ooc tings

Read Before You Approach Me

FOR PLOTTING. I will plot with you, I will brainstorm with you, but we have to be able to have an actual conversation. Do not bother approaching me if you are going to expect me to come up with the plot by myself. If that's the case-- go choose from the plots I already have posted. I am absolutely okay with random starters as long as you stick to the rules in this ooc section.

TIME ZONE & PACE. GMT-8/PST. My pace varies depending on the plot size and literacy, as well as my ooc life and muse. I will keep you updated throughout responses, so please do not poke me before 2 weeks of silence.

OOC AGE & MATURE THREADS. I am 25 years old. In order to do Mature Threads I expect you to be 21+ and will be asking. As for the thread itself, we can discuss the content in the case of choosing to commit to a mature plot.

WRITING STYLE. My style varies between para and novella. Depending on my muse and ooc schedule I lean more towards literate, light novella. Currently I am busy and so I will be writing in semi-literate, multi-para third person. I do not expect you to also use third person, however I do wish for mirrored responses. I too will mirror your responses. If you would like me to start the thread I will, however my starters are always abnormally sized. Please do not base your responses on the size of my starter.

GENRE LIMITS. I will plot anything other than romance. The only times I will plot romance is; 1: I have posted a connection searching for a partner or, 2: I have posted a plot searching for an ex.

TAGGING. I do not want anything on my wall. Threads are to go in rooms and rooms only unless the plot is a mature thread, in which pms are the appropriate location.

BIG NO-NOS. Poking me before 2 weeks. GOD MODDING. Plotted Romance. IC drama involving my characters without prior consent.
The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): None.
  • Date of Birth: 20 March, 2000 (Age 23).
  • Zodiac Sign: Pisces, Dragon.
  • Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea.
  • Nationality: Korean.
  • Current Location: Camp Halfblood.
  • Known Languages: Korean, English, Broken Japanese.
  • Occupation: Painter.
  • Romatic Orientation: Homoromantic.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Relationship Status: Single.

Character Trivia

  • Godly Parent: Hades.
  • Status: Claimed.
  • Fatal Flaw: Paranoia.
  • Mastered Abilties: Necromancy: Mainly Communication.
  • Unmastered Abilities: Umbrakinesis, Shadow Travel.
  • Weapon: Rope Dart.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 179cm (5’10.5″).
  • Weight: 63 kg (138 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Blonde/Black.
  • Eye Color: Black.
  • Piercings: 5 Ear Piercings.
  • Tattoos: 0
  • Scars: Many small scars from the chest down.
  • Personal Aesthetic: When painting his attire- usually consists of all black with montonous splashes of greys and whites, and of course an apron. When not painting, light tones and slightly more colorful palettes. Jewelry is a necessity for him no matter the occasion. He can always be seen wearing rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. Since he keeps his hair longer he also tends to use clips often to hold back his bangs.
The Story

Hyunjin Hwang

Chapter I

Hyunjin's twisted odyssey through shadows commenced long before the looming gates of Camp Half-Blood beckoned him into a labyrinth of divine curses. In the heart of a town draped in mundane façades, he bore the weight of an unholy legacy. An outcast from birth, whispers of otherworldly conversations clung to him like a malevolent shroud, branding him as a demigod, a cursed child of the divine. 

Tormented not only by the jeers of mortals but also by spectral entities that danced on the fringes of reality, Hyunjin's childhood was a descent into an abyss of madness. Bullies, mere pawns in the cosmic chess game, reveled in his suffering as the sinister truths of his lineage whispered agonies only he could comprehend. The thinning veil between worlds revealed a grotesque reality that shaped Hyunjin into a vessel for the macabre.

His mother, a mortal touched by a deity's twisted affections, met an untimely demise, leaving Hyunjin alone with an inheritance tainted by divine sorrow. Her spirit lingered, not as a comforting guide, but as a haunting specter, a reminder of the curse that clung to his demigod bloodline. His isolation, a self-imposed exile from a world that could never understand, bred a fortress of paranoia around his fractured psyche. His art, borne from the twisted visions painted by the unseen, became a dark testament to the unholy confluence of the living and the divine.
Chapter II

✶ ⁞   The future is unknown, so we must live in the present.

Camp Half-Blood, with its mystical aura, beckoned the tormented demigod into a twisted sanctuary for those cursed by divine blood. Hades, the malevolent overseer, claimed Hyunjin, anointing him with the cursed gift of necromancy. Within the camp's hallowed grounds, where shadows whispered ancient secrets, Hyunjin found a bitter acceptance. Yet, the echoes of his haunted past grew louder, a symphony of anguished spirits and vengeful murmurs.

