Personal Message

jung hoseok.

Team genius
super gay


01 I don't care to rp in 3rd or 1st.

02 I don't mind winging it

03 I am flexible, but the plot has to fit my character.

04 I forget to reply a lot so please feel free to poke me if i haven't replied in a while

00 Ut consequat eros ac mauris porta, ac gravida elit placerat.

00 Donec eu ex gravida, pretium neque ac, convallis lorem.

00 Quisque varius orci et sodales molestie.

out of character

Jung Hoseok was born and raised in the town of Gwangju. He comes from a family of doctor's, with his mother and father both being doctor's, and his older sister as well. Hoseok, on the other hand, could never get into that. He tried to follow the family tradition, but he didn't get into medical school. It really disappointed his parents, but he didn't mind it. He didn't like blood and all of that anyway, so he was happy to find a different career path for himself.

Hoseok, after searching for a while, decided to go for journalism instead. Now he has his own online blog and YouTube channel, He reports on anything and everything from the latest news and trends, to travels, and his daily life. He generates views mostly from his personality rather than his content, and he has a great realtionship with his fans. 

history / bio

Hoseok has a bright and sunshine personality, but he gets stressed out easily. He's also scared of everything you can think of, so he can sometimes get a bit annoying to other people quite quickly.

Screams. Dancing. And sunshine.



This is my boyfriend. Park Jaehyung. He is really cute, and he's super nice, too. He's just all around great. I'll add more here when I think of some not-super-cheesy things to say because cheesy is all I have for now.


title Sed eu mi sed sem dictum porta. Nullam nec tellus nunc. Sed finibus, dolor eu sagittis pretium, lectus magna rutrum purus, ut maximus nisl quam vel dolor. Morbi elementum lorem purus, non mattis sem posuere nec. / status, rating, etc.

title Nunc malesuada iaculis dapibus. Proin vitae sem eu metus auctor bibendum quis non ligula. Mauris id risus id ante elementum pretium. Nullam gravida facilisis porttitor. Nulla at felis sapien. Vivamus euismod sollicitudin quam. Maecenas suscipit fringilla vehicula. / status, rating, etc.

title Praesent tincidunt purus sed nisi ultricies, in gravida purus venenatis. Pellentesque nunc tellus, laoreet eu tristique non, pretium sed sapien. Duis pellentesque hendrerit ligula non varius. Morbi in velit ac leo condimentum rutrum. Morbi ex quam, venenatis ut lobortis a, sagittis non eros. / status, rating, etc.

title Donec accumsan massa metus, vitae vestibulum mauris venenatis sed. Ut sed accumsan massa. Integer venenatis euismod commodo. / status, rating, etc.

title Quisque quis imperdiet ante. In neque nulla, tristique sit amet sapien vel, pretium feugiat sapien. Ut viverra tempor neque. Sed auctor turpis ut diam mattis suscipit. Phasellus dignissim metus et erat consectetur cursus id a lorem. / status, rating, etc.




Jung Hoseok 4 minutes ago Reply 
Min Soff Yoongi 1 minute ago Reply
I want it to happen so bad but the only couple is jaeseok

Are you implying that neither of us could be the killer?
If so,'re probably right. xD


Min Soff Yoongi 3 minutes ago Reply
I'm definitely implying that





Jung Hoseok 8 hours ago Reply 


Park Jaehyung [SH] 8 hours agoReply 


Jung Hoseok 8 hours ago Reply 


Park Jaehyung [SH] 8 hours agoReply 

i have been summoned

Jung Hoseok 8 hours ago Reply 

I miss Jae T^T

Min Soff Yoongi 8 hours ago Reply

Cha Hitman [A] 1 minute ago Reply
I miss you and Jae ;;


Min Soff Yoongi 8 hours ago Reply

@Park Jaehyung [SH] Jung Hoseok 3 minutes ago Reply
You’re cute. 
He’s cuter. 
Jae is the cutest :3