Tags aegseg 

YOU GUYS. SOB. Im soooo sorry i ahvent replied as much as I should've these past few days. Valentine's weekend was a mess and i had family things to do. And this week and next- its final projects for me so I need to work on my projects and what not. I'll do my best to come on and reply when I can though, but please don't think im abandoning you all ;3; <3 


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justashadow 10 years ago
it's okay bby don't stress about replies ono
ukiyo_ 10 years ago
Aww i understand~ ^^ Its alright, i can wait~ <3
jellybean 10 years ago
*snuggles* You know I won't ever think that. I know your busy Sweet, and I don't mind waiting until you have more free time, ^_^ <3
ForeverTroubleMaker 10 years ago
It's okay ~ <3
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