The camp, a haven for demigods, became a crucible for Hyunjin's darkness. Social connections remained elusive as his tortured soul recoiled from the living. Paranoia festered like a malignant curse, feeding on the spectral whispers that seeped into the very essence of his being. The canvas, once a sanctuary, now bore witness to the grotesque amalgamation of the living and the divine.

His mother's spirit, no longer a comforting presence, morphed into a harbinger of divine doom. The camp's unholy energies warped the connection between mother and son, and the spectral voices intensified, urging him towards the brink of divine madness. The shadows on his canvas grew more malevolent, depicting scenes of divine horror and celestial despair, a reflection of the twisted dance between mortal and godly realms.

In the twilight of Camp Half-Blood, where the extraordinary was marred by the stains of divine malevolence, Hyunjin wandered the haunted corridors, his art serving as a portal to the abyss. Amidst the whispers of ancient deities and the cries of lost demigods, he sought solace in the divine darkness, oblivious to the thinning line between salvation and damnation. The camp, a crucible of the macabre, awaited the unraveling of his tortured soul, where the living and the divine entwined in a sinister waltz of divine despair.
"Do not fear the shadows, my son, for in their depths lies the beauty of the divine. Your connection to the beyond is a gift, a key to understanding the cosmic dance that entwines mortal and immortal threads. Let your paintings be a testament to the enigmatic tapestry of life, a chiaroscuro that reveals both the light and the darkness within. When the whispers grow unbearable, remember that you are not alone. My spirit walks beside you, a guardian in this realm of demigods and shadows. The divine blood that courses through your veins may be a curse, but it is also a source of strength. Embrace the divine within, let it flow through your art, and forge your own destiny amidst the chaos of gods and mortals."

The Vibes

The INFJ, or Advocate, is a rare and enigmatic personality type characterized by a unique blend of introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging. These individuals possess a deep and profound inner world. INFJs are empathetic and insightful, able to intuitively understand the emotions and motivations of others. Their creativity and passion are channeled into meaningful endeavors, and they often find fulfillment in helping those around them. INFJs are known for their deep introspection, empathy, and creativity. Hyunjin's antisocial behavior stems from his struggle to connect with others on a more superficial level partially as a response to past negative experiences, such as the prior bullying. As much as he wants to build connections, he is unsure as to how.
Moral Alignment
Chaotic Neutral.

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions.
A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer).
A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but his behavior is not totally random. He is not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.

Artistic Talent: Hyunjin excels in translating the ethereal and haunting into captivating works of art, showcasing a unique ability to capture the unseen in his paintings.

Resilience: Despite a tumultuous past marked by isolation and bullying, Hyunjin demonstrates remarkable resilience, using his struggles as fuel for his creative endeavors and personal growth.

Intuitive Empathy: Hyunjin's deep connection to the supernatural and his ability to hear the whispers of the departed highlight his intuitive empathy, allowing him to understand and interpret the emotions and experiences of others, living or otherwise.

Spiritual Sensitivity: Hyunjin's capacity to perceive and interact with the spiritual realm demonstrates a unique strength, as he navigates the intricate balance between the living and the departed, using his spiritual sensitivity as a source of inspiration and connection.


Artistic Expansion: Hyunjin finds solace and purpose in exploring various artistic mediums, especially charcoal and ink, as he creates visual representations of the unseen world around him.

Solitude: Appreciating the quietude, Hyunjin values moments of solitude that allow him to reflect on his thoughts, connect with the spectral whispers, and delve into the depths of his creative mind.

Necromancy: Despite the challenges it brings, Hyunjin has a genuine fascination and liking for his connection to the supernatural, as it fuels his artistic endeavors and provides a unique perspective on existence. Hyunjin also cherishes the presence of his mother's spirit, viewing it not only as a haunting reminder but also as a needed connection that provides guidance and a sense of continuity beyond the realms of mortality.

Exploration: Intrigued by the mysteries beyond the tangible, Hyunjin has a keen interest in exploring the unseen realms, delving into the secrets whispered by the departed and seeking to unravel the ethereal dimensions that influence his existence.

Social Disconnection: Hyunjin's antisocial tendencies, stemming from past traumas and struggles with connecting emotionally, often lead to difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships with the living, creating a sense of isolation.

