Personal Message


Nagaoka Urena || Umi || Trainee || 21 || 21/09/2002
Name in Kanji: 宇麗奈

Dance 10/10
Vocals 6/10
Rap 1/10
Acting 1/10
Open Style Dance, Lyric Writing, Digital Art

As a child Urena was in a jpop group of 18 girls aged 6-12. Urena wasn’t one of the most popular members however she was fairly known and spoken about in idol forums. At the age of 12 she graduated from the group and attempted a solo career. She wasn’t particularly successful and instead focused on her education for a few years. When she was 18 she auditioned for a variety of companies in Japan and South Korea and was surprised to be accepted into La Vie En Rose where she has been training for three years.