Personal Message

Updated March of 2024. Due to the incapacity for majority of people (minus privs) to actually want to write and expand on story or adventure, I've returned to Tumblr and step out of the 'engage to date and ' trope that goes on here, let alone my strong disinterest in RPF (real person fiction which is frowned upon outside of RPR). Here minimally.

You may leave ads (if it allows crack I'm already not interested), I'm quite friendly but highly selective with where i go.

Predominantly a Christian Yu roleplayer. In 2024, I'm moving away from Christian, and leaning toward Dacre.

I am not really an a writer, but will for commited pairings.

I don't mix ooc and ic. While I do base a lot of my experiences (as well as others I've met) in my writing, when I am writing it is strictly one, or the other. OOC will always be accompanied by brackets.

If someone is OOC problematic, I won't engage with them or I will keep rping to a polite minimum.

Ex- tumblr novella role-player, been role-playing since 2011, and been on this site since 2012.

I'm 31, I'm married and work a full time job. I play World of Warcraft, SoD. Would love more people to play with. FOR THE HORDE!


The following images were made for me, by Megaverse, previously Unfreeze. ٩◔̯◔۶


About Me

Vincent Hsu ⚸ 54 minutes ago Reply

holy , that goose is literally Unholy

random memes, quips and stealing your attention