Petals and Perfection (Krishan)

" Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer. 
Do you know you're unlike any other?
Your eyes are the brightest of all the colours.
I don't wanna ever love another.
You'll always be my thunder.
And the raindrops are the perfect melody. "
Channie [A] 10 years ago
(its a bit short sorry... )
Channie [A] 10 years ago
Chopsticks LuHan had decided, were /evil/. How was it even possible to balance them like that between his fingers... let alone pick things up with them. He had tried, flustered for a good ten minutes to get them working, but in the end he had given up and grasped on in each fist, stabbing things for himself to chew on with a shy smile sent Yifan's way.

Sure, staying here was different, chopsticks were hard to use and one of the drinks made his tongue bubble weirdly. But LuHan had never been happier, he found joy and excitement in the simplest of things. From giggling and winding a noodle around one of his chopsticks to try and hold it still enough to eat, to his fascination with the "man's best friend"'s outside. He was even enthralled by the thought of sleeping.

"I've never slept before.." He had mused, wiggling happily cause whatever he had just eaten had tasted /amazing./ He liked food, it gave his tongue all these different sensations he didn't even know existed. And for the very same reason, sleep was such an enthralling topic.

Sure, okay. Laying still for several hours didn't really excite LuHan, but the prospect of dreaming then. Being at least partially computer, Luhan could just be feed with supplements and charged from the wall. There was no room for a bed in his flower room. So that's what he'd been reduced to. And stopping eating to stare off into the distance thoughtfully.... LuHan really wished he would dream that night.

"We can go see a deer!?" LuHan suddenly snapped back from his thought pattern, staring at the other with wide, excited orbs of blue. Exploring, deer, food, dreams, the sun.... LuHan... he just couldn't comprehend, and face crinkling into a wide eyesmile, he brought his knees up to his chest, nuzzling them happily.

"Thank you Yifan" he mused, smiling before peeking up at the other again. "For bringing me out here, thank you, thank you...."
Tre [A] 10 years ago
"Hm, what creature?" Yifan had asked, looking over to see where Luhan had ambled off to. Upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Yifan then looked back out of the window in a person who has been holed up for who knows how long's point of view. It was either the cars or the dog nearby on a leash. The word 'creature' narrowed it down to the dog and Yifan walked over to Luhan, mind trying to prepare an explanation. What could he say, exactly? Wow, Yifan, you can't explain what a dog is?

"They call them.. Man's best friend. They're domesticated animals that come in all shapes and sizes. Depending on how their owners train and raise them, they can be nice or really mean." Yifan blubbered, looking at Luhan with a small smile. "No, they're not deer. Deer are much taller and graceful. Quieter, too." Before Yifan could delve deeper into anything, a knock at the door alerted, and reminded him, that he had ordered their food. The delivery boy looked a bit out of breath, probably yelled at by his boss to get the food to their customer quickly, and Yifan felt bad for him. Maybe the nice tip he gave the kid could brighten his mood but he had sped off back to his car faster than Yifan could blink. Oh well..

"Luhan, the food is here. There's shrimp, beef, chicken, pork.. Vegetables, rice and noodles. Some drinks here, too. You can try any and everything to see what you like, okay?" Yifan had said as he placed the large bag on the coffee table, vanishing out of the room temporarily to retrieve some plates, cups and cutlery. Then he paused, just before sitting down, and thought about something.. Did Luhan know how to use a fork? Knife? Spoon? Chopsticks, even? Looking at Luhan, Kris could only smile either way. Things weren't too bad, he just had to look at it the right way.

"After we eat I'll show you where you sleep and how to operate the bath and shower, okay? I'll show you the tv, too, and then we'll head to bed. Tomorrow I'll keep the shop closed and we can go out exploring." One day off from work wouldn't hurt. Perhaps he'd find the perfect scene while they were out, too, and snap a quick photo of it to use for a reference later. Because, how many painters have painted a Chinese male with stunning blue eyes based on an actual photo? None, of course. but the thought of painting such a scene itself brought a smile on Yifan's stone face. "I'll take you to see a deer, too." And with that promise, Yifan set on cutting and putting portions of each type of meat, vegetable, rice and noodle on Luhan's plate, teaching him how to use the cutlery if needed.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: (New Song, New inspiration. Come one Channie /slapped
Lunafly - Stardust)

As Yifan seemed to be having a very... intimate coversation with himself, LuHan decided to stay out the way and after a few more of the flower that he treasured carefully he carefully got to feet, brushing off the knees of his white slacks before he padded over to the window. The portal to his new world.