Paranoia: His heightened sensitivity to the supernatural and the constant barrage of spectral voices sometimes plunge Hyunjin into a state of paranoia, overwhelming his psyche as he grapples with the fine line between the mortal and spiritual realms.

Reality Blending: The porous boundary between the living and the dead can lead to a blurring of emotional and spiritual boundaries for Hyunjin, making it challenging for him to distinguish between his own emotions and the influences of the departed.

Supernatural Dependency: Hyunjin's reliance on the supernatural for artistic inspiration and emotional connection can become a vulnerability, as it may hinder his ability to find fulfillment in more conventional or earthly aspects of life, potentially leading to a skewed perspective on reality.


Superficiality: Hyunjin harbors a strong aversion to superficial interactions and relationships, finding it challenging to engage with individuals who don't appreciate the depth of his experiences or understand the profound connection he has with the supernatural.

Apathy:  Disliking those who dismiss or mock his unique experiences, Hyunjin struggles with individuals who fail to comprehend the complexities of his spiritual sensitivity and the haunting realities that shape his existence.

Conformity: He deeply dislikes situations that force him into conventional molds or expectations, as Hyunjin values his individuality and resents being pressured to conform to societal norms that may not align with his artistic and spiritual inclinations.

Disrespecting the Dead: Hyunjin holds a strong disdain for those who disrespect the spiritual realm or trivialize the experiences he draws from it, as it undermines the profound significance he attaches to his connection with the unseen and the departed.
Hobbies & Habits

Painting, Reading occult literature, Exploring abandoned places, Meditation, Tarot card reading, Collecting antique trinkets, listening to ambient music, Night photography, Studying ancient mythology, Seance experiments.

Good Habits:

Exercising regularly, Practicing mindfulness, Maintaining a balanced diet, Setting and achieving daily goals, Cultivating a habit of gratitude, Prioritizing time for self-reflection, Engaging in lifelong learning.

Bad Habits:

Isolating himself excessively, Succumbing to paranoia and overthinking, Engaging in self-destructive coping mechanisms, Allowing artistic inspiration to be solely dependent on supernatural connections, Struggling with maintaining healthy social connections, Neglecting self-care routines due to preoccupation with the supernatural, Avoiding seeking professional help for mental health concerns, Dwelling too much on past traumatic experiences, Hesitating to open up about personal struggles, Resisting efforts to find common ground with those who don't share his unique experiences.
Secrets & Fears
Secrets They'll Share:

Hyunjin, after much internal turmoil, decides to share with a trusted few the haunting secret that he not only hears the whispers of the departed but occasionally glimpses fleeting apparitions, each carrying a message that further intertwines his fate with the enigmatic world beyond. This revelation unveils the depth of his connection to the supernatural and the burden he silently carries, shedding light on the eerie complexities that shape his art and his haunted existence.

Secrets Kept to Themself:

Whispers from the spectral world have, on occasion, divulged cryptic insights into unsolved crime cases. Hyunjin, burdened by the knowledge of these secrets, has clandestinely become an unintentional conduit between the living and the dead. However, this unnerving ability adds another layer to his already haunted existence, forcing him to grapple with the weight of untold truths and the shadows cast by the unresolved mysteries that echo through his tortured soul.

Known Fears:

Closed Spaces, Deep Water, Darkness, Insects, Permanent Injury.

Unrecognized Fears:

Losing Control: Hyunjin harbors an unrecognized fear of losing control over the supernatural forces that influence his life. The unpredictable nature of the spectral whispers and the ominous glimpses into the unknown create an underlying anxiety about the potential chaos that might ensue.

Cursed Soul:  Unbeknownst to others, Hyunjin carries an unrecognized fear that his intimate connection with the supernatural might leave an indelible mark on his very soul. The haunting whispers and glimpses into the spectral realm instill a quiet terror that his essence could be forever altered, leaving him forever entwined with the unseen forces that shape his existence.

Abandonment: He fears being abandoned or betrayed by those he finally has put his trust in, or relied upon. He dreads the idea of losing the support and alliances he may finally make.
Other Personality Quirks
Often fidgets with his hair, is ambidextrous, laughs bodily when comfortable, tends to be extremely clumsy, believes in lucky items (clothing, jewelry, etc.), is a very superstitious person and believes in karma, has specific dietary habits that are a bit childish, he is extremely conscientious of the spread of germs and importance of good hygiene.


name here
Relationship Level
status / vibe ✦ Information about the connection would g o right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.
When you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.. for he who beholds the monster may also become one with the monster.
Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura.