
    kim jongin

me, myself & i

Jongin grew up living rather nicely, his family wasn't rich but were well off.  His life changed once he was twelve, his parents were killed in a plane accident, that's when everything seemed to go wrong. He lived with his grandparents until he was sixteen. his grandmother going to his appointments with him every week. Jongin was officially diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder at the young age of thirteen. The thing was, that every day he'd do something, something-peculiar. He would wake up in the middle of the night and go up on the roof, the thing was:Jongin was afraid of heights. After that his grandparents took him to the doctors, thus leading to the strenuous life he now has to live.  Some days he wouldn't take his pills on purpose, knowing his other self -Kai-was the better athlete. Soon, his real self was almost never there, and by the age of sixteen, Jongin was only a dull person who was there at night; because even Jongin wanted to be kai. 

my potential soulmate (best)friends

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love me; don't leave me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpa.
