers and interns too?
lavieenrose [A] 4 weeks ago
making the rp public to have more people joining our tiny little entertainment company ♡

currently looking for:

venus (1 member needed) - lver's flagship girl group with the concept of fearlessness, preppy and confidence!

alpha (3 members needed) - lver's boy group with an everchanging concept - think of them as nct but fixed!

new idol groups (as trainees first!):
male band (5 members)
male idol group (5 members)
female idol group + band (aoa + aoa black's concept, 4 members for the band unit, whole group undecided, but 8/10/12 members total)

managers (as many as possible!)
vocal trainers (2 needed)
rap trainers (2 needed)
choreographers (1 needed)
producers (1 needed)
stylist (2 needed)
make up artist (2 needed)

thank you for taking the time to check us out, and looking forward to have you here with us!
Kagune 1 month ago
hi there! so you guys need trainees right?
evakpop 1 month ago
hi hi! a few questions:
1) is it possible to have two characters please? if so, could i please get kim sejeong (actress) (27 years old) and a fan (m or f)?
2) for the fan, is there a specific different form and is there a specific fc that people would like to see for a fan?
thank you. <3
inertialsunflower 2 months ago
hi can i please have kwon eunbin? she used to be part of clc but is an actress now! i need to keep thinking of an oc name ;;;; thank you
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