Personal Message
layout made by @ vinegar

joohyuk is the type of teacher that will take care of his students with much gentleness, love and care. too much that some find him annoying for butting into their business - but his intentions were always good, or at least that is what he believes. he can be too much of a softie, or a coward, but he loves and cares for  each and everyone of his students equally. 


Nam joohyuk hadn't always been the way he is now. calm, pleasant, happy, positive - world full of rainbows and cupcakes and everything sweet. 
growing up as his brother's shadow, he used to think that the world is unfair ty - much like any other basic teenager, he assumes.
but maybe having a family full of men wearing leather jackets and chains hung around their neck, with a gun or a butterfly knife kept around their belt isn't so basic, after all. 
he had been fond of the nightclubs and karaokes where he spent most of his childhood in, but still to this day he doesn't feel like he belong in the family. 
for an instance, his father had wanted him to work in the nightclub right after he graduated from high school, just like his brother, but he had other plans. 
he had expressed his wants to be a teacher at his sixteenth birthday, but everyone, his father and his brother, his uncles and their sons all laughed at him. they said no one from their family had pursued other careers than managing 'entertainment facilities'. 
he had been heart-broken then, and he thought his dreams were coming to an end. tarnished. burned down. the strong desire to move to the big city was still there, though, and so he decided to be impulsive for once and gathered all the money he has saved from working shifts at the nightclub and bought the last train ticket at midnight. 
what he didnt expect was to find one of his uncles, the one that intimidated him the most, the one who he thought detested him all along for lacking in fighting skills, stopped him momentarily to give him a brown envelope. 
when he opened the envelope in the train, he called his uncle, crying and smiing at the same time, expressing his gratitude as there was more than enough money to pay for a college's tuition fees and basic living for months. 
from thereon, he paved his way for his dream to finally be realized, and here he is now. doing the things he love, a life full of happiness. or so he thought.