Personal Message

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the lost faerie.


AMALYNN, A FAERIE SO BRIGHT, WINGS THAT SHIMMER IN SOFT LIGHT. IN FREE/LAST SHE ROAMS WITH GLEE, COLLECTING TRINKETS BY THE SEA. WITH A JOURNAL AND PEN SO sweet. Her tales a melody, a treat. Charm in every word she spoke, Amalynn's tale, a faerie wrote.

all about amalynn.


Name: amalynn.
nickname: lynn / lia.

age: 19.

uality: panual.

Species: faerie

Amalynn, birthed in a hallow muchroom that was a strong as stone, was born in the enchanting realm of delyth. Her heart, however, harbored a curiosity that surpassed the boundaries of her fairyland home. Much like Ariel from the tales of old, Amalynn found herself yearning to explore the mysterious world of humans. Despite her mother's earnest warnings and the cautionary tales shared among the fae, Amalynn couldn't resist the allure of the human world. Sneaking away to Free/Last, she embarked on a journey of discovery, leaving behind the ethereal wonders of her homeland for the unknown realms of the humans. In her adventures, Amalynn became a collector of trinkets, small tokens that whispered stories of distant lands. Each tiny treasure held a tale, a piece of the vast mosaic that made up the diverse regions of Free/Last. Yet, among her cherished possessions, the gleaming journal and its matching pen held a special place. Found in Equinox, it exuded a charm that humans might describe as girly, a term that fascinated Amalynn. Her dream, fueled by the pages of her treasured journal, was to seamlessly blend into the human world. She yearned not only to observe but to live among them, embracing their experiences and forging connections. Amalynn, the faerie with a heart full of dreams, fluttered between realms, collecting stories and trinkets, all while striving to bridge the gap between her magical origins and the world of humans she held dear in her heart.

 personality / quirks !!!




shy, quiet, introverted, curious, calm.



tea - butterfly pea tea is her favorite, swimming, equinox, aetheris, elysian. writing. soft music - especially from a ukelele & guitar. colors. 



mushrooms, mean spirited supernatural beings, the color black.



writing in her journal, sewing, floral arranging, woodcarving, hide & seek with friends, visiting the other regions.



though she fears aetheris, she has traveled to the region a handful of time and found it intriguing. a part of her wants to dive into that part of free/last more.



banishment or being disowned by her mother. being discriminated against as a faerie of delyth. 



— she leaves flowers in the belongings of those she likes.

— the tip of her ears twitch when she becomes anxious.

— amalynn is very skilled in hide & seek. stealth is almost too easy for her.

their beloved !!!


Name: none.

Date: none.

Status: none.


all romantic relationships are multiverse, meaning she may have more than one relationship but in different universes. so amalynn is not polyamorous.


Amalynn doesn't have any significant others at this moment, but when she imagines of her ideal type, she dreams of a human with a kind smile and shimmering eyes. her heart flutters at the thought of someone who shares the same interests as her and has a love for nature, as that is something that will never leave her blood.

plots !!!


Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

In luctus, ex vitae pretium accumsan, lacus tortor sollicitudin ante, at placerat massa massa vitae odio. Quisque tincidunt tellus a tellus molestie tempus. Donec enim ligula, mollis sit amet felis eu, gravida egestas nulla. Aenean quis felis non nisi semper dignissim. Curabitur imperdiet, nunc eget auctor rhoncus, odio ligula efficitur quam, sit amet egestas justo neque eget nisi. Vivamus vitae odio nisl. Nunc egestas vel mi vitae lacinia. Etiam dapibus velit cursus eros interdum tincidunt. Aliquam dictum blandit metus, ac semper urna cursus nec. Sed dapibus facilisis velit, non lobortis nisi ornare a. Ut consectetur accumsan porta. Etiam vulputate ut lacus id venenatis. Morbi ac tellus scelerisque, molestie erat non, pretium leo. Vestibulum blandit turpis ac metus lobortis, in cursus augue placerat.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Fusce sed dolor nec libero pulvinar egestas. Etiam sed pretium mauris, et interdum erat. Morbi sapien diam, tincidunt sit amet lacus a, fringilla pretium lorem. Donec ut vehicula lacus, cursus maximus libero. Morbi consequat laoreet interdum. Ut ullamcorper eget arcu vitae aliquam. Nunc augue nisl, vestibulum vel dui id, feugiat tempor lectus.

Scenario Title Here.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Duis placerat eros et consequat egestas. Pellentesque quis est porttitor, congue diam ut, imperdiet ligula. In semper porta dolor, eget dictum metus convallis in. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis pulvinar hendrerit risus ac dignissim. Etiam tristique, purus porttitor luctus laoreet, est diam fringilla erat, eu accumsan erat risus sed purus. Sed velit lorem, facilisis in dolor at, posuere semper sem. Donec et viverra arcu. Nam pellentesque orci velit, sit amet commodo turpis condimentum non. Aenean at sagittis arcu. Suspendisse iaculis gravida iaculis. Suspendisse blandit erat sapien, id tempor mi bibendum quis. Curabitur et dapibus nisi, eu malesuada est. Ut tristique sollicitudin blandit.


out of character !!!



If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better. Try to have something in mind and read my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying / plotting just to save some time. If you have any questions, drop them!


I do script and para to novella. I write in 3rd POV. Lengthwise, I try to mirror, but I can get carried away fairly easy, however long replies are not guaranteed. I do make typos a lot, especially since I am awake when I should be sleeping, so apologies in advance. -///-


I prefer plotting most times, but I can wing it if that makes you more comfortable. I don't mind 'prompts'. I love looking at premade plots on profiles, but I like to make sure that the characters will fit.

To be honest, I also like writing starters and will most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it, but don't shove them on me. I get burned out doing so at times.


overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. Like, I can do one lining script all the way to novella. I'm really chill with whatever you wanna do!


please poke me for a reply only once. any more than that will turn me off, as i have two jobs and attend uni. 


do not mind dropping threads if I / you don't feel very inspired by them anymore. I do not take offense, so don't be shy or feel pressured. Reply at your pace and I expect the same for myself. Sometimes I will respond fast and sometimes it will take me days. It just depends on my writer's block.


Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with PMs. I do not mind in public, but I prefer to take them to PM's.


If you read this, yay! 


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