♡ ┊ self-para.




dump your self-para here and develop your character. this is for plots that just include your character - including their thoughts, past, present. (this can also include npcs.)

⟡ ryu apollo. 4 months ago
[ a fool's dream. — 2017. ]

Apollo steps into the office of Atelier Entertainment, his heart pounding with anticipation. After enduring three rigorous audition processes, including multiple rounds of talent showcases, photoshoots, and even being put through acting trials, he finally received the call back. The chance of being chosen by Atelier Entertainment, the pinnacle of the entertainment industry, filled him with a mix of excitement and nerves.

As he waits in the office, his hands grow clammy with sweat as each passing minute feels like an eternity. Finally, the door swings open, revealing three middle-aged men who take their seats across from him. One was the first person who interviewed him at the audition, the second person was the person who took his photos, and the third seemed to be someone in a higher position. They hadn't met yet, but—

"I'm Jae. I usually control the casting around here." The male introduces himself. He seemed cold, and almost annoyed that he had to even be there. "We've reviewed your portfolio, Apollo," Jae begins, laying out a manila folder filled with numerous photos of Apollo from the shoot, some stills of his acting trial, and even his first initial audition. "You look promising, and your talent is undeniable." Jae sounded impressed at the portfolio, pulling out one sheet that had Apollo's personal information on it. "You even write and produce music?"

"Yes, sir." Apollo answers, shifting in the chair nervously. "I write and compose." He sounds so quiet and young. Of course, Apollo was only 17 and a half at the time.

"Let me tell you something, Ryu Apollo." Jae placed the paper back onto the table, sliding it to where it was now facing the young man. "We won't accept you." And there it was. The giant bomb that had been dropped on him. The immediate thought was — 'why?'

"Do you see anything wrong here?" Jae pushes the paper closer to Apollo, having him look at the application he had filled out. Apollo doesn't see anything wrong... It was literally just an application. Name, date, talents, song selections for the audition...

"This here." Jae's finger drags to rest right where 'Home Region" was. "You're from Aetheris. Did you really think we, Atelier, would let you in here?" Jae finally lets out that laugh that he had been holding in. "Oh, boy. You will never fit in here. I don't know why these idiots beside me even let you pass the first audition," The said men pointed out turn their heads away in embarrassment. "— but you are better off starting your own little underground singing career. And listen. I'm not being rude. I am just trying to help you realize your dream is not going to work out in Elysian." Apollo's heart sinks as Jae belittles him, taking the paper to crumple it up. "Now, get out of my office."

Tears well up in Apollo's eyes as he realizes the depth of discrimination he faces simply because of where he comes from. Despite the rejection, Apollo holds his head high as he leaves the office, his determination only fueled by this setback. As much as he wanted to say 'go yourself', this moment only becomes a driving force for Apollo, a reminder of the hurdles he must overcome to prove himself in an industry filled with prejudice.
☾ amalynn. 4 months ago
Amalynn cautiously peeks her head from outside her home, delicate fingers gripping the mushroom's door frame. Is her mother nearby? She can never be too sure. The memory of her last attempt to sneak out still lingers—the stern reprimand, the bruised walls, the shattered trinkets strewn across the floor. Ever since that incident, her mother has kept her on a tight leash, determined to confine her in Delyth. But Amalynn's heart yearns for freedom, for a life beyond the verdant markets and garden chores that await her in her home region.

As she contemplates her next move, the soft shuffle of footsteps breaks the silence, and her heart leaps with fear. Is it her mother, returning without her knowledge? Panic grips her for a moment before her father emerges from the hallway, his presence a welcome relief amidst the turmoil brewing within their home.

"Come sit with me, little one." His voice, a soothing balm to her frayed nerves, guides her to the comforting embrace of their living space. Her father's reassuring words wash over her like a gentle tide. "I know there's much to see in Free/Last," He takes her hands, his grip firm yet comforting. "But Delyth can be your current adventure until you're much older." His eyes, filled with unwavering support, meet hers, urging her to understand. Despite his disagreement with her mother's strict stance, he empathizes with her yearning for exploration.

"There's more to Delyth than what you've seen, my dear," he continues, a hint of excitement coloring his words. "Have you ever ventured to the Desolara Dunes, where the sands whisper tales of ancient mysteries? Or explore the depths of Aubrant Cave, where crystals gleam like stars in the darkness? Delyth is vast and filled with wonders waiting to be discovered."

Amalynn listens, almost wanting to laugh. She knew what he was trying to do and she found it kind and loving, although still very much funny. Though she respects his attempt to kindle her curiosity about Delyth, her heart remains steadfast in its desire to explore Free/Last. As her father promises to shield her from her mother's threat to rid her wings, he ends with reassurance that she will always have a home with him. Amalynn clings to his words, finding solace in the embrace of familial love. Perhaps, she muses, she will find a way to embark on her journey another day.


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ilikeitmikaso 3 months ago
fc: oh sehun
oc: mika
region: Aetheris
gotohellu 4 months ago
unevenstars 4 months ago
fc: lee minho (leeknow)
oc: levi
as a second
psycheux 4 months ago
hello! may i reserve for seo soojin under the name alixandra? thank you!
unevenstars 4 months ago
Fc: hwang hyunjin
oc: Trix
region: elysian
unevenstars 4 months ago
can i join?
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