Personal Message

keep this layout in the personal message (it won't work below). you can delete these notes after reading them if you want to.
✱ do not use this layout anywhere else besides this rp and do not remove the credit. only things you can remove, are the extra sections and anything you don't need.
✱ every image does not have a fixed height except for the images behind the music buttons and the icons next to the section titles. the one behind the first music button (sections 4) is an icon, and the one with the background image (section 10) is supposed to be 260px wide and 80px long.
✱ to edit the bar thing in the lover's section, just change the percentage (music bar has its width at 68%).
you have 72 hours (3 days) to complete the basic information, persona, and out of character sections before we kick you out.
✱ idk if there is anything else that's important to say, but let me know if you have any problems with this layout!

✱ if you do not have this layout and you want to use it, make sure you post so here the profiles room.

oc name

oc name

oc name

A quote or motto goes right here. Say as much as you want, but try to keep this short too because quotes can get unweildy if too long and stuff. Like, you shouldn't type a whole essay here, but you'll do what you want.

— source goes here

Basic Information


  • OC Name: Put that here.
  • Nickname(s): Put those here.
  • Date of Birth: Put that here.
  • Zodiac Signs: Put that here.
  • Place of Birth: Put that here.
  • Species: Put that here.
  • Occupation: Put that here.
  • Current Residence: Put that here.
  • Spoken Languages: Put that here.
  • ual Orientation: Put that here.
  • Romantic Orientation: Put that here.
  • Relationship Status: Put that here.
  • Moral Alignment: Put that here.
  • SNS/Username: Put that here.


  • Faceclaim: Put that here.
  • Height: Put those here.
  • Weight: Put that here.
  • Hair Color: Put that here.
  • Eye Color: Put that here.
  • Piercings: Put that here.
  • Tattoos: Put that here.
  • Piercings: Put that here.
  • Scars: Put that here.
  • Clothing Style: Put that here.

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

History / about / bio


Section subheading

Paragraph stuff goes here. You can just do the more simple option and just hit enter after this paragraph if you want another one. Or you can even do the Shift+Enter thing. It all boils down to personal prefrence.

Blockquote text goes here if you need a blockquote for some reason. The text was lightened and italicized, but you can change that if you want to.

Now, I will give you three dummy paragraphs for this particular section. If you want any more than that, do anything I said above, or just keep copying and pasting the paragraph code as you continue. Like I said, how you wanna do it is personal preference.

  • This is a sample bullet list.
  • You don't have to keep it if you don't want to.
  • But it's here if you need it.

Anyway, if you actually read the text up until now, happy coding and good luck using the layout!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.




Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。


Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。


Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。


Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。


Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。


Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。

bad habits

Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。

wants & desires

Put those here — Doesn't matter how you do it — Style this section how you want。

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

The Fire In Their Soul


Fire In My Soul

Oliver Heldens ft. Shungudzo




Message to your character's love goes here! Type as much as you want or need to type to them.

Here is another paragraph in case you need it!

Current Status


Dating / Engaged / Married / Struggling



Dating as of 00 Month 2019.


Engaged as of 00 Month 2019.


Married as of 00 Month 2019.

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

Out of Character


Before You Approach Me

  1. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  2. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  3. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.

Writing/Plotting Style

  1. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  2. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  3. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.

Activity/Reply Speed

  1. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  2. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  3. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.

Location Preferences

  1. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  2. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  3. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.


  1. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  2. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.
  3. OOC Information would go here. Just hit enter for a new line if you need one.

** Please read this before messaging me to RP!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.



Note about This Section!

** Try to form at least two types of relationships with other roleplayers.


♆ Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Type of Relationship: Here.
  • Species: Thalassan/Terran.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Occupation: Here.
  • Moral Alignment: Here.

Ideally, you'd type a short description here that kinda lines up to the picture beside it. This section is for possible connections you want to make for your character. Describe the type of character you want in your muse's life and the role they will fill here.


♆ Name

  • Availability: Open/Taken.
  • Type of Relationship: Here.
  • Species: Thalassan/Terran.
  • Preferred Gender: Here.
  • Recommended Age: Here.
  • Occupation: Here.
  • Moral Alignment: Here.

Ideally, you'd type a short description here that kinda lines up to the picture beside it. This section is for possible connections you want to make for your character. Describe the type of character you want in your muse's life and the role they will fill here.

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.



Scenario Title


Availability: Open/Taken.

Rating: PG, PG-13, T, or M.

Genres/tags: Put those here.

Warnings: Put those here.


Description of the plot would go here. Can also be used for excerpts I guess.

Here is an extra paragraph.

Scenario Title


Availability: Open/Taken.

Rating: PG, PG-13, T, or M.

Genres/tags: Put those here.

Warnings: Put those here.


Description of the plot would go here. Can also be used for excerpts I guess.

Here is an extra paragraph.

** Have at least two of these!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

Extra section 01


Section subheading

Paragraph stuff goes here. You can just do the more simple option and just hit enter after this paragraph if you want another one. Or you can even do the Shift+Enter thing. It all boils down to personal prefrence.

Now, I will give you three dummy paragraphs for this particular section. If you want any more than that, do anything I said above, or just keep copying and pasting the paragraph code as you continue. Like I said, how you wanna do it is personal preference.

  • This is a sample bullet list.
  • You don't have to keep it if you don't want to.
  • But it's here if you need it.

Anyway, if you actually read the text up until now, happy coding and good luck using the layout!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

extra section 02


Section subheading

If You need a section with a picture, you can use this one! Width must be 260px, but you can have any height!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

extra section 03


Coco Bottle


last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.

extra section 04



If You need a section with a picture, you can use this one! Width must be 260px, but you can have any height!

last updated

00 Month 2019 :ㅤ 22:42.


30 years ago, in the middle of intense tension between Terran and Thalassans due to Terran government idea to reclaimed the land and limit the living space for people underwater, a group of mad scientist plan to attacked Thalassans secretly and hope to killed those creatures in order to reclaimed the land smoothly. Among them, a genius scientist disapproved their idea and kicked out from the group. Believed that tensions between Terran and Thalassans able to resolved if only both of them lived in each other shoes. 

3 days prior to the attack, he informed Thalassans and evacuated them to a safe route. Leader of Thalassans thanked him and promised to let their children together if they wanted to and willing to take in his child if the child ever banished from the land to be with his son. People of Thalassans protested on the land and the idea of reclaimed the land, dissolved. Knew that her husband was the culprit behind the protest and project disbandment, his wife left him with their 1 year old daughter, too ashamed to be recognized as betrayer's wife. 

In order to have a better living, they moved to outskirt of the land, near the beach and that's where Kiara Lim grew up. When she's old enough, her father told her about the history of Thelessans and Terran caused by love, affair, jealousy and envy of two women over a male God but aside from that, he shared his belief of reunification of both creatures. Growing up as a cheerful and genius woman like her father, she built up a science and technology company, focusing on creating technology that enabled Thelessians to lived on land and vice versa for Terran. Other than the main focus of the company, Scilogy Enterpraise has become number 1 company in science and technology that supported the life of Terrans. 

Despite the tension between them, there are people from both sides supported her idea but also some people who got close to her in order to brainwashed her and befriend with her for their own benefits. 

Top three good habits :
1. Didn't believe what other people say 
2. Not easily get influence by people
3. Positive and cheerful vibe 

Top 3 bad habits : 
1. Not easily make any decisions
2. Perfectionist 
3. Workaholic 

Moral alignment : chaotic good

Occupation : scientist and CEO of Scilogy Enterprise. 



1. GMT+7

2. Mostly online at night 

3. Let's plot and I have plot as well