The Roleplay Wishlist

1. Petals and Perfection
2. Phoenix Down
3. A Nameless Story (kaisoo)
4. Melted (Gongkai)
5. Chanhun + Kids
6. Baektao
7.  Butterfly Sprites
8. Chanhun Alternate Verse
9. Yixing & The Vampuppies
10. Kyunghun




- dragon sub jongin
- vampire butler baek

Channie [A] 9 years ago
@Tre I thought you might. Hence I placed it here~

Like faceclaim?
I dunno haha. You pick. whoever you want with kyung.
Depends on the personality too. Kyungsoo really won't have any of it at first. So whether you want a bouncy puppy to be a clingy or like a cold stoic wolf who's like snap and the danger is gone and Kyungsoo can go all swoony.
I dunno.
Take your pick haha.

I'm not sure if I want to do this first or third either honestly.
It seems like a first cause it's actiony, like Chanhun. So /shrugs
Yet again. I don't mind~
Tre [A] 9 years ago
I want ittt. Because I'm selfish, you know that.
And it sounds cute. Who was going to be the wolf? Like, character wise.
Channie [A] 9 years ago
It's just a plot haha. I'll put in our Wishlist. And if you don't want to claim it, I'll put in a blog post for people to come and claim xD
But yes, this has been my baby for the last few days I'm so excited.
Tre [A] 9 years ago
You should totally make that a rp. It's a cool idea.
Channie [A] 9 years ago
I hereby title it, dance of the butterfly sprite.
Channie [A] 9 years ago
I didn't finish the werewolf oops
Doesn't matter
We've done plenty of wolves
Channie [A] 9 years ago

- Usually shy and timid, startle easily. Can also be a little gullible and very kind.
- Can shift between two forms, one the size of a regular human, the other small enough so his butterfly wings are the size of a normal butterfly's.
- Wings sometimes make a twinkling noise when moved or bumped.
- Live off the nectar of flowers, they usually shrink to eat it.
- Susceptible to cold weather.
- Migrate south for the winter to avoid the snow, cold weather and to keep with food sources. They also mate at this time.
- Mating begins with firstly the two butterflies flying around each other in a beautiful kind of dance; swirling, dropping, swooping.. Then, the sub will dart off, running away. The dom's job is then to catch the other and when this happens, they will mate.
- Butterfly sprites are have part of their skin decorated by the same colour as their wings such as around their eyes, the tips of their fingers or the chests of males.

- Strong, overly protective, usually obedient, can be a little quick to fight as opposed to talk. Often hard headed and stubborn.
- Come in a range of colours and patterns,

Kyungsoo was recently involved in an incident involving a bird, his fellow butterfly sprites managed to get him to hospital but... As much as his other injuries was healed, the bird had torn a large chunk out his wing, leaving him now permanently unable to fly.

He was all healed now, as much as he could be but his mental health was in no such condition. Flying was a huge part of the butterfly sprite way or life, and without hit not only was he mentally shattered, but in danger. There were many dangers on the ground of the sprites, and without being able to fly... Kyungsoo was at a huge risk.

So, the doctors decide that to keep him safe whilst he gets on his feet, and to give him someone to lean on whilst he recovers, Kyungsoo was assigned a wolf companion for one year.

Kyungsoo was reluctant at first, he didn't like being in the ground, he didn't like this strange stoic wolf following him around and he didn't like the fact winter was creeping ever closer. It however, did change a little when the wolf did save him from having his other wing torn apart and slowly Kyungsoo comes to know him a little more and together, they bark on the dangerous journey to migrate via land, facing many obstacles in their path and growing closer along the way.

However, the biggest challenge of all, maybe be letting each other go when the year comes to an end.
Channie [A] 9 years ago
I have another plot I want to do
/shoves brave out the way for it.
[post deleted by owner]
Channie [A] 9 years ago
Snow boarder wise I dont know much plot, either theyre both snowboarders or maybe Kai is and xiumin isnt, and kai gives up snowboarding the live in the city with his boyfriend and xiumins like nuuuuu follow your dreams i dunno ill work on it
Channie [A] 9 years ago
we have so many plots what are we going to do~
Tre [A] 9 years ago
Ooh, that sounds cool!
I think I have an idea. Or ideas.. One is..
I dunno.

Someone could be either a man-made experiment on a human gone wrong or son of a made up God. Either way, the kid's a blood manipulator. Kinda like water bending from Avatar. Or blood bending. Whichever. He's mean and nasty. Breaks out of the experiment facility, goes missing. He's 13 at that point. Years later, the other person finds a homeless kid in the park and takes him in because he's nice or has a thing for homeless people. Who knows. Blood bender's wary, but doesn't kill him. He has some manners programmed into him. I guess the other kid could be bullied a lot? The experiment kid could hurt, torture or kill whoever's mean to his one and only friend.
Not sure where it goes from there.

Then I have a sorta X-men/Ender's Game/Hunger Games hybrid plot. Because that Jongin I made last night put it in my head.
Channie [A] 9 years ago
i have an urge for xiukai snowboarders >.<
Channie [A] 10 years ago
kyungsoo as a tron fighter, new favourite artist yes
Channie [A] 10 years ago
omfffffffffffg i found a fanart of Chanyeol as Merida?!?!?!
I have been imagining this for ages.
I have to do the archer plot now
yep yepe yep

Baekhyun as hiccup is highly amusing too heh
Channie [A] 10 years ago
dunno dunnnoooo~
they may just count as one i dont know, we'll just leave that hanging.
i found another fanfic inspiration too.... its like... basically drug themed but i like how she did the kaisoo heh
Tre [A] 10 years ago
I want to rp someone to be a dancing violinist like Lindsey Stirling. Maybe Minseok.. He can be mute and can only write music. I have no idea what to do with it after that.
As for Kyunghun, I'm not sure what we planned for them.. But do we want to fill up our slots with the kid rps right now?
Channie [A] 10 years ago
I also need to think about Kyunghun... do we have a plot more than just them raising the pups? /rolls
Channie [A] 10 years ago
i have to add the chanhun kids though.. but i think they all count as the one chanhun...
Channie [A] 10 years ago
@Tre hahaha rightio, i kinda mini-spammed the list so it didnt look empty
but hey
look at all our free slots
Tre [A] 10 years ago
After watching Dark Horse, I got a plot idea.
I'll put it up later.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
we can make the wishlist and see if there's any we really want to do hehehe
Channie [A] 10 years ago
@Tre No you go ahead Im terrible at things like that LOL

oooooooooooh really?
/flails because new paras
Tre [A] 10 years ago
You know, we really only have 7 active paras.
It's under our limit of 10, so we could add more if you want?
I didn't count the ChanHun and BaekTao since we're doing those in the RP.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Yay! Okay, I'll make it.
Or do you want to?
Channie [A] 10 years ago
@Tre ooooh thats a clever idea! We could definitely do that hehe
Tre [A] 10 years ago
Should we also make a checklist? To like see who needs to reply to what? And if there's a change we can put a symbol or something on it to indicate it?
Channie [A] 10 years ago
@Tre woooh sounds fun hehehe

and yeah!
Cause we put a cap on ten... but in the meantime, we forget the other ten. haha XD
Tre [A] 10 years ago
And instead, Minseok will be the transfer student and Luhan the resident badass who has to mentor him. Language barrier thing is still there, and since they both sing and dance, that stays too.
Tre [A] 10 years ago
You're a genius.
I decided to change that KaiXing oneshot I had to a XiuHan one.
Because.. Well, XiuHan.


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