"They didn't have any flavour, they just stung for awhile and didn't do anything else... Dind't like them." LuHan mumbled almost childishly as he stood on his toes to peer out the window. There were people flourishing out from everywhere now, rushing about to get wherever they were headed with reasons unknown to LuHan. Maybe they had to eat food too. The sense of normailty calmed LuHan a little as his nose pressed flush against the glass.

He hadn't even realised that his stomach was a little upset from everthing being out of its normal place, he was too excited with the magic sun and the flowers and the sounds... He didn't miss his room, he would never say that. No. It was like a cage now he'd seen out here.

But it was a little odd how everything worked. He thought hard as he balanced to keep watching outside.

"Yifan... What's that creature?" LuHan asked, shying away from the window a little as spotted one of the loud balls of fluff from before. "The fluffy ones with the loud noises and sharp teeth/ THey're scary" LuHan decided he didnt like those creatures.
"They're not deer...are they they?" He all but whined.

THe next statement made LuHan turn again, rubbing his cheek softly as he thought it over. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be special, people who weren't got to go outside.... "O-okay.." But the way he framed it made it seem like a compliment so he smiled politely, a stran of hair being tucked behind his ear/.

(Lol what even is this /slapped
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: "Food, yes. Food is good, you need food. What will we eat.." Yifan droned on, looking and turning around in the room before turning back to Luhan. "Your supplements.. I'm guessing there was virtually no flavor, right? Food might shock you a little so you should eat it slowly, okay?" He informed, moving and flitting around the room afterwards to look for a menu. He hadn't went grocery shopping, so there wasn't much in the house..

And he could spare some money to order out, and then do a little shopping either later or tomorrow. Maybe he should get another job.. Luhan was another person; he needed clothes, food and other essentials. Yifan couldn't support the both of them with his 'business', hoping people that walked into the shop would buy one of his paintings. Because, let's be honest, most of the time they didn't or when they did they would snap pictures beforehand, send them to others and probably giggle or snort while bringing them up to Yifan to buy them. Now that he thought about it..

That wasn't important right now! Right now he needed to feed Luhan and himself so, now that he had a menu, he just had to order something the other might like.. But what? Yifan's guesswork wasn't the best, crap at most. Luhan was Chinese, he was Chinese.. But not all Chinese people had the same taste buds. Maybe if Luhan had a supplement preference or if they had a flavor.. Phew, Yifan really should have thought everything through. But, he wasn't about to return Luhan like clothes that didn't fit.

Yifan settled for ordering a sampler platter, figuring that Luhan could try some of everything to see what he liked best and Yifan could make a note of it. As he waited for the food to arrive, Yifan went and sat next to Luhan on the couch. He wanted him to be comfortable, so.. Yifan had some extra clothes that the other could probably fit and he could sleep in his room, Yifan on the couch. Just until he could save up enough to buy the other a bed and clothes of his own. Yeah, things weren't as bad as they seemed.. Yifan smiled.

"I'm sure that's not why they look at you like that, Luhan. You have something special.." Yifan reassured, looking directly into those bright blue eyes. "Something really special."

(OTL I think I'm losing my touch..
/slaps hands)
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: LuHan's glowing eyes were quick to fasten to the ground as the explanation flowed over him, coating his mind in a shine of new information, he was fascinated, and lest his gaze may have been directed dowb, it wasn't out of bashfullness for once, but a curiosity for the "sun". He couldn't look at it directly, he'd learn that. So instead he would have to let his vision entrap the patterns of light that hatched across the ground.

" takes little pieces of people's happiness...and shares it to the sadder ones?" LuHan was in awe, a bright smile gracing his face as he thought about, what a perfect thing. No wonder it was pure white, it was angelic. That's why. He was in love with outside already....

"Love isn't optional. You have to have it. Or they don;t flourish.." Luhan smiled a little, looking at the plants by the pavement. They weren't happy plants, even if they were in the sun. The may have been bright in their shades, proud in their standing. But they were limp, LuHan could see. He knew what they needed....less fumes. And a little care. They'd perk up then..

There was so many interesting things to see out here, so much that just didn't exist inside LuHan's old world, and his excitment and really pure fascination only held him back as the other gestured him inside....He didn't want to go to another room! To be stuck behind glass with flowers again, h-he didn't

Oh my god what is that!

Squeaking as some flufy...thing (LuHan hoped it wasn't a deer, but it seemed a little to savage for that) ran parts yapping at a high pitch and the blonde boy squeaked and ducked inside fearfully, trailing frightfully after Yifan.

Well at least the house hadn't been what he had expected, neat larger than his last room and littered with canvas, it somewhat appealed to LuHan, especially with the natural light spilling from the windows. He drifted over to one of the stacks of paintings, sitting before shifting through them curiously, twisting them at weird angles across his lap as he viewed them. He hurriedly stood as Yifan returned though, running over to his flower.

It already looked better....well at least to him. He wasn't sure if it was because he could actually see the plant improving, or that it just looke more natural in that envrionment.....either way he was grateful.

"Thank you Yifan.." he smiled softly as he knelt down by the flower, fingers ghosting in a caring manner.

"Ani, its okay! I want to eat food...Supplements hurt, and I want to try and eat. That's what normal humans do...right? People already stare at me enough." he huffed.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: (Song; M.Pire - Can't be friends with you)

Yifan wasn't one to quickly judge, to quickly shoot down 'odd' behavior at first glance. And, even if he were that type of person, Luhan's actions would surely fly by unscathed and free from judgment, gliding on the wings of newly attained freedom. Instead he watched with glittering eyes and a dusting smile across lips, fascinated by the doe like male.

"The sun?" Yifan looked up, flaming ball of gas millions and millions of miles away.. "It feeds off of the happiness of people and gives it to sad ones. See? You seem happier. It also works on plants, though the process takes a little longer and needs water and love added to the recipe. Well, love is optional.." Yifan spoke, turning to glance at the flowers nearby growing in clusters. Reds, blues, yellows, purples.. Greys. Yifan bent down to caress the petals of a daisy, fingers ghosting across the soft texture. Never will he take the gift of colored vision for granted again.

Once he stood up again, Yifan was taken aback slightly when Luhan hid behind him, a car whizzing by and leaving with a grumbling motor. The walk home was anything but boring and bland, something Yifan was used to on his frequent walks. He was used to silently walking the cement, ignoring the blooming flowers, the billboards, the people, the cars.. But with Luhan, everything seemed to flip. Now he was aware of his surroundings.

When they reached the building, quite small but big enough to live comfortably, Yifan opened the door and gestured Luhan in, closing it afterwards with a twist of the lock. "You can make yourself at home, I'll go get some water for your flower." Yifan nodded towards a couch lining the wall with a gentle smile, leaving the room to go to the back where a kitchen lay. He set the snowdrop flower down, fingers flitting across the weeping, crumpled petals. "You'll be as good as new soon.." He spoke softly, voice stringing through the stem of the flower as he filled a small cup with water.

Yifan headed back to the front room soon enough, passing various paintings of his lining the floor in neat rows, flower and water in arms. He stopped midway through the room, looking for a spot perfect for the flower. Somewhere that didn't have too much sunlight.. And he found it in a window positioned lower than normal ones. He set the pot down and slowly poured water into the pot, being careful enough to not flood the flower, and adjusted the blinds on the window. Yifan backed away with a smile, directing it to Luhan afterwards.

"It'll be revived soon enough, okay? It just needs some time..," And he drifted off, finger rising to his mouth. "All food.. I prefer some over others, but I can't be picky all the time. My favorite.. I have quite a few." (I forgot his favorite omg.) Yifan crossed his arms over his chest with a soft sigh. "Supplements, huh? I think I'd rather feed you actual food than inject you with it, but I won't force you to adapt. Would you like to try something new? I have something I could whip up if you're hungry."

(My posts are so today. Forgive me, OTL..)
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: {soundtrack; Taeyeon - Goodbye Days}
The hallway ahead, was unusually LuHan's first real peek at the world "outside". Long, dreary, bleak, never ending. Was this the shade of grey that the whole world was coloured? Was this the shade... He trotted along behind Kris obediently, hands folded in front of him as his eyes blared the question his mind was screaming. Was this...

Suddenly there was another door, another strange passing for LuHan to experience and being more normal about this attempt than the other in worry of scolding, he didn't make a fuss, nothing but a closing of his eyes as he escaped outside. Into the sunlight.

Warm...oh gosh it was so warm! And with a bedazzling smile, LuHan raised his now squinting eyes to gaze up the glowing ball that supplied it in awe. It was the purest white colour, even clearer than his flower, but after a few seconds, LuHan had to quickly snap his eyes closed, his hands pressing over the lids as he whimpered. Looking at the orb, the "sun" that made his flowers grow made Luhan's eyes hurt...and after much thankfully seemed to go away.

With a mental chide and a personal mumble to not look again, LuHan went back to enjoying the crackle of unknown heat across his almost white skin, his palms upturning with another smile to catch the light.

It was No wonder his flower was dying with out it, and now LuHan wondered if he had been too..

"A deer...hmmm.." after he'd grown used enough to the sunlight, LuHan's attention span began to spread more evenly over his other surroundings. Yifan's words, the noises that were now blaring through his ears, and the glowing signs that lay about him. "Gentle, timid..." the description was highly pleasing, LuHan felt great satisfaction from it. It must be a beautiful creature and soon all kinds of furry bodies filled his mind in attempt to fill his breach of knowledge.

"Yifan... How does the sun work..?" it was a puzzling substance, a glowing ball of heat and life. It had captivated him too the point that he wasn't really noticing much else.... But then a high speed car sped past and he squeaked, darting to hide behind Kris's shoulder as he peeked with wide eyes at it. Yifan was the familiar item now that his room was gone, and so, that was where LuHan chose to hide now.

What's this? What's that? Oh hey look, a plant. I wonder what it's called...I wonder what colour.

LuHan's mind was everywhere, and he was forever stopping to brush his fingers over a weed peeping out from a sidewalk or to read out a boring advertisement sign that anyone else would have cringed it. But it was all new to him, all fresh, and his eyes never closed from their doubled size.

His smile never left.

"Favourite food?" humming gently in thought, LuHan's eyes rose from the cracks in the sidewalk and the question of why they existed. "I haven't eaten food. I am able too, but it is not required where I stay. I'm injected with supplements instead...." he held his hand out gently, pointing to a small pin prick in his finger. "There. Hmm... Does all food taste nice? What is...Kris's favourite food?"
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: Yifan could feel a slight pang in his chest, his heartstrings being tugged and strung like a broken harp. Had they taught him nothing? Just decided to keep him holed up in a flowery room that he couldn't differentiate the colors from? Was he some type of living mannequin; a boy with bright blue eyes and of Asian descent that perhaps drew attention to the facility? Yifan bit the corner of his lip, teeth nipping into the flesh. "A deer..,"

"A deer is an animal. Gentle creatures, timid, shy creatures who live in the.. Forest. I'll show you pictures once we get back to my place, okay?" Yifan spoke, looking down at the flower pot in his hands as they walked out into the sunlight, the taller immediately stopping to scan Luhan for his reaction to the sudden environment change. Luhan had probably never seen the sun in such a long time, let alone been exposed to judging by how pale his skin was. But, however..

There was the bittersweet image of how brightly Luhan's eyes shone in the sunlight and, if Yifan was a photographer, he'd capture this moment from every possible angle, zoom, expression. Luhan's eyes were truly dazzling, fascinating, but what was the good in them for the host if he could never see them? He'd probably see them as an unusual grey. Yifan looked at the flower, then up at the sun, or rather the clouds, and sighed.

"Luhan, is your name.. It suits you, and you'll see that soon enough," Yifan winced, realizing that if Luhan were completely blind, that would have sounded horrible. Thankfully he wasn't, but that still didn't lessen the impacting blow due to the fact he was living in a black, white and grey world.

Yin, Yang and Wuji; Black, white and grey. Void of color, of contrast, hues. Rainbows were dull and sad; he was in a constantly cloudy and foggy world, dampened and flooded with gloomy shadows. Yifan could only imagine Luhan had dreams in black and white. Did he dream of color, perhaps? If he did, did it scare him, confuse him? Did he finally see a glimpse of how his flowers truly appeared? Yifan shook his head, and walked on, slowly to make sure Luhan didn't become disoriented or anything.

"I'm Yifan, Wu Yifan. You can call me Kris, though," Yifan said, fingers ghosting along the stem of the flower. "I'm a painter and I live alone. Well, used to. You'll be staying with me from now on, okay? I'll get you flowers so you'll be comfortable, how does that sound?" Yifan gave Luhan a small smile, an attempt to assure everything will be nice, though he couldn't promise it. Life had its wicked way of handling things. Yifan then wondered something, something the paper didn't detail..

"Luhan.. Do you have a favorite food?"
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: LuHan's pale fingers hung empty as Yifan took the flower from him, and with his teeth sinking into the pink flesh of his bottom lip, he batted his blue eyes at the other, flitting worriedly over his plant. He hoped the other could help him make it well again, maybe there was some kind of flower doctor that could make it better... LuHan begged for anything, as the last few grains of soil skipped from his fingers pads and onto the white of his clothes.

He trusted the other with the flier for some reason, because looking up at this large, pale haired male he looked rather...solid. Well built and statued like the shelves that he trusted his flowers on and so he left the same faith in Yifan, looking up at him like a hopeless child with a broken doll.

"Lu Han...." the blonde repeated it gently, tasting it on his tongue as he tried to grasp the meaning. He knew that it meant deer, morning deer in fact; it came thoroughly when the pumped the language into him as a fully edited probe, but alas when they'd pulled the plug on his learning program when they'd discovered the colour was gone from his sight, he hadn't Ben taught much that wasn't necessary, and sadly "deer" wasn't a word that came early on in the schedule. He didn't know what it meant...

"D-deer? What is deer?" he frowned gently in thought, trying to discover directly what the other has been trying to intend. LuHan was a name, a Chinese one. But he didn't understand why it was being directed at him, his name was 619... Wasn't it? " LuHan me?" he stuttered gently, glancing up at the other for a moment before growing self-conscious of his eyes again, and he turned away.


The door, the were finally going out? Was that even supposed to happen? He didn't know, but not wanting to disobey the visitor, he nodded timidly and crept over, peering out. A glance left, a glance right. Anther peer around the whole strange, and incredibly new perspective and LuHan squished his eyes closed, moving his feet together as he jumped through the door way.

It was a big step for him, he'd never left the room before and e had no idea what passing through the door would be like, and so peeling an eye open he glanced around again, still crouched and wary. His world was backwards, he was finally seeing his room from the outside in, and it was very strange for the boy who was surrounded by flowers. He straightened, glancing around and gazing curiously at the hallway around him before his gaze once again fell to his window and what he was supposedly leaving behind.

And the sticker.

"D-Defective?" so that's what it had always read, that's what turned people away. He really was broken, just like he thought all along. But still LuHan, was confused as to why, he didn't know what was wrong with him, because all his conditions had been something he'd had for as long as he could remember. He couldn't remember, and so the greyscale was something he accepted as reality, as something everyone else saw as well.

He thought maybe it was because he didn't know what "deer" was.

It was at this point that LuHan realised he had been staring for a /little/ too long and he quickly turned and bolted to catch up with Yifan, his hair somehow not flirting askew as he flew through the wind and slowed slightly behind the other in a programmed, obedient manner. The questions were obviously directed towards him, so frowning in thought, he did his best to decipher the answers.

"How old...." LuHan's fingers counted as he tried to recall how long he had been here, how many time the light in his rooms automatically flicked on, and then off again. It was too many too count, and his frown grew. He didn't know where he came from either, he assumed it was from here because that was all he could recall. He sighed gently shaking his head. "I-I'm sorry.... I don't know..."
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: Yifan watched the boy with mixed eyes, scattered emotions, blurred feelings. He had ran away from, scurried away like a frightened bunny trying to get back to its den and it kind of made him mad, sad. Yifan began to wonder if he'd be in this facility for most of his life, or had anything previous to his stay wiped away. Yifan tilted his head a little, observing the boy as he went to get a flower pot with a withering flower; a snow drop. It was in soil unlike the others, but it was dying from the lack of sunlight.

Artificial light did nothing.

Yifan gently took the flower pot from him, holding it carefully in order to assure him he wouldn't drop it or anything. The edges were crisping, but there wasn't anything a little TLC couldn't fix, and Yifan was determined to bring a smile upon the boy's face. Yifan got a good look at him now that he was closer and smiled a little, corners of his mouth curving gently. He looked like a deer, a pretty eyed, timid deer that cared for the nature surrounding him. From the few syllables he caught, Yifan could tell he had a smooth voice. He looked like.. Like a..

"Lu Han," Yifan husked, gently the dying petals of the flower, "You look like a deer."

Yifan turned to the door again and gestured towards it. He didn't want to be in here any longer and he didn't want the other to be as well, but he was worried. Had he been outside lately? Would he react badly to the sun, the environment, the noise? Yifan bit his lip, but he had to take the risk, he had to get him out, needed to get him out, so he did. Yifan went first, obviously, and he carried the flower with him, holding it safely to his chest. But, as he walked, something dawned on him..

He was already on a low budget, how could he possibly afford to have another with him? He had taken this kid up without thinking about expenses, but he wasn't about to just dump him back in there. Maybe he could dig into the savings he had.. Yifan shook off those thoughts; he'd save them for another time.

As they walked, and neared the exit, Yifan decided to speak. Sure, the papers answered some questions, but he wanted to know what this boy knew, or didn't know. He bit his lip and looked back at him. "So.. Do you know how old you are? Maybe where you came from?"

(It's so ty.. /cries, curls up)
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: {soundtrack; Juniel - Illa Illa}

"619, 619, 619", repeating it over and over like the name of a new flower, LuHan pounded the sequence into his head with verbal force; just like he would with a new type of flower he had received. He hummed it, he sung it, mumbled and repeated, until suddenly the lull of chinese syllables suddenly dropped short, fading into silence as the door of his room swung open.

A small noise was made as LuHan dropped the daisy he had been toying with, hiding with in the corner but now that the....awfully tall male had stepped inside, there was nowhere LuHan could hide and it scared him. He backed away slowly, scampering until his back hit the wall. Something was wrong, something was different. No one ever came in here at this time, on this day. And especially not people like him. So like a mouse LuHan fled, his fingers crushing a petal he still held between his fingers.

"M-My name..." he stuttered back quietly, eyes grazing anywhere but the foreign figure in front of him. "'s 619 right? I-is it not a proper name....Is it cause I'm broken..." he trailed of gently, his head hanging in almost shame. There was something wrong with him. He knew it, something about that sticker that everyone always stared at. There was something wrong with him and this hadn't happened before for that very reason.

He was /broken/.

"W-were going out? I'm going out..." LuHan didn't grasp it, was he really? He didn't understand. He wasn't supposed to go out was he.... His mind quickly flew to flowers again however and pouting he glanced around, trying to decide which were his favourite. But however he soon quickly remembered something and shuffled over to a shelf, hands clasping delicately around a pot. It was the only one he had with soil in it, and he touched the brown sustance quickly like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Because it was. His face soon fell though, his eyes cumpling sadly.

"It's wilting......theres no sunlight" LuHan wanted to cry, his only actual plant was dying, and all because he couldn't fulfil its needs. He pouted and looked over at Yifan, folding out the small snow drop plant out for the other to see, and sure enough the edges of the crisp white plant were wrinkling, much to LuHan's dismay.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: Yifan waited for the man to come back, cringing at the stack of papers. He was sure even a certified human registry wouldn't have this much paperwork handily ready to be shown to the public eye. Yifan was sure these pages just contained information about the boy, who he was, what happened, why he was a defect. This was one time Yifan didn't just click 'I accept' to the terms and conditions without reading them because he didn't have time. No, he read the pages over but was eventually forced to stop, because he had to look at boy behind the glass. He was a grown man, older than Yifan himself, but had the delicate appearance of a young teen. His eyes, however, were modified, Yifan could tell that, but he didn't know the man was ripped of the ability to see color.

He lived in a grey-scale world, surrounded by flowers of beautiful colors that he could only see in various shades /grey/.

Yifan felt a bit enraged at this. They trapped him in a room and the boy was quite timid, so he suspected he didn't leave the room much, if at all. This was their fault, but he had to suffer for their persistent tampering of his eyes just so they could make a quick buck off of selling a human.

Bastards. Sick Bastards.

Yifan fixed his face, turned, and smiled at the man before taking the papers. He held them with a firm hand, fingers digging into the crisp paper to the point he nearly crumpled it but he lifted the pressure just before then. He watched the man unlock the door and open it, the smell of fresh flowers wafting into the corridor almost instantly. Yifan gave him a small nod before walking into the room, past morning glories, lavenders and daffodils, a vase of rainbow roses, more modified things that made Yifan's heart clench. He looked down at the paper for the man's name, but all he saw was 'Model 619'.

"That can't be your name.." Yifan muttered, looking back towards the door for the worker, but he was long gone. Yifan sighed, flipped a few pages, and saw that he was of Chinese descent like himself. He'd have to name the boy himself. Yifan decided to leave it until they got into a more comfortable atmosphere, teeth at the air. "For now we'll use this name they've given you. When we get to my place, we can give you a proper name, okay?"

Yifan spoke in Mandarin, assuming the other could speak it too. He held out his hand for a moment, slowly drawing it back since he wasn't sure if the other was used to contact with others. Shaking his head, Yifan gave him a smile and walked towards the door, opening it wide for him, and looked aroudn the room.

"Do you want to take any flowers with you?"
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: Silent. Submissive. That was what LuHan believed he should be; that was what he was programmed to be. And that was what he had discovered over his time here, was the behaviour that kept him out of trouble and his flowers replenished. He never spoke much, he didn't call out and bang the window, he didn't ask why he was in here, or when he would leave; if ever. He would merely bow when they brought new flowers and take them, asking what type they were...and what colour.

It was strange how the men never answered him, LuHan was polite and generally curious. He just wanted to learnt to distinguish the shades of gray he saw, as he'd never been taught what they were called. But he would just get a frown of disugust before the door closed again, disappearing into the wall. He never persisted, just sighed, and went to put the flowers amongst the others.

Now, LuHan was punsishing himself, for drifting towards the window, for meeting, for observing. He wasn't allowed to do that, he belonged behind the glass, hidden in the flowers. Or at least that's what he had been told. And he believed it. So standing in the corner that made his vision fade to nothing but a pastel grey, he stood there in the shadow, hiding his eyes, hiding his face. Just generally hiding because the new person was different, and it scared him.

The knock on the window didn't seem to help, and jerking around LuHan's eyes were wide. "F-free?" he repeated the word softly because he didn't understand. Squinting gently before sighing and hanging his head eyes fluttering closed.

They were bringing his papers, everything about him that had been recently listed. His number, his defects, when his learning frame had been cut and his before and after edit profiles. There were quite a few pages to it and standing on his toes, LuHan tried to get a better look. He couldnt see much except for the bold letters on the top. "Model 619" LuHan smiled gently before the sceintist caught sight of him and with a squeak he hid behind behind his flowers again.

But he was happy. He knew his name.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: Yifan watched the boy, or so he assumed it was a boy, venture towards the glass slowly. The flowers, in their intricate arrangements, seemed to be the perfect compliment for his body, his face, a professional photoshoot prop the model had to pose with. But this boy didn't need to pose; the flowers were like natural accessories to this entity and Kris couldn't help but feel amazed.

It was a sight to behold, Yifan declared mentally, when the blonde boy with striking crystal blue eyes stood directly in front of him, only separated by the glass. The hand he put up was delicate and Yifan could only imagine how soft it was. Like the flowers surrounding the housed boy, Yifan assumed he was delicate and maybe his touches felt like fleeting butterfly kisses. It all ended too soon and Yifan felt disappointed when his closed his eyes. Then he saw it, bright red letters.

"Defective?" Yifan mumbled to himself, brows knitting together. Why was a human labeled? Yifan whipped around, now aware of where he had walked into. He recognized it by only the stalling whispers of his customers, a place where genetically modified humans were placed. Defects. Ones their masters didn't want anymore. Some scattered broken ones. They were all here for people who weren't wealthy enough to have their own human modified.

Cringing, Yifan looked back into the room to see that the boy had retreated to a corner and he could only imagine what had happened. But who would disown such a pretty boy? Yifan chewed the flesh of his bottom lip and looked at the door, possibly something to refer to, but couldn't find anything. It's as if they didn't want him out, didn't want the world to know he existed because he was labeled as defective. As Yifan was trying to dissect any information from the room, he heard someone yell incoherently a few paces behind him.

"Hey, what are you doing here, you're not supposed t-" Yifan put his finger to his lips, silencing the man, and pointed to the room behind him.

"That boy in there.. Can I take him with me?" Yifan preferred to get straight to the point on this matter, seeing it in the vision of being a desperate situation. The man sputtered for a moment before signing, crossing his arms.

"He's a defect; not really for sa-" Yifan covered the man's mouth. He didn't want to hear that word.

"Then let me take him off of your hands," he scowled. "No use keeping a defect, right?" The word itself rolled off of his tongue acidly and Yifan mentally chided himself for using it. The man thought about it with a rolling hum and Yifan was just about ready to knock him into answering faster when he nodded. Yifan sighed and, with a small smile, walked back up to the window. He knocked on the glass gently and whispered the words, "I'm going to set you free."

Now he just had to find a good flower store.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: A shadow, then a breath. A whisper.....Luhan's form almost trembled as he heard a deep voice sink through the glass panel of his front wall. His fingers brushed lazily across a hydranea as he stared into the swirl of grey, searching for some kind of comfort. An explanation...a reaction. He had enver experienced another style of human brushing past his window in all of his memories. He had no thought of how he should react.

As LuHan gathered the courage to glance up again, he caught the slight twitch of the other lips and could only tilt his head. A smile. Sure, he knew what one of them was; but no one had ever given one around him before.. It drew him closer, like a puppy to new smell and all too soon he was standing in a striking manner right before the stanger.

He came further up the glass than anyone he had ever seen before, and he was also the only person he had seen with hair that was a similar pale to his, maybe somewhat just a little darker. His eyes didn't glow though. That was something LuHan still had over him.

All though his finger shook, the blonde's timid hand rose a little and carefully he ignored the wave, his hand moving upward and forwards until his fingers pressed against the glass, right where Kris's face would have been. His finger brushed, blue eyes blinking as his head tilted in a curious manner. He was quick to pull his hand back however and close his eyes. Once again retreating to his corner for an unknown reason.

(I can't write today omg...this is somewhat better I guess.)
Tre [A] 10 years ago
LernTuSpeel: Wu Yifan was a painter, though rather low budget, but a painter nonetheless. He took pride in his work, even if it didn't sell all of the time. He'd hang it with the others, stack them along the alabaster walls in a neat pile when they got dusty on display. But, Yifan always felt there was something missing, as if each painting or colored vase had a hole in their vital cores. Was it the paint he was using? His technique? His style, perhaps?

It confused him and sometimes he would mimic the expressions he saw his seldom customers make, the way they tilted their heads at obscene angles. How they examined his color scheme, how they dissected every . The 'hmm's' and 'ahh's' they'd breathe out before dismissing the painted canvas. Yifan has learned to not watch them, because he's starting to feel grey hairs sprouting and he's much too young for those.

Today he's out traveling, soaking up inspiration and ideas through the dew in the morning air, the breaths of the butterflies, the songs of the flora. He encases himself in the scenery and closes his eyes, letting his feet lead the way because people automatically avoid him lest they want to be stepped on.

Then the inspiration shifts and Yifan opens his eyes to see he's in unfamiliar grounds. As he wonders how he ended up here, his legs continue on to their destination which may very well be the ends of the earth. Then the smell of flowers hits him again and his legs put on the brakes in front of a window. There are flowers in vases littering the room in their own symphony, belting out colorful lyrics and Yifan smiles a little. So he steps closer.

And sees beautiful, mesmerising crystal blue. He's entranced, pulled in by the beauty of those eyes; in and out. He gives a small, delicate wave and mouths a, "Hello." through the glass.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Channie: Defective. No one had ever seen past that sign. Printed neatly on a shiny white sticker, the red letters had changed LuHan's life more than he had ever imagined. After all his years locked up here...well he assumed it had been years, the only people to have ever walked past his window had been harsh men in white coats, their stares tranced on the ground and their faces shaved clean of emotion. LuHan only opened his eyes long enough to make sure that no one new was strutting past, and then he simply fluttered them closed again, hiding in his flowers until the presence made away.

He knew something was wrong with his eyes.
He knew that the scientists were ashamed of him for some reason. And he didn't want them to have to see him for no reason.

Flowers were LuHan's comfort, they smelt nice, and all their different shapes and textures seemed to entice him as if they were something familiar. As if they could colour his world. He looked after the plants as best he could, but with only vases and limited water; they didn't last long without sunlight. LuHan may have not known everything a normal GMH did. But he knew what flower needed to live....and he knew he couldn't supply it. Somehow he tried to gather the courage to ask a scientist who went past if they could instal a skylight or something. But he always shyed away in a blink of cyrstal blue.

It was one particular morning that a person walked down the hallway, and instantly LuHan knew they were someone different. Just by their way their footsteps were landed showed that the person didn't think they should be there.

Peeking out from behind his daffodils, LuHan was surpsised to see a stranger coming down the hallway and holding in breath he closed his eyes, the greys fading to black as he shuffled further behind his flowers.

Wh-What was he doing here?


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